D =1.1
ka =3;
z =10
km =3
I0 =1
xdot(1)= (-x(1).*(D)).+((umax.*((I0.*2.717^(-ka.*x(1)*z))./((I0.*(2.717^(-ka.*x(1)*z))).+km))).*x(1))
>> x0=[1;2];
>> t= linspace (0,50,100)';
>> x= lsode ("f",x0,t);
But error appears:
warning: lsode: passing function body as a string is obsolete; please use anonymous functions
error: 'f' undefined near line 1 column 43
error: lsode: evaluation of user-supplied function failed
error: called from
__lsode_fcn__to__ at line 1 column 41
Do you know what should I do for the anonymous function ???
And how I define “f" ???
I tried to look the script on Octave, but couldn’t understand it.
It would be nice if you show me some examples
Best regards
Tae hoon lee