> Hi Kai,
> Thank you for your reply, I am on windows 10 and I use the Octave 5.2.0
> version a so far as I an aware I didn't use a graphics_toolkit () unless
> there is a default one. My data was recorded with a sampling rate of 10
> Hz over 240 min so with a lot of datapoints. I attached the file I used.
> To plot I did:
> load RS52.txt;
> x = RS52(:,1);
> y = RS52(:,2);
> plot(x, y, "color", [0, 0.45, 0], "linewidth", 3);
> Regards,
> Steve
> Thank you for the details. Please keep the mailing list in the CC, so
> others may benefit from our conversation as well and answer at the
> bottom of the email (bottom-posting [1]) to facilitate our conversation.
> In my MS Windows 10 virtual machine I could reproduce your problem, not
> on Linux. It seems like this is related to bug #54554 [2]? Because
> where there are many data points, the green line becomes more light
> green (invisible elements?).
> HTH,
> Kai
> [1]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style#Bottom-posting> [2]
Thanks, I eventually found the page mentioning bug
#54554 and I believe I encounter the same issue which is, as you said, caused by the large number of data points.
I followed the advice given and renamed the opengl32.dll file and it solved the problem.
Thanks for you help,