On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 11:57 AM Colin Macdonald <
address@hidden> wrote:
On 2020-03-11 3:52 p.m., Nicholas Jankowski wrote:
> I see it in the news that the default python interpreter is now python3.
> I have python 3.7.0 installed on my windows system (using default
> install parameters), my understanding is that the default configuration
> system call is just 'python':
what OS are you on? I believe the Python community recommends the
binary be called "python3".
At least on Fedora, there was quite an effort to not have software
calling "python" but rather specify python2 or python3...
Windows 10. Used the vanilla Python installer for 3.7. realize stable is now 3.9.1 but I'm on a managed system so I'm out of date .not sure if that change was made for windows.