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Meeting minutes 20240625

From: Michael McMahon
Subject: Meeting minutes 20240625
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 11:48:28 -0400
User-agent: Icedove Mail

* Grants (Development/Design)
  * NLnet
    - Ongoing.
    - Next meeting we will reviewed the grant objectives again.
- Should we ask for another extension to the end of August? Sounds like a good idea. - We are near finishing the translation, but the rest will take more time.
  * Open Technology Fund
  * Be on the lookout for other grant opportunities.

* Manifest V3 (Development)
* https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/develop/migrate/mv2-deprecation-timeline
    * The July 4th deadline is not exactly precise due to the US holiday.
* Expected in the next Chrome version which may be the second half of July. Chrome 127 (Jul 23, 2024)
    * https://chromiumdash.appspot.com/schedule

* Localization or Internationalization (i18n) (Development/Design)
  * Discussing the weblate translation workflow.
- We do not want all of those strings in the project directly. Some translations are incomplete or may need a second pass. We have some scripts that move them around.
    - Weblate branch is out of sync with main.
    - Picked up language selector project and making it active.
    - Should be done by the end of this week.
- Working on Portuguese translation. Working on PO files can be the fastest way to work on this.

* Next meeting (Development/Design)
  * Meetings repeat every two weeks.
* Next development/design meeting: July 16th 15:00 CEST (2 hours earlier) without Michael
  * Tentative next meeting with everyone would be July 30th

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