Message: 2
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2020 10:19:26 -0600
From: Grant Wise <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: API Frames in Serial_Write
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
I am attempting to write commands to an Xbee module through serial in
Octave. Problem is, to communicate this xbee needs to receive an API packet
(a vector of Hex values). Matlab appears to have a solution for this, see:
However, it appears that srl_write will not accept vectors. Any
suggestions? Below is my code:
pkg load instrument-control
if (exist("serial") != 3)
disp("No serial support")
s1 = serial("COM4")
set(s1, 'baudrate', 115200);
set(s1, 'bytesize', 8);
set(s1, 'parity', 'n');
set(s1, 'stopbits', 1);
set(s1, 'timeout', 123);
frame(1,:) = '7E'; % Frame Class Name
for reading only
frame(2,:) = '00'; % length 1
frame(3,:) = '10'; % length 2
frame(4:5,:) = ['10';'01']; % type & ID
frame(6:13,:) = ['00';'13';'A2';'00';'41';'95';'83';'04']; %64bit address
frame(14:15,:) = ['FF';'FE']; %16bit address
frame(16,:) = '00';
frame(17,:) = '00';
frame(18:19,:) = ['48';'69']; %data
frame(20,:) = '2E'; %sum
frame = hex2dec(frame)
ts = srl_write(s1, frame) %error -> Invalid call to srl_write.
%fwrite(s1, frame, 'uint8') <- this didnt work either
Thanks for the help.
Grant Wise
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