On Friday, 1 May 2020, John Frain <
address@hidden> wrote:
What happens if you run the non-gui version of Octave? I have encountered slow programs on several occasions due to a variety of problems unrelated to the programs. Possible problems might include
- Problems with Windows update. Perhaps an update that is repeatedly trying to install and failing.
- Problems syncing with a cloud provider. The program itself or another program may have a problem accessing some cloud service
- Various services running at startup may have encountered a problem. You can disable some of these that you do not want. You can also check start-up apps using START:Settings:apps:startup.
- Have you checked the event viewer? This may reveal some error that you may be able to research on the web or report here
5. Your hard disk is starting to fail. From my experience this can show up as an application
responding very slowly, because the system will retry reads from the affected area of the
disk many times before giving up. Try doing a
chkdsk /R
on the (non-SSD!) drive where octave is installed. If this fixes the problem it will only be a
temporary solution - replace the disk ASAP!
Cheers... Ian