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[Help-smalltalk] RFH: comment some cairo files

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] RFH: comment some cairo files
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 13:38:32 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080213)

Hi guys, that's the only thing to do before committing the Cairo and libsdl bindings. If a kind soul is seeking good deeds, I attach them so you don't even have to get them with git.

|   CairoMatrix function declarations

| Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
| Written by Tony Garnock-Jones
| This file is part of the GNU Smalltalk class library.
| The GNU Smalltalk class library is free software; you can redistribute it
| and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
| as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at
| your option) any later version.
| The GNU Smalltalk class library is distributed in the hope that it will be
| useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| General Public License for more details.
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
| along with the GNU Smalltalk class library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
| If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
| 330, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  

CStruct subclass: #CairoMatrix
    declaration: #(
      (#xx #double)
      (#yx #double)
      (#xy #double)
      (#yy #double)
      (#x0 #double)
      (#y0 #double))
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: 'Cairo structs'! !

CairoMatrix extend [
    CairoMatrix class >> new [
        ^ super new addToBeFinalized

    finalize [
        self free.

    initIdentity [
        Cairo matrixInitIdentity: self.

    withPoint: point do: block [
        | ox oy |
        ox := CDouble value: point x.
        oy := CDouble value: point y.
            ^ block value:self value:ox value: oy
        ] ensure: [
            ox ifNotNil: [ :x | x free ].
            oy ifNotNil: [ :y | y free ]].

    copy [
        | shiny |
        shiny := CairoMatrix new.
        Cairo matrixInit: shiny 
              xx: self xx value
              yx: self yx value
              xy: self xy value
              yy: self yy value
              x0: self x0 value
              y0: self y0 value.
        ^ shiny

|   CairoContext wrapper class for libcairo

| Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
| Written by Tony Garnock-Jones
| This file is part of the GNU Smalltalk class library.
| The GNU Smalltalk class library is free software; you can redistribute it
| and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
| as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at
| your option) any later version.
| The GNU Smalltalk class library is distributed in the hope that it will be
| useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| General Public License for more details.
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
| along with the GNU Smalltalk class library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
| If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
| 330, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  

Object subclass: CairoSurface [
    | surface |

    rawSurface [ ^surface ]

    update: aspect [
        aspect == #returnFromSnapshot ifTrue: [
            ^ self rebuildSurface].

    buildSurface [
        self subclassResponsibility.

    rebuildSurface [
        surface := self buildSurface.
        self addToBeFinalized.
        self changed: #returnFromSnapshot.

    finalize [
        surface ifNil: [ ^self ].
        Cairo surfaceDestroy: surface.
        surface := nil.

    context [
        ^CairoContext on: self

CairoSurface subclass: CairoPngSurface [
    | filename |

    filename [ filename ]

    filename: aString [
        self finalize.
        filename := aString.
        self rebuildSurface.

    buildSurface [
        ^ Cairo imageSurfaceCreateFromPng: filename.

BlockClosure extend [
    maskOn: context [
        | pattern |
            Cairo.Cairo pushGroup: context.
            self ensure: [ pattern := Cairo.Cairo popGroup: context ].
            Cairo.Cairo mask: context pattern: pattern
        ] ensure: [
            pattern isNil ifFalse: [ Cairo.Cairo patternDestroy: pattern ].

    on: context withSourceDo: paintBlock [
        | pattern source |
        source := Cairo.Cairo getSource: context.
        Cairo.Cairo patternReference: source.
            Cairo.Cairo pushGroup: context.
            self ensure: [ pattern := Cairo.Cairo popGroup: context ].
            Cairo.Cairo setSource: context source: pattern.
            paintBlock value
        ] ensure: [
            source isNil ifFalse: [
                    setSource: context source: source;
                    patternDestroy: source ].
            pattern isNil ifFalse: [ Cairo.Cairo patternDestroy: pattern ].

    setSourceOn: context [
        | pattern |
            Cairo.Cairo pushGroup: context.
            self ensure: [ pattern := Cairo.Cairo popGroup: context ].
            Cairo.Cairo setSource: context source: pattern.
        ] ensure: [
            pattern isNil ifFalse: [ Cairo.Cairo patternDestroy: pattern ].

Object subclass: CairoPattern [
    | pattern canonical |

    Patterns := nil.
    CairoPattern class >> initialize [
        Patterns := WeakKeyDictionary new.
        ObjectMemory addDependent: self.

    CairoPattern class >> update: aspect [
        "Clear our cache."
        aspect == #returnFromSnapshot ifTrue: [
            Patterns do: [ :each | each finalize ]].

    pattern [ ^pattern ]

    cachedPattern [
        [canonical isNil] whileTrue: [
                at: self
                ifAbsentPut: [
                    self addToBeFinalized.
                    pattern := self createCachedPattern.
                    canonical := self ].
            "Keep the canonical object alive so we don't need to
             reference count its pattern.  The #at:ifAbsent: call
             makes the code resistant to finalization races."
            canonical := pattern isNil
                ifTrue: [Patterns at: self ifAbsent: [nil]]
                ifFalse: [self]].

        ^canonical pattern

    createCachedPattern [
        self subclassResponsibility.

    postCopy [
        "Reference the same canonical object, but not the pattern."
        pattern := nil.

    finalize [
        pattern ifNotNil: [ :p | Cairo patternDestroy: p ].
        pattern := nil.

    maskOn: context [
        Cairo.Cairo mask: context pattern: self cachedPattern

    setSourceOn: context [
        Cairo setSource: context source: self cachedPattern

    on: context withSourceDo: paintBlock [
        | pattern source |
        source := Cairo getSource: context.
        Cairo patternReference: source.
            self setSourceOn: context.
            paintBlock value
        ] ensure: [
            source isNil ifFalse: [
                    setSource: context source: source;
                    patternDestroy: source ].

CairoPattern subclass: CairoPatternDecorator [
    | wrappedPattern |
    CairoPatternDecorator class >> on: aPattern [
        ^self new wrappedPattern: aPattern; yourself

    = anObject [
        ^self class == anObject class and: [
            self wrappedPattern = anObject wrappedPattern ]

    hash [
        ^self class hash bitXor: self wrappedPattern hash

    wrappedPattern [ ^wrappedPattern ]
    wrappedPattern: aPattern [ wrappedPattern := aPattern ]

CairoPatternDecorator subclass: ReflectedPattern [
    createCachedPattern [
        | result |
        result := self wrappedPattern createCachedPattern.
        Cairo patternSetExtend: result extend: Cairo extendReflect.

CairoPatternDecorator subclass: RepeatedPattern [
    createCachedPattern [
        | result |
        result := self wrappedPattern createCachedPattern.
        Cairo patternSetExtend: result extend: Cairo extendRepeat.

CairoPatternDecorator subclass: PaddedPattern [
    createCachedPattern [
        | result |
        result := self wrappedPattern createCachedPattern.
        Cairo patternSetExtend: result extend: Cairo extendPad.

CairoPattern subclass: SurfacePattern [
    | surface |

    surface [ ^ surface ]
    surface: aCairoSurface [ surface := aCairoSurface ]

    = anObject [
        ^self class == anObject class and: [
            self surface = anObject surface ]

    hash [
        ^self class hash bitXor: self surface hash

    createCachedPattern [
        ^ Cairo patternCreateForSurface: surface rawSurface

CairoPattern subclass: GradientPattern [
    | colorStops |

    GradientPattern class >> new [
        ^super new initialize

    colorStops [

    initialize [
        colorStops := OrderedCollection new.

    = anObject [
        ^self class == anObject class and: [
            self colorStops = anObject colorStops ]

    hash [
        ^self class hash bitXor: self colorStops hash

    addStopAt: aNumber color: aColor [
        colorStops add: aNumber -> aColor.

    addStopAt: aNumber red: r green: g blue: b alpha: a [
        colorStops add: aNumber -> (Color r: r g: g blue: b a: a).

    initializeCachedPattern: p [
        | c |
        colorStops do: [ :stop |
            c := stop value.
            Cairo patternAddColorStopRgba: p
                  offset: stop key asCNumber
                  red: c red asCNumber
                  green: c green asCNumber
                  blue: c blue asCNumber
                  alpha: c alpha asCNumber ].

GradientPattern subclass: LinearGradient [
    | point0 point1 |

    LinearGradient class >> from: point0 to: point1 [
        ^ self new
            from: point0 to: point1;

    from [

    to [

    from: aPoint0 to: aPoint1 [
        point0 := aPoint0.
        point1 := aPoint1.

    = anObject [
        ^super = anObject and: [
            point0 = anObject from and: [
            point1 = anObject to ]]

    hash [
        ^(super hash bitXor: point0 hash) bitXor: point1 hash

    createCachedPattern [
        | p c |
        p := Cairo patternCreateLinear: point0 x asCNumber
                   y0: point0 y asCNumber
                   x1: point1 x asCNumber
                   y1: point1 y asCNumber.
        self initializeCachedPattern: p.
        ^ p

GradientPattern subclass: RadialGradient [
    | point0 r0 point1 r1 |

    RadialGradient class >> from: point0 radius: r0 to: point1 radius: r1 [
        ^ self new
            from: point0 radius: r0 to: point1 radius: r1;

    from [

    fromRadius [

    to [

    toRadius [

    from: aPoint0 radius: aR0 to: aPoint1 radius: aR1 [
        point0 := aPoint0.
        r0 := aR0.
        point1 := aPoint1.
        r1 := aR1.

    = anObject [
        ^super = anObject and: [
            point0 = anObject from and: [
            r0 = anObject fromRadius and: [
            point0 = anObject to and: [
            r1 = anObject toRadius ]]]]

    hash [
        ^(((super hash bitXor: point0 hash) bitXor: point1 hash)
             bitXor: r0 hash) bitXor: r1 hash

    createCachedPattern [
        | p c |
        p := Cairo patternCreateRadial: point0 x asCNumber
                   cy0: point0 y asCNumber
                   radius0: r0 asCNumber
                   cx1: point1 x asCNumber
                   cy1: point1 y asCNumber
                   radius1: r1 asCNumber.
        self initializeCachedPattern: p.
        ^ p

CairoPattern subclass: Color [
    | red green blue alpha |

    Color >> new [
        ^self new r: 0 g: 0 b: 0 a: 1.

    Color class >> r: r g: g b: b [
        ^ self basicNew r: r g: g b: b a: 1.0.

    Color class >> r: r g: g b: b a: a [
        ^ self basicNew r: r g: g b: b a: a.

    Color class >> black [^ self r: 0 g: 0 b: 0.]
    Color class >> white [^ self r: 1 g: 1 b: 1.]
    Color class >> red [^ self r: 1 g: 0 b: 0.]
    Color class >> green [^ self r: 0 g: 1 b: 0.]
    Color class >> blue [^ self r: 0 g: 0 b: 1.]
    Color class >> cyan [^ self r: 0 g: 1 b: 1.]
    Color class >> magenta [^ self r: 1 g: 0 b: 1.]
    Color class >> yellow [^ self r: 1 g: 1 b: 0.]

    = anObject [
        ^self class == anObject class and: [
            red = anObject red and: [
            green = anObject green and: [
            blue = anObject blue and: [
            alpha = anObject alpha]]]]

    hash [
        ^(red * 255) truncated +
         ((green * 255) truncated * 256) +
         ((blue * 255) truncated * 65536) +
         ((alpha * 63) truncated * 16777216)
    red [ ^red ]
    green [ ^green ]
    blue [ ^blue ]
    alpha [ ^alpha ]

    r: r g: g b: b a: a [
        red := r.
        green := g.
        blue := b.
        alpha := a.

    withRed: aNumber [ ^ Color r: aNumber g: green b: blue a: alpha ]
    withGreen: aNumber [ ^ Color r: red g: aNumber b: blue a: alpha ]
    withBlue: aNumber [ ^ Color r: red g: green b: aNumber a: alpha ]
    withAlpha: aNumber [ ^ Color r: red g: green b: blue a: aNumber ]

    mix: aColor ratio: aScale [
        ^Color r: ((red * aScale) + (aColor red * (1 - aScale)))
                g: ((green * aScale) + (aColor green * (1 - aScale)))
                b: ((blue * aScale) + (aColor blue * (1 - aScale)))
                a: ((alpha * aScale) + (aColor alpha * (1 - aScale)))

    * aScale [
        aScale isNumber ifTrue: [
            ^ Color r: ((red * aScale) min: 1)
                    g: ((green * aScale) min: 1)
                    b: ((blue * aScale) min: 1)
                    a: alpha ].
        ^ Color r: red * aScale red
                g: green * aScale green
                b: blue * aScale blue
                a: alpha * aScale alpha

    createCachedPattern [
        "Should never be reached."
        self halt.
        ^ Cairo patternCreateRgba: red asCNumber
                green: green asCNumber
                blue: blue asCNumber
                alpha: alpha asCNumber.

    printOn: st [
        st << 'Color r: ' << red << ' g: ' << green << ' b: ' << blue << ' a: ' 
<< alpha.

    storeOn: st [
        st << $(.
        self printOn: st.
        st << $)

    setSourceOn: context [
            setSourceRgba: context
            red: red asCNumber
            green: green asCNumber
            blue: blue asCNumber
            alpha: alpha asCNumber.

Object subclass: TextExtents [
    | bearing extent advance |

    bearing [ ^bearing ]
    extent [ ^extent ]
    advance [ ^advance ]

    TextExtents class >> from: aCairoTextExtents [
        ^ self new initializeFrom: aCairoTextExtents

    initializeFrom: aCairoTextExtents [
        bearing := aCairoTextExtents xBearing value @ aCairoTextExtents 
yBearing value.
        extent := aCairoTextExtents width value @ aCairoTextExtents height 
        advance := aCairoTextExtents xAdvance value @ aCairoTextExtents 
yAdvance value.

Object subclass: CairoContext [
    | surface context depth |

    CairoContext class >> on: aCairoSurface [
        ^ self new initialize: aCairoSurface

    initialize: aCairoSurface [
        surface := aCairoSurface.
        depth := 0.
        surface addDependent: self.
        self update: #returnFromSnapshot.

    update: aspect [
        aspect == #returnFromSnapshot ifTrue: [
            context := Cairo create: surface rawSurface.
            self addToBeFinalized.

    finalize [
        context ifNil: [ ^self ].
        Cairo destroy: context.
        context := nil.
        surface removeDependent: self.
        surface := nil.

    excursion: aBlock [
        Cairo save: context.
        ^ aBlock ensure: [ Cairo restore: context ].

    withSource: aPatternOrBlock do: paintBlock [
        aPatternOrBlock on: context withSourceDo: paintBlock

    source: aPatternOrBlock [
        aPatternOrBlock setSourceOn: context

    sourceRed: r green: g blue: b [
        Cairo setSourceRgb: context red: r asCNumber green: g asCNumber blue: b 

    sourceRed: r green: g blue: b alpha: a [
        Cairo setSourceRgba: context red: r asCNumber green: g asCNumber blue: 
b asCNumber alpha: a asCNumber.

    closePath [
        Cairo closePath: context.

    withClosedPath: aBlock do: opsBlock [
        self withPath: [ aBlock value. self closePath ] do: opsBlock

    addClosedSubPath: aBlock [
        self newSubPath.
        aBlock value.
        self closePath

    addSubPath: aBlock [
        self newSubPath.
        aBlock value

    withPath: aBlock do: opsBlock [
        "Cannot yet save a path and go back to it later."
        depth >= 1 ifTrue: [ self notYetImplemented ].
        depth := depth + 1.
        [aBlock value. opsBlock value] ensure: [
            depth := depth - 1. self newPath]

    newSubPath [
        Cairo newSubPath: context.

    newPath [
        Cairo newPath: context.

    moveTo: aPoint [
        Cairo moveTo: context x: aPoint x asCNumber y: aPoint y asCNumber.

    relMoveTo: aPoint [
        Cairo relMoveTo: context dx: aPoint x asCNumber dy: aPoint y asCNumber.

    lineTo: aPoint [
        Cairo lineTo: context x: aPoint x asCNumber y: aPoint y asCNumber.

    relLineTo: aPoint [
        Cairo relLineTo: context dx: aPoint x asCNumber dy: aPoint y asCNumber.

    curveTo: aPoint3 via: aPoint1 via: aPoint2 [
        Cairo curveTo: context
              x1: aPoint1 x asCNumber y1: aPoint1 y asCNumber
              x2: aPoint2 x asCNumber y2: aPoint2 y asCNumber
              x3: aPoint3 x asCNumber y3: aPoint3 y asCNumber.

    curveVia: aPoint1 via: aPoint2 to: aPoint3 [
        Cairo curveTo: context
              x1: aPoint1 x asCNumber y1: aPoint1 y asCNumber
              x2: aPoint2 x asCNumber y2: aPoint2 y asCNumber
              x3: aPoint3 x asCNumber y3: aPoint3 y asCNumber.

    arc: aPoint radius: r from: angle1 to: angle2 [
        Cairo arc: context
              xc: aPoint x asCNumber yc: aPoint y asCNumber
              radius: r asCNumber
              angle1: angle1 asCNumber angle2: angle2 asCNumber.

    arcNegative: aPoint radius: r from: angle1 to: angle2 [
        Cairo arcNegative: context
              xc: aPoint x asCNumber yc: aPoint y asCNumber
              radius: r asCNumber
              angle1: angle1 asCNumber angle2: angle2 asCNumber.

    rectangle: aRect [
        Cairo rectangle: context
              x: aRect left asCNumber y: aRect top asCNumber
              width: aRect width asCNumber height: aRect height asCNumber.

    roundedRectangle: b radius: cornerRadius [
        | hr vr h2 v2 |
        hr := address@hidden
        vr := address@hidden
        h2 := hr * (1 - 0.55228475).
        v2 := vr * (1 - 0.55228475).
            moveTo: b topLeft + hr;
            lineTo: b topRight - hr;
            curveTo: b topRight + vr via: b topRight - h2 via: b topRight + v2;
            lineTo: b bottomRight - vr;
            curveTo: b bottomRight - hr via: b bottomRight - v2 via: b 
bottomRight - h2;
            lineTo: b bottomLeft + hr;
            curveTo: b bottomLeft - vr via: b bottomLeft + h2 via: b bottomLeft 
- v2;
            lineTo: b topLeft + vr;
            curveTo: b topLeft + hr via: b topLeft + v2 via: b topLeft + h2.

    groupWhile: aBlock [
        | pattern |
            Cairo.Cairo pushGroup: context.
            aBlock ensure: [ pattern := Cairo.Cairo popGroup: context ].
            Cairo.Cairo setSource: context source: pattern.
        ] ensure: [
            pattern isNil ifFalse: [ Cairo.Cairo patternDestroy: pattern ].

    clipPreserve [
        Cairo clipPreserve: context

    clip [
        depth > 0
            ifTrue: [Cairo clipPreserve: context]
            ifFalse: [Cairo clip: context]

    clip: aBlock [
        self withPath: aBlock do: [ self clip ]

    resetClip [
        Cairo resetClip: context.

    mask: aPatternOrBlock [
        aPatternOrBlock maskOn: context

    paint [
        Cairo paint: context.

    paintWith: aPatternOrBlock [
        self withSource: aPatternOrBlock do: [ self paint ]

    paintWithAlpha: a [
        Cairo paintWithAlpha: context alpha: a asCNumber.

    paint: aPatternOrBlock withAlpha: a [
        self withSource: aPatternOrBlock do: [ self paintWithAlpha: a ]

    fillPreserve [
        Cairo fillPreserve: context

    fill [
        depth > 0
            ifTrue: [Cairo fillPreserve: context]
            ifFalse: [Cairo fill: context]

    fill: aBlock [
        self withPath: aBlock do: [ self fill ]

    fill: pathBlock with: aPatternOrBlock [
        self withSource: aPatternOrBlock do: [ self fill: pathBlock ]

    fillWith: aPatternOrBlock [
        self withSource: aPatternOrBlock do: [ self fill ]

    strokePreserve [
        Cairo strokePreserve: context

    stroke [
        depth > 0
            ifTrue: [Cairo strokePreserve: context]
            ifFalse: [Cairo stroke: context]

    stroke: aBlock [
        self withPath: aBlock do: [ self stroke ]

    stroke: pathBlock with: aPatternOrBlock [
        self withSource: aPatternOrBlock do: [ self stroke: pathBlock ]

    strokeWith: aPatternOrBlock [
        self withSource: aPatternOrBlock do: [ self stroke ]

    identityMatrix [
        Cairo identityMatrix: context.

    translateBy: aPoint [
        Cairo translate: context tx: aPoint x asCNumber ty: aPoint y asCNumber.

    scaleBy: aPoint [
        | p |
        p := aPoint asPoint.
        Cairo scale: context sx: p x asCNumber sy: p y asCNumber.

    rotateBy: rads [
        Cairo rotate: context angle: rads asCNumber.

    nullTransform [

    transformBy: aTransform [
        Cairo transform: context matrix: aTransform toLocal.

    CairoContext class >> lookupLineCapValue: anInteger [
        anInteger == Cairo lineCapSquare ifTrue: [ ^#square ].
        anInteger == Cairo lineCapRound ifTrue: [ ^#round ].
        anInteger == Cairo lineCapButt ifTrue: [ ^#butt ].
        self error: 'Unsupported line cap value ', anInteger

    CairoContext class >> lookupLineJoinValue: anInteger [
        anInteger == Cairo lineJoinBevel ifTrue: [ ^#bevel ].
        anInteger == Cairo lineJoinRound ifTrue: [ ^#round ].
        anInteger == Cairo lineJoinMiter ifTrue: [ ^#miter ].
        self error: 'Unsupported line join value ', anInteger

    CairoContext class >> lookupFillRuleValue: anInteger [
        anInteger == Cairo fillRuleEvenOdd ifTrue: [ ^#evenOdd ].
        anInteger == Cairo fillRuleWinding ifTrue: [ ^#winding ].
        self error: 'Unsupported fill rule value ', anInteger

    CairoContext class >> lookupSlantValue: anInteger [
        anInteger == Cairo fontSlantNormal ifTrue: [ ^#normal ].
        anInteger == Cairo fontSlantItalic ifTrue: [ ^#italic ].
        anInteger == Cairo fontSlantOblique ifTrue: [ ^#oblique ].
        self error: 'Unsupported slant value ', anInteger

    CairoContext class >> lookupLineCap: aSymbol [
        aSymbol == #square ifTrue: [ ^Cairo lineCapSquare ].
        aSymbol == #round ifTrue: [ ^Cairo lineCapRound ].
        aSymbol == #butt ifTrue: [ ^Cairo lineCapButt ].
        self error: 'Unsupported line cap symbol ', aSymbol

    CairoContext class >> lookupLineJoin: aSymbol [
        aSymbol == #bevel ifTrue: [ ^Cairo lineJoinBevel ].
        aSymbol == #round ifTrue: [ ^Cairo lineJoinRound ].
        aSymbol == #miter ifTrue: [ ^Cairo lineJoinMiter ].
        self error: 'Unsupported line join symbol ', aSymbol

    CairoContext class >> lookupFillRule: aSymbol [
        aSymbol == #evenOdd ifTrue: [ ^Cairo fillRuleEvenOdd ].
        aSymbol == #winding ifTrue: [ ^Cairo fillRuleWinding ].
        self error: 'Unsupported fill rule symbol ', aSymbol

    CairoContext class >> lookupSlant: aSymbol [
        aSymbol == #normal ifTrue: [ ^Cairo fontSlantNormal ].
        aSymbol == #italic ifTrue: [ ^Cairo fontSlantItalic ].
        aSymbol == #oblique ifTrue: [ ^Cairo fontSlantOblique ].
        self error: 'Unsupported slant symbol ', aSymbol

    CairoContext class >> lookupWeight: aSymbol [
        aSymbol == #normal ifTrue: [ ^Cairo fontWeightNormal ].
        aSymbol == #bold ifTrue: [ ^Cairo fontWeightBold ].
        self error: 'Unsupported weight symbol ', aSymbol

    selectFontFamily: aString slant: slantSymbol weight: weightSymbol [
        Cairo selectFontFace: context
              family: aString
              slant: (self class lookupSlant: slantSymbol)
              weight: (self class lookupWeight: weightSymbol).

    lineWidth [
        ^Cairo getLineWidth: context.

    lineCap [
        ^self class lookupLineCapValue: (Cairo getLineCap: context).

    fillRule [
        ^self class lookupFillRuleValue: (Cairo getFillRule: context).

    lineJoin [
        ^self class lookupLineJoinValue: (Cairo getLineJoin: context).

    miterLimit [
        ^Cairo getMiterLimit: context.

    lineWidth: w [
        Cairo setLineWidth: context width: w asCNumber.

    lineCap: aNumber [
        Cairo setLineCap: context lineCap: (self class lookupLineCap: aNumber).

    fillRule: aNumber [
        Cairo setFillRule: context fillRule: (self class lookupFillRule: 

    lineJoin: aNumber [
        Cairo setLineJoin: context lineJoin: (self class lookupLineJoin: 

    miterLimit: aNumber [
        Cairo setMiterLimit: context miterLimit: aNumber asCNumber.

    fontSize: aNumber [
        Cairo setFontSize: context size: aNumber.

    showText: aString [
        Cairo showText: context utf8: aString.

    textPath: aString [
        Cairo textPath: context utf8: aString.

    textExtents: aString [
        | ext |
        ext := CairoTextExtents new.
            Cairo textExtents: context utf8: aString extents: ext.
            ^ TextExtents from: ext
        ] ensure: [ ext free ]

CStruct subclass: #CairoTextExtents
    declaration: #(
        (#xBearing #double)
        (#yBearing #double)
        (#width #double)
        (#height #double)
        (#xAdvance #double)
        (#yAdvance #double))
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: 'CairoTextExtents Wrapper'

Eval [
    CairoPattern initialize
|   Compositional transformation classes using CairoMatrix

| Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
| Written by Tony Garnock-Jones
| This file is part of the GNU Smalltalk class library.
| The GNU Smalltalk class library is free software; you can redistribute it
| and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
| as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at
| your option) any later version.
| The GNU Smalltalk class library is distributed in the hope that it will be
| useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| General Public License for more details.
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
| along with the GNU Smalltalk class library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
| If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
| 330, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  

"A note on transforms: to be compositional, the most straight-forward thing
 is to always use a transformation matrix.  However, a lot of the time, we'll
 be doing just one kind of transformation; e.g., a scale, or a translation.
 Further, we may only ever modify a transformation in one way, like translating
 a translation.  For this reason, we specialise for each of the translations
 and provide a generic matrix implementation for composing heterogeneous

Object subclass: Transform [

    Transform class >> newIdentity [
        ^ super new initialize

    initialize []

    accept: visitor [
        self subclassResponsibility.

    before: aTransform [
        "I return a new Transform that transforms its visitor by self
        first, then by aTransform."

        ^ aTransform accept: self.

    after: transform [
        "I return a new Transform that transforms its visitor by
        aTransform first, then by self."

        ^ self accept: transform.

    Transform class >> identity [
        "I return the identity transform, that leaves its visitor

        ^ IdentityTransform instance

    Transform class >> sequence: transforms [
        "I return a compound transform, that transforms its visitor by
        each of the Transforms in transforms in first-to-last order."

        ^ transforms inject: self identity
                     into: [:acc :xform | acc before: xform]

    about: aPoint [
        ^ ((Translate by: aPoint)
              before: self) before: (Translate by: (aPoint * -1))]

    asMatrixTransform [
        ^ self accept: MatrixTransform newIdentity

    translateBy: point [
        ^ self asMatrixTransform translateBy: point.

    scaleByFactor: factor [
        ^ self scaleBy: (address@hidden).
    scaleBy: point [
        ^ self asMatrixTransform scaleBy: point.

    rotateBy: rads [
        ^ self asMatrixTransform rotateBy: rads.

    nullTransform [
        ^ self

    transformBy: aTransform [
        ^ self asMatrixTransform transformBy: aTransform.

    transformPoint: point [
        ^ self subclassResponsibility

    transformDistance: point [
        ^ self transformPoint: point

    transformBounds: rect [
        | corners |
        "Transform the given bounds. Note this is distinct from
         transforming a rectangle, since bounds must be aligned with
         the axes."
        corners := {self transformPoint: rect topLeft.
                    self transformPoint: rect topRight.
                    self transformPoint: rect bottomLeft.
                    self transformPoint: rect bottomRight}.
        ^ (corners fold: [ :left :right | left min: right ]) corner:
            (corners fold: [ :left :right | left max: right ])

    inverse [
        ^ self subclassResponsibility

    scale [ ^ (address@hidden) ]
    rotation [ ^ 0 ]

    translation [ ^ (address@hidden) ]
    translateTo: aPoint [
        ^ self translateBy: (aPoint - self translation).
    scaleTo: sxsy [
        ^ self scaleBy: sxsy / self scale

    rotateTo: rads [
        ^ self rotateBy: (rads - self rotation)


Transform subclass: IdentityTransform [
    accept: visitor [
        ^ visitor nullTransform.

    before: aTransform [
        ^ aTransform

    after: aTransform [
        ^ aTransform

    asMatrixTransform [
        ^ MatrixTransform newIdentity

    translateBy: aPoint [
        ^ Translate by: aPoint

    scaleBy: aPoint [
        ^ Scale by: aPoint

    rotateBy: rads [
        ^ Rotate by: rads

    nullTransform [
        ^ self

    transformPoint: aPoint [
        ^ aPoint

    inverse [
        ^ self

IdentityTransform class extend [
    | instance |

    instance [
        instance ifNil: [ instance := self new ].

Transform subclass: MatrixTransform [
    | to |
    toLocal [ ^ to ]

    toLocal: matrix [
        to := matrix.

    copyOp: aBlock [
        | newMatrix |
        newMatrix := to copy.
        aBlock value: newMatrix.
        ^ MatrixTransform new toLocal: newMatrix

    initialize [
        to := CairoMatrix new initIdentity.
        self addToBeFinalized.

    finalize [
        to ifNil: [ ^ self ].
        to free.
        to := nil.

    transformBy: aTransform [
        ^ self copyOp: [:n | Cairo matrixMultiply: n a: aTransform toLocal b: n]

    translateBy: aPoint [
        ^ self copyOp: [:n | Cairo matrixTranslate: n tx: aPoint x ty: aPoint y]

    scaleBy: aPoint [
        ^ self copyOp: [:n | Cairo matrixScale: n sx: aPoint x sy: aPoint y]

    rotateBy: rads [
        ^ self copyOp: [:n | Cairo matrixRotate: n radians: rads]

    accept: visitor [
        ^ visitor transformBy: self.

    transformPoint: point [
        to withPoint: point do:
            [ :mtx :x :y |
                Cairo matrixTransformPoint: mtx x: x y: y.
                ^ x value @ y value

    transformDistance: point [
        to withPoint: point do:
            [ :mtx :x :y |
                Cairo matrixTransformDistance: mtx dx: x dy: y.
                ^ x value @ y value

    inverse [
        ^ self copyOp: [:n | Cairo matrixInvert: n]

    scale [
        | pt1 pt2 |
        pt1 := self transformDistance: (address@hidden).
        pt2 := self transformDistance: (address@hidden).
        ^ (pt1 dist: (address@hidden)) @ (pt2 dist: (address@hidden))

    rotation [
        | pt |
        pt := self transformDistance: (address@hidden).
        ^ pt arcTan

    translation [
        ^ self transformPoint: (address@hidden)

Transform subclass: Translate [
    | dxdy |

    Translate class >> by: aPoint [
        | t |
        t := Translate new.
        t translation: aPoint.
        ^ t.

    translation: aPoint [
        dxdy := aPoint.

    translateBy: point [
        ^ Translate by: (dxdy + point).

    accept: visitor [
        ^ visitor translateBy: dxdy.

    transformPoint: point [
        ^ point + dxdy
    transformDistance: point [
        ^ point

    transformBounds: rect [
        ^ rect translateBy: dxdy

    inverse [
        ^ Translate by: dxdy * -1

    translation [ ^ dxdy ]

Transform subclass: Scale [
    | sxsy |
    factors: aPoint [
        sxsy := aPoint.

    Scale class >> by: aPoint [
        | scale |
        scale := Scale new.
        scale factors: aPoint.
        ^ scale

    Scale class >> byFactor: factor [
        ^ Scale by: (address@hidden)

    scaleBy: factors [
        ^ Scale by: (sxsy * factors)

    accept: visitor [
        ^ visitor scaleBy: sxsy.

    transformPoint: point [
        ^ point * sxsy
    transformBounds: rect [
        ^ rect scaleBy: sxsy
    inverse [
        ^ Scale by: (1/(sxsy x)) @ (1/(sxsy y))

    scale [ ^ sxsy ]

Transform subclass: Rotate [
    | radians matrix |

    radians: aDouble [
        radians := aDouble.
        matrix := nil.

    Rotate class >> by: rads [
        | r |
        r := Rotate new.
        r radians: rads.
        ^ r

    rotateBy: rads [
        ^ Rotate by: radians + rads.

    accept: visitor [
        ^ visitor rotateBy: radians.

    transformPoint: point [
        matrix ifNil: [matrix := self asMatrixTransform].
        ^ matrix transformPoint: point

    inverse [
        ^ Rotate by: -1 * radians

    rotation [ ^ radians ]

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