This is what I have done now
x = {d = 3, e = 4, f = 5};
a = {g = 7, h = 2, i = 6};
b = {k = 8, l = 1, m = 9};
d = x(1,1);
e = x(1,2);
f = x(1,3);
g = a(1,1);
h = a(1,2);
i = a(1,3);
k = b(1,1);
i = b(1,2);
m = b(1,3);
y = input('enter a value: ');
case d
xpos ={d, h, m};
xneg ={k, h, f};
ss = input('enter cross value: ');
case g
xxpos = {g, h, d};
xxneg = {f, i, e};
ss = input('enter cross value: ');
if (ss = xpos && xxpos)
max = d+h;
min = g-f;
but now, I am getting these errors
enter a value: d
enter cross value: h
error: invalid conversion from cell array to logical value
error: called from
crossminmax at line 32 column 1
enter a value: d
error: binary operator '==' not implemented for 'cell' by 'scalar' operations
error: called from
crossminmax at line 16 column 1
Thank you! I changed cross variable name. Yes, switch y block input should match the output of cross block to obtain either xpos or xneg value. But, when I use 'd' its ignoring the case statement and skipping forward. Can I use If else condition? something similar to switch case statement though
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 2:14 AM Nicholas Jankowski <
address@hidden> wrote:
I am trying to use multiple cases for a math operation using case{..,..} as
per octave reference. But unfortunately I am getting an error
'enter a value: d
enter cross value: h
error: 'xxpos' undefined near line 24 column 13
error: called from
crossminmax at line 22 column 1'
I've had some trouble even trying to recreate your error.
1 - did you define some values for d, etc, outside of what you showed? because if I run your script from a clean workspace i get:
enter a value: d
error: 'd' undefined near line 1 column 1
error: called from
casetest at line 3 column 3
i notice some other things. You use cross as a variable name, but it is the name of a function for performing a vector cross product. so if the first switch doesn't set a value to overwrite the meaning of cross, you get an error calling the switch(cross) line.
do you mean for your switch(y) block to match the letter input d or g? in that case you need it to be defined as a character with quotation marks, 'd', or "d". Of course, then it's not clear what values will be going into xpos or xxpos.
look at the help for switch with: >> help switch
Harish KumarM: +91 9488309620, Whatsapp: +91 9944308505
E: address@hidden
A:15/36, Ramanna Layout 2, Bharathi Park Road 2,
Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore -641 043. Tamil Nadu, India
Harish KumarM: +91 9488309620, Whatsapp: +91 9944308505
E: address@hidden
A:15/36, Ramanna Layout 2, Bharathi Park Road 2,
Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore -641 043. Tamil Nadu, India
Hi Harish,
Please use bottom posting in this thread.
The issue you're facing is that you're using a cell array (i.e. xpos is a cell array) in your if statement, so it can't convert a cell array to a logical value (true or false) to decide whether to execute the if or else part of that statement. I'm really unclear about what the intent of your code is, especially since you redefine variables before doing anything with them. For example, in your first statement x = ..., what that does is assign the values of d to 3, e to 4, and f to 5, then makes a cell array out of those values. But then, you redefine d on line 5 to be equal to a 1x1 cell array of which contains the value 3.
Also, in your if statement, you're setting ss equal to the variable xpos? I don't know what you intend here. Do you mean to ask if the number the user entered is one of the values in your cell array xpos? I don't think you're getting anything out of using cell arrays like this. I'd suggest something more like:
A = [3 4 5; 7 2 6; 8 1 9];
d = A(1,1);
g = A(2,1);
y = input('enter a value: ');
switch (y)
case d
xpos = [A(1,3) A(2,2) A(3,1)]
xneg = [A(3,1) A(2,2) A(1,3)]
case g
xxpos = [A(1,1) A(2,1) A(2,2)]
xxneg = [A(1,1) A(2,1) A(2,2)]
Will get you most of the way there, I think. And, IMO, its a lot more straight forward.
Hope this helps,
James Sherman