On 5/19/20 4:48 AM, Khosravi, Nika wrote:
> Hi,
> I've installed Octave for using it on jupyter notebook. The octave
> kernel seems to be installed already but it does not work. In other
> words, the kernel is not executable.
> It keeps telling me that: Octave-cli not found!
> I found only one solution online : We require
> the |octave-cli| executable to run the kernel. Add that executable's
> directory to the |PATH| environment variable or use
> the |OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE| to point to the executable itself. Note that on
> Octave 5 on Windows, the executable is in |"Octave-5.x.x.x\mingw64\bin"|.
> I tried to add that executable's directory to the |PATH| environment
> variable but it did not work for me or I did not do it as I suppose to
> and I have no idea how to use the |OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE.|
> I would be very thankful if you could help me with this.
> Regards,
> Nika
If you start jupyter notebook from cmd.exe, you can type this
set OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE=C:\Octave\Octave-5.x.x.x\mingw64\bin\octave-cli.exe
before starting jupyter notebook. Otherwise, you can try to set
"octave-cli.exe" to your PATH environment variable and to create a new
environment variable OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE with the value above.