After this make and make install worked but not zile:
$ zile
----- *scratch* ()--L1--C0--All----------------------------------------
Welcome to Zile! For help type `C-h h'Zile 2.2beta2Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Sand
ro Sigala <address@hidden>Copyright (C) 2003-2004 David A. Capello <address@hidden>Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Reuben Thomas <address@hidden>Type `C-x
C-c' to exit Zile.Type `C-h h' for help; `C-x u; to undo changes.Type `C-h C-d'
for information on getting the latest version.Type `C-h t' for a tutorial on usi
ng Zile.Type `C-h s' for a sample configuration file.Type `C-g' at any time to c
ancel the current operation.`C-x' means hold the CTRL key while typing the chara
cter `x'.`M-x' means hold the META or ALT key down while typing `x'.If there is
no META or ALT key, instead press and releasethe ESC key and then type `x'.Combi
nations like `C-h h' mean first press `C-h', then `h'.assertion "size > 0" faile
d: file "zmalloc.c", line 42
Aborted (core dumped)