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Fwd: [PET] Privacy Reseach Day at the CNIL: Call for Presentations

From: Libor Polčák
Subject: Fwd: [PET] Privacy Reseach Day at the CNIL: Call for Presentations
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2022 17:43:31 +0100
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I talked about the conference below at the meeting.


Call for Presentations: Privacy Research Day 2022

28 June 2022

Paris, France


The first edition of the annual Privacy Research Day is organized by the 
*French Data Protection Authority (CNIL)* that brings together experts around 
the world to present their results in privacy and data protection research to 
the CNIL. The goal of Privacy Research Day is to *create a dialog between the 
CNIL legal and technical experts and academics in computer science, and human 
and social sciences*. The CNIL agents will present the priorities of the CNIL 
for the upcoming year and explain how the presented work can be used by the 
Data Protection Authorities in France and in Europe.

After this Privacy Research Day, the CNIL contemplates several possible types 
of collaborations with researchers:

  * involvement in research projects,
  * joint development of studies or tools,
  * co-supervision of doctoral or post-doctoral students,
  * hosting of researchers in residence and internship opportunities for young 
researchers, etc.

*The deadline for submissions is April 1^st , 2022*. Information on how to 
submit a presentation can be found in the call for presentations: 

Paper proposals will be evaluated by CNIL experts, based on an assessment of 
the quality of the submissions, their relevance to the work of the CNIL, and 
the need to cover a diverse range of topics representing a variety of 

Attention will be paid to the multidisciplinary nature of the contributions, 
their link with the regulatory issues prioritized by the CNIL, and the 
exchanges and debates that the contributions may generate.


Nataliia Bielova

/Senior Privacy Fellow, CNIL/

/Research Scientist, Inria /


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