On 6/24/20 3:28 PM, Samuel Doughty wrote:
> I've written a short script to use functions, and it does not run for me
> (it says the first function encountered is not defined). Any help would
> be appreciated. Here is my script:
> % TestFile1
> p=[1;2;3]
> q=[3;4;7]
> ssq=s2(q);
> [add,subt]=s1(p,q);
> function [sum,diff]=s1(a,b)
> print " Function s1 -- sum and difference"
> sum=a+b
> diff=a-b
> endfunction
> function sumsq=s2(a)
> print " Function s2 -- sum of squares"
> sumsq=a'*a
> endfunction
Hi Sam,
That's in Matlab format, where local functions go at the end of a
script. In Octave, functions inside a script need to come before they
are used.
Thank you Doug and Andrew.
When I move the function definitions to the beginning (right after the header line that reads %TestFile1.m), I still get errors, specifically --
warning: function name 's1' does not agree with function filename 'C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\Octave\Tests\TestFile1.m'
error: print: no figure to print
Evidently there is something more that I'm missing.