On July 3, 2024 4:19:53 PM GMT+01:00, ricardo--- via Js-shield <js-shield@nongnu.org> wrote:
Hello Libor,
So at this point the translation pipeline is properly set up and tested, here's what is still missing:
- The language selector for the website is done (lang-switcher branch), it's just missing the actual functionality to switch to the selected language
- We've changed the pipeline significantly and will be redoing the translation documentation; we were thinking of including it as a page in the website itself, instead of just on the README as it is now.
- We're struggling with the Weblate command line utility to upload the source PO files (for when there's new text in the source files), so currently that has to be done manually. We can take care of regularly doing this as part of the website maintenance, though we'll keep looking for an automated solution.
The other outstanding TODO from the issues is the docs to add new pages, which we'll quickly take care of in the coming days. All in all, we should be done by the end of next week (worst case). We'll keep you posted as we cross out the last items.
July 3, 2024 at 7:32 AM, "Libor Polčák" <polcak@fit.vutbr.cz> wrote:
We did not get the extension that we asked for, but we did get an additional two weeks. Friday July 26 is the last day.
Michael McMahon | GNU/Linux Systems Administrator, Free Software Foundation
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through the Combined Federal Campaign.
https://cfcgiving.opm.gov/ On 4/30/24 11:34, Michael McMahon wrote:
* Grants (Development/Design)
* NLnet
- Ongoing.
- Asked for extension.
* Open Technology Fund
* Be on the lookout for other grant opportunities.