thanks for your question.
The crashes are reproducible, they occur only on Windows, octave-gui.exe crashes most of the time during the command: Py_Initialize ().
There are two options:
* There is a bug in "octave-gui" that is effective only inside the windows variant
* There is a chance to improve octave-pythonic
After gdb told me, octave-gui is not built with the debug option, I thought it does not make sense with further investigations without a
debug-version of the octave-gui.
My hope is that someone in the mailing list can help me to get access to a debug-version of an octave-gui.
Is it possible to cross-compile only the "octave-gui.exe"?
Forgot to CC the mailing list. So here the same message again. Sorry for that:
Am 06. Juni 2020 um 22:39 Uhr schrieb "Stefan Pofahl"
> Hi Markus,
> thanks a lot for your response!. As you can read in my post:
> https://gitlab.com/mtmiller/octave-pythonic/-/issues/81
> I have managed to run "gdb".
That is a first step.
> The issue is, gdb tells me, octave-gui is not built with the debug option.
Those messages don't say that you won't be able to get any information at all. It just means that e.g. backtraces won't cite the source code and line for functions in Octave core. They should still contain the function names (even if they might be mangled).
Have you been able to reproduce the crash that you want to inspect while gdb was attached to Octave?
What did the backtrace look like?
> Therefore, I agree, it might be enough to have a DGB-version of octave-gui.exe.
> Could you help me with that?
I don't know what you mean by that. But I have a feeling that you are jumping ahead again.
Have you read the Wikipedia article? ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XY_problem - also available in other languages.)
We don't know yet if the crash occurs in core Octave or in some .oct file or in a third party library. So at the moment, there is no way to tell if it would make sense for you to recompile Octave without stripping symbols...
Stefan Pofahl
Zollgasse 5
8020 Graz
Tel.: +43 (316) 33 2001