On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 9:01 PM Nicholas Jankowski <
address@hidden> wrote:
Can you help me to solve this question:
Create ranges of values from one to ten and store in a variable called R1.
In R2, store non-integer values in the range of one to ten, with steps of
ok, I just walked my daughter through some of this as she's learning Octave/Matlab :)
Assuming you know the basics of 'storing values in a variable', you should learn how to use the colon ( : ) operator to specify a range.
see the Octave documentation page on Ranges:
it has examples for everything you should need to work through the problem.
You can check whether a value (say, x) is an integer with
if floor(x)==x
% Put your code here for what will happen with integer values
You can check all elements of R2 with a for loop:
for j=1:length
% Type your code here for what you want to do with element number j of the array R2
and lastly you can remove an element form an array by setting it to be empty:
% This code removes the kth element of R2
R2(k) = [];
With these three you have all the ingredients you need - can you solve it now?