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Re: [Klog-users] Just getting started

From: Jaime Robles
Subject: Re: [Klog-users] Just getting started
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 07:54:08 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.8

> confirmed/worked that what is in the log.  I downloaded the most
> recent cty.dat file but that didn't help.  Is the DXCC award module
> complete or does it still need work?
Well, any module of KLog is _completed_...
The KLog software is always in development...

Sometimes I have noticed more or less the same you are reporting... but I
have not done deep testing on this.
I was not sure if the problem really existed of was just my personal

It will be a BIG help if you could send me a SHORT adif file (no more than
5-10 QSO) that reproduces that error.
That way I could see what kind of QSO are not counted for the "main
numbers" (DXCC, ...)

> Also, is there a way to have automatic connection to the dxcluster?  I
> am finding when I connect I don't see the prompt for callsign.  It
> would be helpful to be able to pass a login when connecting to make it
> more automatic.
I can try to add an automatic login, of course. Thanks for the wishlish item.
The only problem I see is that, the automatic logging should work on any
dxcluster server... and the response from the server is not always the
Anyway, I will add it to the wishlist and I will try to implement it.

> From initial testing this is looking pretty good. Best I have found
> for linux.  I will be testing it with rig control later this week.
Uff! The rig control is not the best working module of KLog... I will be
happy to receive your bug reports. :-)

Thank you for testing KLog!

Un saludo,
        Jaime Robles, EA4TV

   http://www.redlibre.net - La Red Libre de todos!

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