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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/acqui.simple marcimport.pl,,
From: |
Alan Millar |
Subject: |
[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/acqui.simple marcimport.pl,, |
Date: |
Fri, 31 May 2002 22:20:55 -0700 |
Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/acqui.simple
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv30749
Modified Files:
Tag: rel-1-2
Log Message:
Misc cleanups; move subroutines to end of file
Index: marcimport.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/acqui.simple/marcimport.pl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.6.2.5 -r1.6.2.6
*** marcimport.pl 31 May 2002 05:33:34 -0000
--- marcimport.pl 1 Jun 2002 05:20:52 -0000
*** 109,113 ****
my $isbngood=1;
if ($input->param('type') eq 'isbn') {
! $isbngood=CheckIsbn($query);
if ($isbngood) {
--- 109,113 ----
my $isbngood=1;
if ($input->param('type') eq 'isbn') {
! $isbngood=checkvalidisbn($query);
if ($isbngood) {
*** 124,128 ****
! Addz3950queue($input->param('query'), $input->param('type'),
$input->param('rand'), @serverlist);
} else {
--- 124,128 ----
! addz3950queue($dbh,$input->param('query'), $input->param('type'),
$input->param('rand'), @serverlist);
} else {
*** 132,216 ****
- sub Addz3950queue {
- use strict;
- my (
- $query, # value to look up
- $type, # type of value ("isbn", "lccn", etc).
- $requestid,
- @z3950list, # list of z3950 servers to query
- )address@hidden;
- my (
- @serverlist,
- $server,
- $failed,
- );
- # list of servers: entry can be a fully qualified URL-type entry
- # or simply just a server ID number.
- my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select host,port,db,userid,password
- from z3950servers
- where id=? ");
- foreach $server (@z3950list) {
- if ($server =~ /:/ ) {
- push @serverlist, $server;
- } else {
- $sth->execute($server);
- my ($host, $port, $db, $userid, $password) = $sth->fetchrow;
- push @serverlist, "$server/$host\:$port/$db/$userid/$password";
- }
- }
- my $serverlist='';
- foreach (@serverlist) {
- $serverlist.="$_ ";
- }
- chop $serverlist;
- # Don't allow reinsertion of the same request number.
- my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select identifier from z3950queue
- where identifier=?");
- $sth->execute($requestid);
- unless ($sth->rows) {
- $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into z3950queue
- (term,type,servers, identifier)
- values (?, ?, ?, ?)");
- $sth->execute($query, $type, $serverlist, $requestid);
- }
- } # sub
- #--------------------------------------
- sub CheckIsbn {
- my ($q)address@hidden ;
- my $isbngood = 0;
- $q=~s/[^X\d]//g;
- $q=~s/X.//g;
- if (length($q)==10) {
- my $checksum=substr($q,9,1);
- my $isbn=substr($q,0,9);
- my $i;
- my $c=0;
- for ($i=0; $i<9; $i++) {
- my $digit=substr($q,$i,1);
- $c+=$digit*(10-$i);
- }
- $c=int(11-($c/11-int($c/11))*11+.1);
- ($c==10) && ($c='X');
- if ($c eq $checksum) {
- $isbngood=1;
- } else {
- $isbngood=0;
- }
- } else {
- $isbngood=0;
- }
- return $isbngood;
- } # sub CheckIsbn
--- 132,135 ----
*** 231,234 ****
--- 150,156 ----
+ #------------------------------------
+ # Add biblio item, and set up menu for adding item copies
if ($input->param('insertnewrecord')) {
my $sth;
*** 246,256 ****
#my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into marcrecorddone values ($q_origisbn,
$q_origissn, $q_origlccn, $q_origcontrolnumber)");
! my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select biblionumber,biblioitemnumber from
biblioitems where issn=$q_issn or isbn=$q_isbn or lccn=$q_lccn");
my $biblionumber=0;
my $biblioitemnumber=0;
- print "<center>\n";
- print "<a href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?file=$file>New Record</a> | <a
href=marcimport.pl>New File</a><br>\n";
if ($sth->rows) {
($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
my $title=$input->param('title');
--- 168,184 ----
#my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into marcrecorddone values ($q_origisbn,
$q_origissn, $q_origlccn, $q_origcontrolnumber)");
! print "<center>\n";
! print "<a href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?file=$file>New Record</a> | <a
href=marcimport.pl>New File</a><br>\n";
! # See if it already exists
! my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select biblionumber,biblioitemnumber
! from biblioitems
! where issn=$q_issn or isbn=$q_isbn or lccn=$q_lccn");
my $biblionumber=0;
my $biblioitemnumber=0;
if ($sth->rows) {
+ # Already exists
($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
my $title=$input->param('title');
*** 267,271 ****
# It doesn't exist; add it.
my $error;
my %biblio;
--- 195,198 ----
*** 312,316 ****
($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $error)=
! NewBiblioItem($dbh,
--- 239,243 ----
($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $error)=
! newcompletebiblioitem($dbh,
*** 350,539 ****
print << "EOF";
<table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0>
! <tr><th bgcolor=black><font color=white>
! Add a New Item for $title
! </font>
! </th></tr>
! <tr><td bgcolor=#dddddd>
! <form>
! <input type=hidden name=newitem value=1>
! <input type=hidden name=biblionumber value=$biblionumber>
! <input type=hidden name=biblioitemnumber value=$biblioitemnumber>
! <input type=hidden name=file value=$file>
! <table border=0>
! <tr><td>BARCODE</td><td><input name=barcode size=10 value=$barcode>
! Home Branch: <select name=homebranch> $branchselect </select></td></tr>
! </tr><td>Replacement Price:</td><td><input name=replacementprice
! <tr><td>Notes</td><td><textarea name=notes rows=4 cols=40
! wrap=physical></textarea></td></tr>
! </table>
! </td></tr>
! </table>
! <p>
! <input type=submit value="Add Item">
! </form>
! print endmenu();
! print endpage();
! exit;
- sub NewBiblioItem {
- use strict;
- my ( $dbh, # DBI handle
- $biblio, # hash ref to biblio record
- $biblioitem, # hash ref to biblioitem record
- $subjects, # list ref of subjects
- $addlauthors, # list ref of additional authors
- )address@hidden ;
- my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $error); # return values
- my $debug=1;
- my $sth;
- my $subjectheading;
- my $additionalauthor;
- #--------
- print "<PRE>Trying to add biblio item Title=$biblio->{title} " .
- "ISBN=$biblioitem->{isbn} </PRE>\n" if $debug;
- # Make sure master biblio entry exists
- ($biblionumber,$error)=GetOrAddBiblio($dbh, $biblio);
- if ( ! $error ) {
- # Get next biblioitemnumber
- $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(biblioitemnumber) from biblioitems");
- $sth->execute;
- ($biblioitemnumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
- $biblioitemnumber++;
- print "<PRE>Next biblio item is $biblioitemnumber</PRE>\n" if $debug;
- $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into biblioitems (
- biblioitemnumber,
- biblionumber,
- volume,
- number,
- itemtype,
- isbn,
- issn,
- dewey,
- subclass,
- publicationyear,
- publishercode,
- volumedate,
- volumeddesc,
- illus,
- pages,
- notes,
- size,
- place,
- lccn,
- marc)
- values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" );
- $sth->execute(
- $biblioitemnumber,
- $biblionumber,
- $biblioitem->{volume},
- $biblioitem->{number},
- $biblioitem->{itemtype},
- $biblioitem->{isbn},
- $biblioitem->{issn},
- $biblioitem->{dewey},
- $biblioitem->{subclass},
- $biblioitem->{publicationyear},
- $biblioitem->{publishercode},
- $biblioitem->{volumedate},
- $biblioitem->{volumeddesc},
- $biblioitem->{illus},
- $biblioitem->{pages},
- $biblioitem->{notes},
- $biblioitem->{size},
- $biblioitem->{place},
- $biblioitem->{lccn},
- $biblioitem->{marc} ) or $error.=$sth->errstr ;
- $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into bibliosubject
- (biblionumber,subject)
- values (?, ? )" );
- foreach $subjectheading (@{$subjects} ) {
- $sth->execute($biblionumber, $subjectheading)
- or $error.=$sth->errstr ;
- } # foreach subject
- $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into additionalauthors
- (biblionumber,author)
- values (?, ? )");
- foreach $additionalauthor (@{$addlauthors} ) {
- $sth->execute($biblionumber, $additionalauthor)
- or $error.=$sth->errstr ;
- } # foreach author
- } else {
- # couldn't get biblio
- $biblionumber='';
- $biblioitemnumber='';
- } # if no biblio error
- return ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $error);
- } # sub NewBiblioItem
! # Find a biblio entry, or create a new one if it doesn't exist.
! sub GetOrAddBiblio {
! use strict; # in here until rest cleaned up
! # input params
! my (
! $dbh, # db handle
! $biblio, # hash ref to fields
! )address@hidden;
! # return
! my $biblionumber;
! my $debug=1;
! my $sth;
! my $error;
! #-----
! print "<PRE>Looking for biblio </PRE>\n" if $debug;
! $sth=$dbh->prepare("select biblionumber
! from biblio
! where title=? and author=?
! and copyrightdate=? and seriestitle=?");
! $sth->execute(
! $biblio->{title}, $biblio->{author},
! $biblio->{copyright}, $biblio->{seriestitle} );
! if ($sth->rows) {
! ($biblionumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
! print "<PRE>Biblio exists with number $biblionumber</PRE>\n" if
! } else {
! # Doesn't exist. Add new one.
! print "<PRE>Adding biblio</PRE>\n" if $debug;
! ($biblionumber,$error)=&newbiblio($biblio);
! if ( $biblionumber ) {
! print "<PRE>Added with biblio number=$biblionumber</PRE>\n" if
! if ( $biblio->{subtitle} ) {
! &newsubtitle($biblionumber,$biblio->{subtitle} );
! } # if subtitle
! } else {
! print "<PRE>Couldn't add biblio: $error</PRE>\n" if $debug;
! } # if added
! }
! return $biblionumber;
! } # sub GetOrAddBiblio
! #---------------------------------------
if ($input->param('newitem')) {
use strict;
--- 277,315 ----
print << "EOF";
<table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0>
! <tr><th bgcolor=black>
! <font color=white> Add a New Item for $title </font>
! </th></tr>
! <tr><td bgcolor=#dddddd>
! <form>
! <input type=hidden name=newitem value=1>
! <input type=hidden name=biblionumber value=$biblionumber>
! <input type=hidden name=biblioitemnumber value=$biblioitemnumber>
! <input type=hidden name=file value=$file>
! <table border=0>
! <tr><td>BARCODE</td><td><input name=barcode size=10 value=$barcode>
! Home Branch: <select name=homebranch> $branchselect </select>
! </td></tr>
! <tr><td>Replacement Price:</td>
! <td><input name=replacementprice size=10></td></tr>
! <tr><td>Notes</td>
! <td><textarea name=notes rows=4 cols=40 wrap=physical></textarea>
! </td></tr>
! </table>
! <p>
! <input type=submit value="Add Item">
! </form>
! </td></tr>
! </table>
! print endmenu();
! print endpage();
! exit;
! # Add item copy
if ($input->param('newitem')) {
use strict;
*** 563,568 ****
} else {
! print "<font color=green size=+1>Item added with barcode
! </font><P>\n";
} # if error
} # if barcode exists
--- 339,345 ----
} else {
! print "<table border=1><tr><td bgcolor=yellow>
! Item added with barcode $barcode
! </td></tr></table>\n";
} # if error
} # if barcode exists
*** 1444,1445 ****
--- 1221,1460 ----
return $selectclause;
} # sub GetKeyTableSelectOptions
+ #---------------------------------
+ # Add a biblioitem and related data
+ sub newcompletebiblioitem {
+ use strict;
+ my ( $dbh, # DBI handle
+ $biblio, # hash ref to biblio record
+ $biblioitem, # hash ref to biblioitem record
+ $subjects, # list ref of subjects
+ $addlauthors, # list ref of additional authors
+ )address@hidden ;
+ my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $error); # return values
+ my $debug=1;
+ my $sth;
+ my $subjectheading;
+ my $additionalauthor;
+ #--------
+ print "<PRE>Trying to add biblio item Title=$biblio->{title} " .
+ "ISBN=$biblioitem->{isbn} </PRE>\n" if $debug;
+ # Make sure master biblio entry exists
+ ($biblionumber,$error)=getoraddbiblio($dbh, $biblio);
+ if ( ! $error ) {
+ # Get next biblioitemnumber
+ $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(biblioitemnumber) from biblioitems");
+ $sth->execute;
+ ($biblioitemnumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
+ $biblioitemnumber++;
+ print "<PRE>Next biblio item is $biblioitemnumber</PRE>\n" if $debug;
+ $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into biblioitems (
+ biblioitemnumber,
+ biblionumber,
+ volume,
+ number,
+ itemtype,
+ isbn,
+ issn,
+ dewey,
+ subclass,
+ publicationyear,
+ publishercode,
+ volumedate,
+ volumeddesc,
+ illus,
+ pages,
+ notes,
+ size,
+ place,
+ lccn,
+ marc)
+ values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" );
+ $sth->execute(
+ $biblioitemnumber,
+ $biblionumber,
+ $biblioitem->{volume},
+ $biblioitem->{number},
+ $biblioitem->{itemtype},
+ $biblioitem->{isbn},
+ $biblioitem->{issn},
+ $biblioitem->{dewey},
+ $biblioitem->{subclass},
+ $biblioitem->{publicationyear},
+ $biblioitem->{publishercode},
+ $biblioitem->{volumedate},
+ $biblioitem->{volumeddesc},
+ $biblioitem->{illus},
+ $biblioitem->{pages},
+ $biblioitem->{notes},
+ $biblioitem->{size},
+ $biblioitem->{place},
+ $biblioitem->{lccn},
+ $biblioitem->{marc} ) or $error.=$sth->errstr ;
+ $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into bibliosubject
+ (biblionumber,subject)
+ values (?, ? )" );
+ foreach $subjectheading (@{$subjects} ) {
+ $sth->execute($biblionumber, $subjectheading)
+ or $error.=$sth->errstr ;
+ } # foreach subject
+ $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into additionalauthors
+ (biblionumber,author)
+ values (?, ? )");
+ foreach $additionalauthor (@{$addlauthors} ) {
+ $sth->execute($biblionumber, $additionalauthor)
+ or $error.=$sth->errstr ;
+ } # foreach author
+ } else {
+ # couldn't get biblio
+ $biblionumber='';
+ $biblioitemnumber='';
+ } # if no biblio error
+ return ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $error);
+ } # sub newcompletebiblioitem
+ #---------------------------------------
+ # Find a biblio entry, or create a new one if it doesn't exist.
+ sub getoraddbiblio {
+ use strict; # in here until rest cleaned up
+ # input params
+ my (
+ $dbh, # db handle
+ $biblio, # hash ref to fields
+ )address@hidden;
+ # return
+ my $biblionumber;
+ my $debug=1;
+ my $sth;
+ my $error;
+ #-----
+ print "<PRE>Looking for biblio </PRE>\n" if $debug;
+ $sth=$dbh->prepare("select biblionumber
+ from biblio
+ where title=? and author=?
+ and copyrightdate=? and seriestitle=?");
+ $sth->execute(
+ $biblio->{title}, $biblio->{author},
+ $biblio->{copyright}, $biblio->{seriestitle} );
+ if ($sth->rows) {
+ ($biblionumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
+ print "<PRE>Biblio exists with number $biblionumber</PRE>\n" if
+ } else {
+ # Doesn't exist. Add new one.
+ print "<PRE>Adding biblio</PRE>\n" if $debug;
+ ($biblionumber,$error)=&newbiblio($biblio);
+ if ( $biblionumber ) {
+ print "<PRE>Added with biblio number=$biblionumber</PRE>\n" if
+ if ( $biblio->{subtitle} ) {
+ &newsubtitle($biblionumber,$biblio->{subtitle} );
+ } # if subtitle
+ } else {
+ print "<PRE>Couldn't add biblio: $error</PRE>\n" if $debug;
+ } # if added
+ }
+ return $biblionumber,$error;
+ } # sub getoraddbiblio
+ #---------------------------------------
+ sub addz3950queue {
+ use strict;
+ my (
+ $dbh, # DBI handle
+ $query, # value to look up
+ $type, # type of value ("isbn", "lccn", etc).
+ $requestid,
+ @z3950list, # list of z3950 servers to query
+ )address@hidden;
+ my (
+ @serverlist,
+ $server,
+ $failed,
+ );
+ # list of servers: entry can be a fully qualified URL-type entry
+ # or simply just a server ID number.
+ my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select host,port,db,userid,password
+ from z3950servers
+ where id=? ");
+ foreach $server (@z3950list) {
+ if ($server =~ /:/ ) {
+ push @serverlist, $server;
+ } else {
+ $sth->execute($server);
+ my ($host, $port, $db, $userid, $password) = $sth->fetchrow;
+ push @serverlist, "$server/$host\:$port/$db/$userid/$password";
+ }
+ }
+ my $serverlist='';
+ foreach (@serverlist) {
+ $serverlist.="$_ ";
+ }
+ chop $serverlist;
+ # Don't allow reinsertion of the same request number.
+ my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select identifier from z3950queue
+ where identifier=?");
+ $sth->execute($requestid);
+ unless ($sth->rows) {
+ $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into z3950queue
+ (term,type,servers, identifier)
+ values (?, ?, ?, ?)");
+ $sth->execute($query, $type, $serverlist, $requestid);
+ }
+ } # sub
+ #--------------------------------------
+ sub checkvalidisbn {
+ my ($q)address@hidden ;
+ my $isbngood = 0;
+ $q=~s/[^X\d]//g;
+ $q=~s/X.//g;
+ if (length($q)==10) {
+ my $checksum=substr($q,9,1);
+ my $isbn=substr($q,0,9);
+ my $i;
+ my $c=0;
+ for ($i=0; $i<9; $i++) {
+ my $digit=substr($q,$i,1);
+ $c+=$digit*(10-$i);
+ }
+ $c=int(11-($c/11-int($c/11))*11+.1);
+ ($c==10) && ($c='X');
+ if ($c eq $checksum) {
+ $isbngood=1;
+ } else {
+ $isbngood=0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $isbngood=0;
+ }
+ return $isbngood;
+ } # sub checkvalidisbn
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- [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/acqui.simple marcimport.pl,,,
Alan Millar <=