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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/acqui.simple marcimport.pl,,
From: |
Alan Millar |
Subject: |
[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/acqui.simple marcimport.pl,, |
Date: |
Mon, 03 Jun 2002 14:02:11 -0700 |
Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/acqui.simple
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv12360
Modified Files:
Tag: rel-1-2
Log Message:
Isolate MARC tag decoding into common subroutine for Z3950 search
results and Marc upload list. List book title in Z3950 search
queue list.
Index: marcimport.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/acqui.simple/marcimport.pl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.6.2.9 -r1.6.2.10
*** marcimport.pl 3 Jun 2002 19:16:02 -0000
--- marcimport.pl 3 Jun 2002 21:02:08 -0000
*** 495,499 ****
} # foreach record
} else {
} # if
--- 495,499 ----
} # foreach record
} else {
! # No result file specified, list results
} # if
*** 503,506 ****
--- 503,507 ----
#use strict;
+ # Input parameters
my (
*** 508,518 ****
! # No result record specified, list records
! #open (F, "$file");
! #my $data=<F>;
my $data;
my $name;
my $z3950=0;
my $recordsource;
# File can be results of z3950 search or uploaded MARC data
--- 509,521 ----
! my (
! $field,
! );
my $data;
my $name;
my $z3950=0;
my $recordsource;
+ my $record;
# File can be results of z3950 search or uploaded MARC data
*** 545,548 ****
--- 548,553 ----
my $serverstring;
my $starttimer=time();
+ # loop through all servers in search request
foreach $serverstring (split(/\s+/, $servers)) {
my ($name, $server, $database, $auth) = split(/\//,
$serverstring, 4);
*** 564,568 ****
my $startrecord=$input->param("ST-$name");
($startrecord) || ($startrecord='0');
! my $sti=$dbh->prepare("select
numrecords,id,results,startdate,enddate from z3950results where queryid=$id and
($numrecords,$resultsid,$data,$startdate,$enddate) =
--- 569,576 ----
my $startrecord=$input->param("ST-$name");
($startrecord) || ($startrecord='0');
! my $sti=$dbh->prepare("
! select numrecords,id,results,startdate,enddate
! from z3950results
! where queryid=$id and server=$q_server");
($numrecords,$resultsid,$data,$startdate,$enddate) =
*** 611,615 ****
my $i;
- my $record;
for ($i=$startrecord; $i<$startrecord+10; $i++) {
--- 619,622 ----
*** 618,687 ****
my $counter=0;
foreach $record (@records) {
! $counter++;
! #(next) unless ($counter>=$startrecord &&
! my ($lccn, $isbn, $issn, $dewey, $author, $title,
$place, $publisher, $publicationyear, $volume, $number, @subjects, $notes,
! foreach $field (@$record) {
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '001') {
! $controlnumber=$field->{'indicator'};
! }
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '010') {
! $lccn=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
! $lccn=~s/^\s*//;
! ($lccn) = (split(/\s+/, $lccn))[0];
! }
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '015') {
! $lccn=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
! $lccn=~s/^\s*//;
! $lccn=~s/^C//;
! ($lccn) = (split(/\s+/, $lccn))[0];
! }
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '020') {
! $isbn=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
! ($isbn=~/ARRAY/) && ($isbn=$$isbn[0]);
! $isbn=~s/[^\d]*//g;
! }
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '022') {
! $issn=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
! $issn=~s/^\s*//;
! ($issn) = (split(/\s+/, $issn))[0];
! }
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '100') {
! $author=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
! }
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '245') {
! $title=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
! $title=~s/ \/$//;
! $subtitle=$field->{'subfields'}->{'b'};
! $subtitle=~s/ \/$//;
! }
! }
! my $q_isbn=$dbh->quote((($isbn) || ('NIL')));
! my $q_issn=$dbh->quote((($issn) || ('NIL')));
! my $q_lccn=$dbh->quote((($lccn) || ('NIL')));
! my $q_controlnumber=$dbh->quote((($controlnumber) ||
! #my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from marcrecorddone
where isbn=$q_isbn or issn=$q_issn or lccn=$q_lccn or
! #$sth->execute;
! #my $donetext='';
! #if ($sth->rows) {
! # $donetext="DONE";
! #}
! $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from biblioitems where
isbn=$q_isbn or issn=$q_issn or lccn=$q_lccn");
! $sth->execute;
! if ($sth->rows) {
! $donetext="DONE";
! }
! ($author) && ($author="by $author");
! if ($isbn) {
! print "<li><a
$subtitle $author</a> $donetext<br>\n";
! } elsif ($lccn) {
! print "<li><a
$subtitle $author</a> $donetext<br>\n";
! } elsif ($issn) {
! print "<li><a
$subtitle $author</a><br> $donetext\n";
! } elsif ($controlnumber) {
! print "<li><a
$subtitle $author</a><br> $donetext\n";
! } else {
! print "Error: Contact steve regarding $title by
! }
! }
print "<p>\n";
} else {
--- 625,632 ----
my $counter=0;
foreach $record (@records) {
! &PrintResultRecordLink($record,$resultsid);
! } # foreach record
print "<p>\n";
} else {
*** 695,768 ****
my @records=parsemarcfileformat($data);
- $counter=$#records+1;
foreach $record (@records) {
! my ($lccn, $isbn, $issn, $dewey, $author, $title, $place,
$publisher, $publicationyear, $volume, $number, @subjects, $notes,
! foreach $field (@$record) {
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '001') {
! $controlnumber=$field->{'indicator'};
! }
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '010') {
! $lccn=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
! $lccn=~s/^\s*//;
! ($lccn) = (split(/\s+/, $lccn))[0];
! }
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '015') {
! $lccn=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
! $lccn=~s/^\s*//;
! $lccn=~s/^C//;
! ($lccn) = (split(/\s+/, $lccn))[0];
! }
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '020') {
! $isbn=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
! ($isbn=~/ARRAY/) && ($isbn=$$isbn[0]);
! $isbn=~s/[^\d]*//g;
! }
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '022') {
! $issn=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
! $issn=~s/^\s*//;
! ($issn) = (split(/\s+/, $issn))[0];
! }
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '100') {
! $author=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
! }
! if ($field->{'tag'} eq '245') {
! $title=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
! $title=~s/ \/$//;
! $subtitle=$field->{'subfields'}->{'b'};
! $subtitle=~s/ \/$//;
! }
! }
! my $q_isbn=$dbh->quote((($isbn) || ('NIL')));
! my $q_issn=$dbh->quote((($issn) || ('NIL')));
! my $q_lccn=$dbh->quote((($lccn) || ('NIL')));
! my $q_controlnumber=$dbh->quote((($controlnumber) || ('NIL')));
! #my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from marcrecorddone where
isbn=$q_isbn or issn=$q_issn or lccn=$q_lccn or
! #$sth->execute;
! #my $donetext='';
! #if ($sth->rows) {
! # $donetext="DONE";
! #}
! $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from biblioitems where
isbn=$q_isbn or issn=$q_issn or lccn=$q_lccn");
! $sth->execute;
! if ($sth->rows) {
! $donetext="DONE";
! }
! ($author) && ($author="by $author");
! if ($isbn) {
! print "<a
href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?file=$file&isbn=$isbn>$title$subtitle $author</a>
! } elsif ($lccn) {
! print "<a
href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?file=$file&lccn=$lccn>$title$subtitle $author</a>
! } elsif ($issn) {
! print "<a
href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?file=$file&issn=$issn>$title$subtitle $author</a><br>
! } elsif ($controlnumber) {
! print "<a
href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?file=$file&controlnumber=$controlnumber>$title by
$author</a><br> $donetext\n";
! } else {
! print "Error: Contact steve regarding $title by
! }
! }
! }
print "</td></tr></table>\n";
} # sub ListSearchResults
sub z3950menu {
--- 640,746 ----
my @records=parsemarcfileformat($data);
foreach $record (@records) {
! &PrintResultRecordLink($record,'');
! } # foreach record
! } # if z3950 or marc upload
print "</td></tr></table>\n";
} # sub ListSearchResults
+ sub PrintResultRecordLink {
+ my ($record,$resultsid)address@hidden; # input
+ my $bib; # hash ref to named fields
+ my $searchfield, $searchvalue;
+ $bib=simplemarcfields($record);
+ $sth=$dbh->prepare("select *
+ from biblioitems
+ where isbn=? or issn=? or lccn=? ");
+ $sth->execute($bib->{isbn},$bib->{issn},$bib->{lccn});
+ if ($sth->rows) {
+ $donetext="DONE";
+ } else {
+ $donetext="";
+ }
+ ($bib->{author}) && ($bib->{author}="by $bib->{author}");
+ $searchfield="";
+ foreach $fieldname ( "controlnumber", "lccn", "issn", "isbn") {
+ if ( defined $bib->{$fieldname} ) {
+ $searchfield=$fieldname;
+ $searchvalue=$bib->{$fieldname};
+ } # if defined fieldname
+ } # foreach
+ if ( $searchfield ) {
+ print "<a href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?file=$file" .
+ "&resultsid=$resultsid" .
+ "&$searchfield=$searchvalue" .
+ "&searchfield=$searchfield" .
+ "&searchvalue=$searchvalue" .
+ ">$bib->{title} by $bib->{author}</a>" .
+ " $donetext <BR>\n";
+ } else {
+ print "Error: Problem with $title by $bib->{author}<br>\n";
+ } # if searchfield
+ } # sub PrintResultRecordLink
+ #------------------
+ sub simplemarcfields {
+ # input
+ my (
+ $record, # list ref
+ )address@hidden;
+ # return
+ my $bib; # hash of named fields
+ my (
+ $field, $value,
+ );
+ foreach $field (@$record) {
+ if ($field->{'tag'} eq '001') {
+ $bib->{controlnumber}=$field->{'indicator'};
+ }
+ if ($field->{'tag'} eq '010') {
+ $bib->{lccn}=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
+ $bib->{lccn}=~s/^\s*//;
+ ($bib->{lccn}) = (split(/\s+/, $bib->{lccn}))[0];
+ }
+ if ($field->{'tag'} eq '015') {
+ $bib->{lccn}=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
+ $bib->{lccn}=~s/^\s*//;
+ $bib->{lccn}=~s/^C//;
+ ($bib->{lccn}) = (split(/\s+/, $bib->{lccn}))[0];
+ }
+ if ($field->{'tag'} eq '020') {
+ $bib->{isbn}=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
+ ($bib->{isbn}=~/ARRAY/) && ($bib->{isbn}=$$bib->{isbn}[0]);
+ $bib->{isbn}=~s/[^\d]*//g;
+ }
+ if ($field->{'tag'} eq '022') {
+ $bib->{issn}=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
+ $bib->{issn}=~s/^\s*//;
+ ($bib->{issn}) = (split(/\s+/, $bib->{issn}))[0];
+ }
+ if ($field->{'tag'} eq '100') {
+ $bib->{author}=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
+ }
+ if ($field->{'tag'} eq '245') {
+ $bib->{title}=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
+ $bib->{title}=~s/ \/$//;
+ $bib->{subtitle}=$field->{'subfields'}->{'b'};
+ $bib->{subtitle}=~s/ \/$//;
+ }
+ } # foreach field
+ return $bib;
+ } # sub simplemarcfields
sub z3950menu {
*** 782,786 ****
$resultstatus, $statuscolor,
$id, $term, $type, $done, $numrecords, $length,
! $startdate, $enddate, $servers
--- 760,765 ----
$resultstatus, $statuscolor,
$id, $term, $type, $done, $numrecords, $length,
! $startdate, $enddate, $servers,
! $record,$bib,$title,
*** 804,809 ****
# See if query produced results
! $sti=$dbh->prepare("select id,server,startdate,enddate,numrecords
from z3950results
where queryid=?");
--- 783,789 ----
+ $title="";
# See if query produced results
! $sti=$dbh->prepare("select
from z3950results
where queryid=?");
*** 813,817 ****
! while (my ($r_id,$r_server,$r_startdate,$r_enddate,$r_numrecords)
= $sti->fetchrow) {
if ($r_enddate==0) {
--- 793,797 ----
! while (my
= $sti->fetchrow) {
if ($r_enddate==0) {
*** 823,827 ****
! }
--- 803,813 ----
! # Snag any title from the results
! if ( ! $title ) {
! ($record)=parsemarcfileformat($r_marcdata);
! $bib=simplemarcfields($record);
! if ( $bib->{title} ) { $title=$bib->{title} };
! } # if no title yet
! } # if finished
*** 851,855 ****
"$type=$term</a>" .
"<font size=-1 color=$statuscolor>$resultstatus $totalrecords "
! "($elapsedtime)</font><br>\n";
} else {
print "<li><a href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?file=Z-$id&menu=$menu>
--- 837,841 ----
"$type=$term</a>" .
"<font size=-1 color=$statuscolor>$resultstatus $totalrecords "
! "($elapsedtime) $title </font><br>\n";
} else {
print "<li><a href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?file=Z-$id&menu=$menu>
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- [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/acqui.simple marcimport.pl,,,
Alan Millar <=