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Re: [Ifile-discuss] What is best? -h or not to -h

From: Preben Randhol
Subject: Re: [Ifile-discuss] What is best? -h or not to -h
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 10:49:51 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Karl Vogel <address@hidden> wrote on 19/04/2003 (10:38) :

>  I recommend "-h" because the resulting database is smaller and more
>  tightly focused.  Other headers (Received:, etc.) from a spammer
>  might be close enough to non-spam to trigger a false positive.  I
>  definitely get better results with "-h".

   I notice the same too today. Yesterday I retrained ifile using "-h"
   and I also downloaded several Mb of spam mail from: 


   and let Ifile run over half of it during the day. Then I made a
   script that goes through each of my folder and checks if there are a
   mail in this folder that Ifile thinks should be in another folder and
   use the ifile -d IFILES_FOLDER -u MY_FOLDER. After running the script
   several Ifile agreed with me, except in the Spam folder, but it will
   come over time. :-)


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