--Apple-Mail=_AEBB7B8F-5775-49CB-B581-8F78EE49F872 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 > Am 29.04.2020 um 15:18 schrieb Ian McCallion
: >=20 > On Tue, 28 Apr 2020 at 18:18, martin schatzmayr > wrote: > =20 >=20 > Gesendet von MailAm 29.04.2020= um 15:18 schrieb Ian McCallion <address@hidden>:On Tue, 28 Apr 2020 at 18:18, martin= schatzmayr <masch@utanet.= at> wrote:= u>
Gesendet von Mail f=C3=BCr Windows 10
Von: Ian McCallion
Gesendet: Tuesday, 28 April 2020 18:47
An: marti= n schatzmayr
Cc: Nicholas Jankowski; Help GNU Octave
Betreff:Re: parse error
On Tue, 28 Apr 2020 at 17= :30, martin schatzmayr <address@hidden> wrote:
= blockquote>
Gesendet von Mail f=C3=BCr Windows 10
Von: Ian McCall= ion
Gesendet: Tuesday, 28 April 2020 16:57
An: Nicholas Jankowsk= i
Cc:= martin schatzmayr; Hel= p GNU Octave
Betreff: Re: parse error
On Tuesday, 28 April 2020, Nicholas= Jankowski <address@hidden> wrote:<= /u>
Used b= uil-in-editor to create same code =E2=80=93 on running I had th= e same issue . When I open the file ami.m I see the expected code . I= have uninstalled octave and reinstalled it again ( octave 5.2.= 0 -w64-installer.exe) still no change=
Please always Reply All to keep the mailing list cop= ied.
So just to be clear, you have used= both notepad++ and the built-in Octave editor to create the same file, and= get the same non-ascii output from _both_ programs? But only after saving = the file? And if you open the same file in both programs you see the expect= ed code not the garbage characters I saw?
For notepad++, are you using the version that comes = with Octave or do you have another version installed?
If it does the same in both Notepad++ and also the Octave Edit= or, what happens if you try saving it in another program like the Windows N= otepad text editor? What happens when Octave tries to run it? What do you s= ee if you open a file saved in Octave's editor in Windows Notepad?
Within Octave, also confirming: if you type the text= , save it, and press F5 to run it, do you get the same error?=
= u>
Are you using any non-default Windows Language or Keyboard s= ettings?
Please zip and upload the file you created. That sho= uld ensure it is not codepage translated during the transfer and will allow= us to inspect it.
<= span lang=3D"en-AT" class=3D"">Cheers Ian= u>
<= u class=3D"">
<= span lang=3D"en-AT" class=3D"">I have created this file with the built-in-e= ditor of octave. As suggested the file is zipped
So the problem is codepage-= related. Please open a powershell window and type:
= [System.Text.Encoding]::Default
And tell us what you obtain.
= p>
That is = the output:
PS C:\Users\Martin Schatzmayr> [Sy= stem.Text.Encoding]::Default
IsSingleByte : True
BodyName &n= bsp; : iso-8859-1= u>
EncodingName : W= estern European (Windows)
HeaderName : Windo= ws-1252
WebNa= me : Windows-12= 52
WindowsCod= ePage : 1252
IsBrowserDisplay : True= u>
IsBrowserSave : True
IsMailNewsDisp= lay : True
Is= MailNewsSave : True= p>
EncoderFallback : System.Text.Internal= EncoderBestFitFallback
DecoderFallback : System.Text.InternalDecoderBestFitF= allback
IsRea= dOnly : True
CodePage &= nbsp; : 1252
This is identical to what I rece= ive, which suggests that in some circumstances Octave and notepad++ ed= itors choose the wrong encoding based on something else. Another possibly r= elevant internationalisation setting in windows is:Get-Win= SystemLocalewhic= h returns the LCID as defined in http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt= a>. I get this:<= font face=3D"monospace" class=3D""> LCID &n= bsp; Name DisplayName
---- ---- &nbs= p; -----------
2057 &n= bsp; en-GB English (United Kingdom= )Regarding how to get you = using Octave,:1.= Have you tried creating files using the windows notepad editor?2. Try copying and pasting from the Octave command window to the= editor window and saving as a .m file and running.Hoping something here is helpful!<= div class=3D"">Cheers... IanLast possibility