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[Help-smalltalk] [PATCH] convert: Use the STTools.Loader from the Conver

From: Holger Hans Peter Freyther
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] [PATCH] convert: Use the STTools.Loader from the
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 09:56:36 +0200

The parsing code of has been copied into the STTools
package. Start using the new package in the Convert scripts.

2013-08-10  Holger Hans Peter Freyther  <address@hidden>

        * scripts/ Use the STTools tools instead of the
        current code.
 ChangeLog          |   5 +
 scripts/ | 326 +----------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 324 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 893d7bb..614902d 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2013-08-10  Holger Hans Peter Freyther  <address@hidden>
+       * scripts/ Use the STTools tools instead of the
+       current code.
 2013-03-30  Holger Hans Peter Freyther  <address@hidden>
        * Introduce the GTKTools package
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index a02b3b6..a7a402e 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-PackageLoader fileInPackage: #Parser.
+PackageLoader fileInPackage: #STTools.
 STInST.OldSyntaxExporter class extend [
     emitEval: aBlock to: aStream for: namespace [
@@ -63,328 +63,6 @@ STInST.NewSyntaxExporter class extend [
-Object subclass: EmittedEntity [  
-    emitTo: aStream filteredBy: aBlock [
-        self subclassResponsibility
-    ]
-EmittedEntity subclass: EmittedComments [
-    | comments |
-    EmittedComments class >> comments: aCollection source: aString [
-       ^self new comments: (aCollection collect: [ :c |
-           aString copyFrom: c first to: c last ])
-    ]
-    emitTo: outStream filteredBy: aBlock [
-       comments do: [ :c |
-               STInST.FileOutExporter defaultExporter fileOutComment: c to: 
-               outStream nl; nl]
-    ]
-    comments: anArray [
-       comments := anArray
-   ]
-EmittedEntity subclass: EmittedClass [
-    | class methodsToEmit classMethodsToEmit isComplete |
-    <comment: 'This class is responsible for emitting a class 
-    by using a FormattingExporter.'>
-    EmittedClass class >> forClass: aClass [        
-       (aClass superclass notNil and: [
-           aClass superclass isDefined not ]) ifTrue: [
-               Warning signal:
-                   ('superclass %1 is undefined' % {aClass superclass}) ].
-        ^super new initializeWithClass: aClass complete: true
-    ]
-    EmittedClass class >> forExtension: aClass [
-       aClass isDefined ifFalse: [
-           Warning signal:
-               ('extensions for undefined class %1' % {aClass}) ].
-        ^super new initializeWithClass: aClass complete: false
-    ]
-    initializeWithClass: aClass complete: aBoolean [
-        class := aClass.
-        methodsToEmit := STInST.OrderedSet new.
-       classMethodsToEmit := STInST.OrderedSet new.
-       isComplete := aBoolean
-    ]
-    forClass [ 
-        ^class
-    ]
-    addMethod: aMethod [
-        methodsToEmit add: aMethod selector asSymbol.
-    ]
-    addClassMethod: aMethod [
-       classMethodsToEmit add: aMethod selector asSymbol.
-    ]
-    emitTo: aStream filteredBy: aBlock [ 
-       (aBlock value: class)
-           ifFalse: [
-               Notification signal: ('Skipping %1' % {class}).
-               ^self ].
-        Notification signal: ('Converting %1...' % {class}).
-        (STInST.FileOutExporter defaultExporter on: class to: aStream)
-            completeFileOut: isComplete;
-            fileOutSelectors: methodsToEmit classSelectors: classMethodsToEmit.
-    ]
-EmittedEntity subclass: EmittedEval [
-    | statements comments namespace |
-    <comment: 'This class is responsible for emitting a set of 
-    statements that should be inside an Eval declaration.'>
-    EmittedEval class >> new [
-        ^super new initialize
-    ]
-    initialize [
-        statements := OrderedCollection new
-    ]
-    namespace [ 
-       ^namespace
-    ]
-    namespace: aNamespace [ 
-       namespace := aNamespace
-    ]
-    addStatement: aStatement [
-        statements add: aStatement
-    ] 
-    emitTo: aStream filteredBy: aBlock [
-       statements isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^self ].
-       STInST.FileOutExporter defaultExporter
-           emitEval: [
-               | formatter |
-               formatter := STInST.RBFormatter new.
-               formatter indent: 1 while: [
-                   formatter indent.
-                   aStream nextPutAll: (formatter formatAll: statements) ]]
-           to: aStream
-           for: namespace.
-    ]
-STInST.STClassLoader subclass: SyntaxConverter [
-    | stuffToEmit classesToEmit createdNamespaces filter outStream rewriter |
-    <comment: 'A class loader that creates a set of "EmittedEntity"
-    based on the contents of the given file being loaded.
-    When the contents of the file are loaded, the responsibilty of 
-    emitting code using the new syntax belongs to those various 
-    entities that have been constructed.'>
-    SyntaxConverter class >> convertSqueakStream: in to: out [
-        <category: 'instance creation'>
-        ^self convertStream: in with: STInST.SqueakFileInParser to: out
-    ]
-    SyntaxConverter class >> convertSIFStream: in to: out [
-        <category: 'instance creation'>
-        ^self convertStream: in with: STInST.SIFFileInParser to: out
-    ]
-    SyntaxConverter class >> convertStream: in to: out [
-        <category: 'instance creation'>
-        ^self convertStream: in with: STInST.STFileInParser to: out
-    ]
-    SyntaxConverter class >> convertStream: in with: aParserClass to: out [
-        <category: 'instance creation'>
-        ^self new convertStream: in with: aParserClass to: out
-    ]
-    initialize [
-        <category: 'initialization'>
-       super initialize.
-       filter := [ :class | [true] ].
-        stuffToEmit := OrderedSet new.
-        classesToEmit := Dictionary new.
-        createdNamespaces := OrderedSet new.
-    ]
-    convertStream: in with: aParserClass to: out onError: aBlock [
-        <category: 'operation'>
-        self
-           outStream: out;
-           parseSmalltalkStream: in with: aParserClass onError: aBlock;
-           doEmitStuff.        
-    ]
-    convertStream: in with: aParserClass to: out [
-        <category: 'operation'>
-        self
-           outStream: out;
-           parseSmalltalkStream: in with: aParserClass;
-           doEmitStuff.        
-    ]
-    filter: aBlock [
-        <category: 'accessing'>
-        filter := aBlock.
-    ]
-    outStream: out [
-        <category: 'accessing'>
-        outStream := out.
-    ]
-    rewrite: node [
-       ^rewriter isNil
-           ifTrue: [ node ]
-           ifFalse: [ rewriter executeTree: node; tree ].
-    ]
-    evaluate: node [
-        <category: 'overrides'>
-       | rewritten |
-       rewritten := self rewrite: node.
-       node comments isEmpty ifFalse: [
-           stuffToEmit add: (EmittedComments comments: node comments source: 
node source) ].
-        ^super evaluate: rewritten
-    ]
-    addRule: searchString parser: aParserClass [
-       | tree rule |
-       tree := aParserClass parseRewriteExpression: searchString.
-       tree isMessage ifFalse: [ self error: 'expected ->' ].
-       tree selector = #-> ifFalse: [ self error: 'expected ->' ].
-       rule := RBStringReplaceRule
-           searchForTree: tree receiver
-           replaceWith: tree arguments first.
-       rewriter isNil ifTrue: [ rewriter := ParseTreeRewriter new ].
-       rewriter addRule: rule
-    ]
-    compile: node [
-        <category: 'collecting entities'>
-        | rewritten method |
-       rewritten := self rewrite: node.
-        method := self defineMethod: rewritten.                
-        (classesToEmit includesKey: currentClass asClass)
-            ifTrue: [ self addMethod: method toLoadedClass: currentClass ]
-            ifFalse: [ self addMethod: method toExtensionClass: currentClass ].
-       ^method
-    ]
-    lastEval [
-        <category: 'collecting entities'>
-       | lastIsEval evalNamespace |
-        evalNamespace := currentNamespace = self defaultNamespace
-           ifTrue: [ nil ]
-           ifFalse: [ currentNamespace ].
-        lastIsEval := stuffToEmit notEmpty
-           and: [ (stuffToEmit last isKindOf: EmittedEval)
-           and: [ stuffToEmit last namespace = evalNamespace ]].
-       ^lastIsEval
-           ifTrue: [ stuffToEmit last ]
-           ifFalse: [ stuffToEmit add: (EmittedEval new namespace: 
evalNamespace) ]
-    ]
-    createNamespaces [
-       createdNamespaces do: [ :each || stmt |
-           stmt := RBMessageNode
-                receiver: (RBVariableNode named: (each superspace nameIn: self 
-                selector: #addSubspace:
-                arguments: { RBLiteralNode value: each name asSymbol }.
-           self lastEval addStatement: stmt
-       ].
-       createdNamespaces := OrderedSet new
-    ]
-    unknown: node [
-        <category: 'collecting entities'>
-       self createNamespaces.
-       self lastEval addStatement: node.
-        ^false
-    ]
-    doSubclass: receiver selector: selector arguments: argumentNodes [
-        <category: 'evaluating statements'>
-        | class emittedClass |
-       createdNamespaces remove: self currentNamespace ifAbsent: [ ].
-       self createNamespaces.
-        class := super defineSubclass: receiver 
-                       selector: selector 
-                       arguments: argumentNodes.        
-        Notification signal: ('Parsing %1' % {class}).
-        emittedClass := EmittedClass forClass: class.
-        classesToEmit at: class put: emittedClass.
-        stuffToEmit add: emittedClass.
-        ^false
-    ]
-    doAddNamespace: receiver selector: selector arguments: argumentNodes [
-       | ns |
-       super doAddNamespace: receiver selector: selector arguments: 
-        ns := (self resolveNamespace: receiver) at: argumentNodes first value.
-       createdNamespaces add: ns.
-       ^false
-    ]
-    doEmitStuff [
-        <category: 'emitting'>
-        stuffToEmit
-           do: [ :each | each emitTo: outStream filteredBy: filter ]
-           separatedBy: [ outStream nl; nextPut: 12 asCharacter; nl ].
-    ]
-    addMethod: aMethod toLoadedClass: aClass [
-        <category: 'collecting entities'>
-        (aClass isMetaclass)
-            ifTrue: [ (classesToEmit at: currentClass asClass) addClassMethod: 
aMethod ]
-            ifFalse: [ (classesToEmit at: currentClass) addMethod: aMethod ]
-    ]
-    addMethod: aMethod toExtensionClass: aClass [
-        <category: 'collecting entities'>
-        ((stuffToEmit size > 0)
-            and: [ (stuffToEmit last isKindOf: EmittedClass) and: [ 
stuffToEmit last forClass = aClass ] ])                
-                ifTrue: [ stuffToEmit last addMethod: aMethod ]
-                ifFalse: [ stuffToEmit add: ((EmittedClass forExtension: 
currentClass) addMethod: aMethod) ]            
-    ]
 String extend [
    asFilterOn: aBlock through: valueBlock [
        | regex |
@@ -413,7 +91,7 @@ Eval [
     verbose := false.
     outFile := nil.
     filter := [ :class | true ].
-    converter := SyntaxConverter new.
+    converter := STTools.Loader new.
     STInST.FileOutExporter defaultExporter: STInST.FormattingExporter.
     outFormats := Dictionary from: {
        'gst2' -> STInST.OldSyntaxExporter.

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