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Re: [Help-smalltalk] Delay and fork

From: MSA or SJF
Subject: Re: [Help-smalltalk] Delay and fork
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 10:10:15 -0800 (PST)

Hmm... does what you expect for me, either pasting it
in, filing in from the command line, or filing into
the interpreter, for that matter. gst version 2.1g.


--- Stewart Stremler <address@hidden> wrote:
> I'm wondering if I have the wrong idiom, or if it's
> a case of You Can't
> Do That So Stop Trying.
> Here's the code fragment:
> [|delay| 
>   delay := Delay forSeconds: 10. 
>   delay wait. 
>  '10 seconds are up' displayNl.] fork. 
> 'No delay, just after fork.' displayNl. 
> (Delay forSeconds: 7) wait. 
> 'Seven seconds' displayNl. 
> (Delay forSeconds: 5) wait. 
> 'Okay' displayNl. 
> !
> If I paste it directly into the interpreter, it
> hangs,  but a 
> control-C will make it do the expected thing*.
> If I put that in a file and run it from the file, it
> hangs, and
> doesn't return.  A control-C exits the VM.
> [*] I expect the output to be:
> No delay, just after fork.
> Seven seconds
> 10 seconds are up
> Okay
> This is with GST version 2.1.10
> -S.
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