overwriting an existing file is much slower than creating a new one
Dmitri A. Sergatskov
overwriting an existing file is much slower than creating a new one
Fri, 5 Jun 2020 21:21:56 -0400
I just noticed that saving/overwriting into existing file is much slower
that creating a new one:
octave:1> xxx = repmat (ones(2000), [1,1,4,10]); octave:2> tic; save xxx1.oct xxx -binary; toc Elapsed time is 0.835598 seconds. octave:3> tic; save xxx1.oct xxx -binary; toc Elapsed time is 3.52093 seconds. octave:4> tic; save xxx1.oct xxx -binary; toc Elapsed time is 3.47683 seconds.
Does it have to be?
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overwriting an existing file is much slower than creating a new one,
Dmitri A. Sergatskov<=