From: | Steph Bredenhann |
Subject: | Re: nonlin_min function |
Date: | Mon, 6 Apr 2020 07:49:28 +0200 |
User-agent: | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.4.1 |
On 2020/04/06 04:42, Kai Torben Ohlhus wrote:
On 4/5/20 9:59 PM, Steph Bredenhann wrote:I'll appreciate some help with the nonlin_min function My code is as follows and the objective function is included as a separate file. My problem is that GPL_x, the column vector of unknowns to be solved is returned as GPL_x0, the seed values. % initialise the GPL parameters GPL_x = [0; 0; 0]; % in order D0 D1 m% the first estimate of model parameters% in the GPL model D(t) = D0 + D1*(t)^m GPL_D0 = 0.0006; %0.000626249601623718; GPL_D1 = 0.0001; %0.000107587010307332; GPL_m = 0.3 %0.312356329396664;% D_test = fn_GPL_model (GPL_D0, GPL_D1, GPL_m, BBR_tr) GPL_D = BBR_D(1,:);GPL_tr = BBR_tr(1,:); for ii = 2 : rows(BBR_D) GPL_D = [GPL_D, BBR_D(ii,:)]; GPL_tr = [GPL_tr, BBR_tr(ii,:)]; endforfun_GPL = @(GPL_x)fn_BBR_GPL_RMSE (GPL_x, GPL_D, GPL_tr);%GPL_x0_lb = [1000.0; 1.0e6; 0.1; 0.0]; %GPL_x0_ub = [3000.0; 4.0e6; 0.9; 1.0]; GPL_x0 = [GPL_D0; GPL_D1; GPL_m]; [GPL_x, GPL_RMSE, cvg, outp] =... nonlin_min(fun_GPL, GPL_x0); GPL_D0 = GPL_x(1); GPL_D1 = GPL_x(2); GPL_m = GPL_x(3);I'll appreciate some advice, thank you very much.-- */Steph Bredenhann/*Dear Steph Bredenhann, In your code, the variables "BBR_D" and "BBR_tr" are not defined. Please, can you send a minimal working example to reproduce your problem? Kai
Dear KaiThe variables are as follows, and please note that the values after % for GPL_Do, etc are the values as calculated with Excel SOLVE function:
BBR_S = 120.272 93.782 69.465 49.861 34.546 22.970 276.088 230.073 185.954 145.986 111.780 83.573 550.313 483.285 414.183 347.850 286.163 228.998 720.538 671.688 605.032 547.171 480.848 415.814 1006.866 947.639 886.043 822.754 739.724 667.029 BBR_D = 1./BBR_S >> BBR_D BBR_D =0.00831449 0.01066299 0.01439580 0.02005593 0.02894722 0.04353450 0.00362203 0.00434644 0.00537768 0.00684999 0.00894616 0.01196564 0.00181715 0.00206917 0.00241439 0.00287480 0.00349451 0.00436684 0.00138785 0.00148879 0.00165280 0.00182758 0.00207966 0.00240492 0.00099318 0.00105525 0.00112861 0.00121543 0.00135186 0.00149918
>> BBR_tr BBR_tr =434631.32360 814933.73175 1629867.46349 3259734.92699 6519469.85398 13038939.70796 29101.54173 54565.39075 109130.78150 218261.56301 436523.12602 873046.25204 1565.26858 2934.87860 5869.75719 11739.51438 23479.02877 46958.05753 149.31155 279.95915 559.91830 1119.83659 2239.67319 4479.34638 8.00000 15.00000 30.00000 60.00000 120.00000 240.00000
>> -- Steph
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