On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 9:52 AM Jim Donoghue via Help-octave <
address@hidden> wrote:
Hi there.
I was wondering if you can help me. I’m a second year electronic engineering student in Ireland and part of the course is to use Mathlab in college. As the college is closed due to Covid19 we were instructed to install octave. I’m having an issue using the build in functions in octave that would normally work in Mathlab.
I have attached the problem that I am having. It is at the bottom of the page, where I am trying to find rms using a built in function. I’m getting an error with this (as seen in picture). Also I tried to install the package “signal” but also kept getting errors.
Thanks for reaching out. first a quick request, would you mind sharing the University that is doing this shift? Please pass along a request to your professor to reach out to this help list at any time, I'm sure people here would we willing to assist if he needs help with this transition.
Now to your problem - please copy and paste the inputs/outputs into emails as text not images, it's easier for people to help you that way. Long scripts can be attached as m files.
What operating system are you using? What version of octave do you have installed, and how did you install it.
what output do you get from:
>> pkg list
if you see the package listed, you have to first load it using
>> pkg load signal
if you don't see any packages listed, if you are running windows you can try:
>> pkg rebuild
what errors do you get when you try
>> pkg install -forge signal