> > >
> > > I am Cristian Napole and I am thinking about setting up an engineering
> > company. I would like to know about the possibilities to become an Octave
> > agent since the initial step it would be to provide education services.
> >
> > My experience is nobody is interested in any kind of engineering work.
> > Spent six of my best years at University and are in doubt it was worth it,
> > especially as situation is right now.
> >
> As an engineer who knows hundreds of other engineers at various stages of
> their career in an array of fields both significantly and
> less-significantly impacted by current economic conditions, I'll choose to
> disagree with that blanket statement.
So far I am currently not impacted by current economic conditions but it have had a severe impact on possibility to do things on weekends, money is less useful. I also consider the years spent on university as lost, very few womans and nothing fun.
Octave is an open-source project and a volunteer-based effort. Similarly, this mailing list is all volunteers. To my knowledge, we do not have agents of any sort.
I am sorry to hear that you did not enjoy your time at a university. I would emphasize that the purpose of a university is education, not women. Those who enjoy learning, with social events as a secondary aspect of university life, are much more likely to enjoy universities.