On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 8:42 AM Leonardo via Help-octave <
address@hidden> wrote:
When a marker is used in a plot, the marker does not change its size (size compared to screen). Two questions:
1) is it possible to create a custom marker to be used in a plot? If yes, how?
2) let's say that I have a 2D-filled region, but if I zoom in/out, the region will be zoomed too. How could I keep the size of the region fixed compared to screen (like a maker that does not change its size)?
Marker properties are adjusted through
line properties, which can be set for example through plot:
h = plot(rand(3),"marker","o","markersize",20,"color","blue")
To scale it as you desire, just multiply the previous marker size by the factor by which you've zoomed in.