Here are a few steps on how to build gnumach ... These are nothing but some of my notes (so they are crude ) kindly consider ...
Use the following for building gnumach-1 branch ... - autoreconf -f -i
Always use gnumach-1 branch, don't use gnumach ... it uses oskit and oskit is broken ....
How to build GNUMach - autoreconf -f -i - make install-headers / make install-data - you will need MIG ...this will need headers from mach to be installed .. so don't forget to do the step mentioned above
- then build MIG ... - come back and do a make in gnumach .... - make install ...
####### patching file Makefile Hunk #1 succeeded at 2472 (offset 608 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 3558 (offset 38 lines).
config.status: Applied a patch to fix a bug in your version of Automake. The applied fix should work in most cases. You could also consider updating to Automake 1.10 or better. config.status: executing frob_Makefile_for_dependency_tracking_for_.S_files commands
config.status: Your build of GNU Mach won't have dependency tracking for (preprocessed) Assembler source files. Consider updating to Automake 1.10 or better if you need such support. #######