Dne 30. 03. 20 v 17:52 John Frain napsal(a):
> On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 13:33, Jeffrey Layton <address@hidden
> <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
> Good morning,
> Has anyone tried the instructions for using flatpack to install
> Ocatve 5.x on Ubuntu?
> https://askubuntu.com/questions/1135409/how-to-install-octave-5-on-ubuntu-18-04
> I'm curious what experience people have had.
> TIA!
> Jeff
> I have installed flatpak Octave 5.2 on two Mint 19.3 PCs following the
> instructions on flathub ( https://flathub.org/apps ). As Mint 19.3 is
> based on Ubuntu 18.4 you should not have any problems. I think that
> the flatpak infrastructure is already installed in the Mint
> distribution. https://itsfoss.com/flatpak-guide/ explains how to check
> if it is installed in your distribution and is it is not how to install
> it. It also gives details of the general use of flatpak.
I tried to compile packages not distributed in the flac, and logically
octave did not see development headers of the libraries required. The
flatpack distribution falls short due to this IMO important issue.
I have definitely installed packages using
pkg install -forge package_name
and I presumed that these came from octave forge. Are you telling me that such files come from the flatpak distribution? I have also used flatpak update. if I run pkg list now I get
>> pkg list
Package Name | Version | Installation directory
dataframe | 1.2.0 | /home/frainj/octave/dataframe-1.2.0
econometrics | 1.1.2 | /home/frainj/octave/econometrics-1.1.2
financial | 0.5.3 | /home/frainj/octave/financial-0.5.3
io *| 2.6.0 | /home/frainj/octave/io-2.6.0
optim | 1.6.0 | /home/frainj/octave/optim-1.6.0
statistics *| 1.4.1 | /home/frainj/octave/statistics-1.4.1
struct | 1.0.16 | /home/frainj/octave/struct-1.0.16
John C Frain, Ph.D.
Economics Department 3 Aranleigh Park
Trinity College Dublin Rathfarnham
College Green Dublin 14
Dublin 2 Ireland