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class browser compiled on FreeBSD!

From: Jason R. McVetta
Subject: class browser compiled on FreeBSD!
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 20:55:32 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 06:29:11AM -0500, Fuji Zhang wrote:
> hi, thx for replying again. glad to know that you use the same port as me.
> i agree the browser problem should be reported to the whole sather
> community. i'm not sure how big this community is though. so far you are
> the only one that has replied to my questions. any worth a try.

I was finally able to compile the class browser on FreeBSD!  The problem
was that the tcl and tk includes for C compilation were not being
specified, and the X11 include was being specified incompletely.

What I did was to change these *manually* in the makefile for the C
code.  I was unable to figure out how to change the sather source and
configuration files to get it to happen automatically.  

Here are the steps for compiling it manually (I assume you already have
the sather compiler and libraries installed):

1)      Extract & configure the port the usual way.  
        ($ cd /usr/ports/lang/Sather; make configure )

2)      Change to the working directory and edit the master makefile
        ($ cd work/sather-1.2.1; vi Makefile)

3)      Change the value of SACOMP from "Bin/sacomp$(EXEC_SUFFIX)" to
        "sacomp" (assuming the sather compiler is in your path).

4)      Make common files. ($ gmake common)

5)      Try to make the browser.  ( $ gmake browser )  This will compile
        from sather to C okay, but will fail on C compilation.

6)      Edit the browser C makefile.  ($ vi Bin/sabrowse.code/Makefile)

7)      Add the following items to the value of CFLAGS:
        "-I/usr/local/include/tcl8.0 -I/usr/local/include/tk8.0

8)      Try making the browser again ( $ gmake browser ).  This time it
        should compile and work.

Hopefully someone can explain the right way to add those includes; then
we can submit a patch to the FreeBSD port. -- Speaking of which, the
fbsd port needs a lot of work.  It correctly installs the compiler
itself, but does not correctly install the standard libraries.  

If anyone wants to download a working FreeBSD (x86) binary of the
browser, I've put one up at:



Jason R. McVetta                   
"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who has never
learned to walk."  -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

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