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Re: slow saving of scores when leaving a virtual (nnml+) group

From: Eric S Fraga
Subject: Re: slow saving of scores when leaving a virtual (nnml+) group
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 12:05:36 +0100
User-agent: gnus (Emacs 30.0.50)

On Friday, 14 Jul 2023 at 01:56, Michael Heerdegen wrote:
> I think so, yes.  These numbers cannot be interpreted directly as used
> memory.  It's more like "time spent inside the function, measured
> memory-usage wise.

Ah, okay.  Total misunderstanding on my part!

> Hmm.  Ok.  We could try with M-x trace-function pp-to-string RET
> directly before `gnus-summary-exit'.  A popup buffer should appear, and
> it would be helpful if you could again post the output (with any private
> data obfuscated; we are interested in the argument(s) of the function
> call(s)).  But before that please M-x untrace-all RET.

The trace output is difficult to obfuscate so I won't include it here
but what it shows is that the function is passed the full contents of
the adaptive scoring file, not the static score file.

> Are things significantly faster when setting this to pp-28?

Very much so!  Group exists almost immediately, back to what I used to
see.  With pp-28, I'm happy!  Problem solved. :-)

Thank you,

Eric S Fraga via gnus (Emacs 30.0.50 2023-07-10) on Debian 12.0

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