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Re: [igraph] computing betweenness for weighted network

From: Tamas Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] computing betweenness for weighted network
Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 15:25:22 +0200


> I would like to compute the betweenness centrality of the weighted zachary
> karate club.
> [...]
> I would like to have the same result as in this paper

You did not mention how did you obtain the Zachary karate club
network. If you simply ran this:

g = Graph.Famous("zachary")

then it's no good because this generates the _unweighted_ Zachary
karate club network.

However, you could download the weighted version of the network from
the Nexus graph repository (http://nexus.igraph.org) with the
following command:

g = Nexus.get("karate")

Then you would get slightly different results that are somewhat closer
to the results reported in that paper. They are still not the same,
but I cannot know whether it's due to the fact that the version of the
network in Nexus is different from the network that the authors have
used in that paper, or because something is wrong either in our
calculations or theirs.


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