Oh, ok, I haven't done much with eigenvalues of complex matrices, but that makes sense. I don't have any particular behind the scenes knowledge of the QZ algorithm, or what the LAPACK function that (I assume) octave uses to perform the heavy lifting of this, but just making a couple small random complex matrices, it seems that it rotates the complex eigenvectors so that the entry with the largest magnitude is real. So, just to check on a larger data set, I ran the following code, which seems to indicate this is the case, i.e. in all 100 trials, the largest magnitude element in each eigenvector was real.
Hope this helps.
for ii = 1:100,
A = rand(3,3)+j*rand(3,3);
[v, lambda] = eig(A);
[a, indices] = max(abs(v));
for jj = 1:3
if isreal(v(indices(jj), jj)) != 1