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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha installer.pl,,
From: |
Chris Cormack |
Subject: |
[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha installer.pl,, |
Date: |
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 22:07:39 -0700 |
Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv32589
Modified Files:
Tag: rel-1-2
Log Message:
Very close to being ready, has some issues with the path to call mysql,
ill fix this after dinner.
Index: installer.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/installer.pl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.2.2.12 -r1.2.2.13
*** installer.pl 6 Jun 2002 14:50:32 -0000
--- installer.pl 14 Jun 2002 05:07:37 -0000
*** 4,7 ****
--- 4,12 ----
use strict; # please develop with the strict pragma
+ unless ($< == 0) {
+ print "You must be root to run this script.\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
print qq|
*** 9,26 ****
* Welcome to the Koha Installer *
! This installer will prompt you with a series of questions.
! It assumes you (or your system administrator) has installed:
! * Apache (http://httpd.apache.org/)
! * Perl (http://www.perl.org)
! and one of the following database applications:
! * MySql (http://www.mysql.org)
! on some type of Unix or Unix-like operating system
! Are Apache, Perl, and a database from the list above installed
! on this system? (Y/[N]):
--- 14,26 ----
* Welcome to the Koha Installer *
+ Welcome to the Koha install script! This script will prompt you for some
+ basic information about your desired setup, then install Koha according to
+ your specifications. To accept the default value for any question, simply hit
+ Enter at the prompt.
! Please be sure to read the documentation, or visit the Koha website at
! http://www.koha.org for more information.
! Are you ready to begin the installation? (Y/[N]):
*** 43,50 ****
print "\n";
! # Test for Perl - Do we need to explicity check versions?
print "\nChecking perl modules ...\n";
unless (eval "require 5.004") {
--- 43,56 ----
print "\n";
! # Test for Perl and Modules
+ print qq|
+ ==============
+ |;
print "\nChecking perl modules ...\n";
unless (eval "require 5.004") {
*** 52,63 ****
- #
- # Test for Perl Dependancies
- #
my @missing = ();
! unless (eval require DBI) { push @missing,"DBI" };
! unless (eval require Date::Manip) { push @missing,"Date::Manip" };
! unless (eval require DBD::mysql) { push @missing,"DBD::mysql" };
! unless (eval require Set::Scalar) { push @missing,"Set::Scalar" };
--- 58,66 ----
my @missing = ();
! unless (eval {require DBI}) { push @missing,"DBI" };
! unless (eval {require Date::Manip}) { push @missing,"Date::Manip" };
! unless (eval {require DBD::mysql}) { push @missing,"DBD::mysql" };
! unless (eval {require Set::Scalar}) { push @missing,"Set::Scalar" };
*** 67,71 ****
print "\n\n";
print "You are missing some Perl modules which are required by Koha.\n";
! print "Once these modules have been installed, rerun this installery.\n";
print "They can be installed by running (as root) the following:\n";
foreach my $module (@missing) {
--- 70,74 ----
print "\n\n";
print "You are missing some Perl modules which are required by Koha.\n";
! print "Once these modules have been installed, rerun this installer.\n";
print "They can be installed by running (as root) the following:\n";
foreach my $module (@missing) {
*** 78,215 ****
print "\n";
! print "Testing for mysql - still to be done\n";
! #test for MySQL?
! #print "Are you using MySql?(Y/[N]): ";
! #$answer = $_;
! #chomp $answer
! #if ($answer eq "Y" || $answer eq "y") {
! # there is no $password or $KohaDBNAME yet
! # system("mysqladmin -uroot -p$password create $KohaDBNAME ");
! # system("mysql -u$root -p$password ");
! #need to get to mysql prompt HOW DO I DO THIS?
! # you could pipe this into mysql in the shell that system generates
! # can this be done from dbi?
! # system("grant all privileges on Koha.* to address@hidden identified by
'kohapassword'; ");
! #} else {
! # print qq|
! #You will need to use the MySQL database system for your application.
! #The installer currently does not support an automated setup with this
! #|;
! # };
! print "\n";
! #
! # there is no updatedatabase program yet
! #
! #system ("perl updatedatabase -I /pathtoC4 ");
#KOHA conf
print qq|
! Koha uses a small configuration file that is usually placed in your
! /etc/ files directory (although you can technically place
! it anywhere you wish).
! Please enter the full path to your configuration files
! directory (the default Koha conf file is "koha.conf").
! The path is usually something like /etc/ by default. The
! configuration file, will be created here.
#Get the path to the koha.conf directory
! my $conf_path;
! my $dbname;
! my $hostname;
! my $user;
! my $pass;
! my $inc_path;
! do {
! print "Enter path:";
! chomp($conf_path = <STDIN>);
! print "$conf_path is not a directory.\n" if !-d $conf_path;
! } until -d $conf_path;
- print "\n";
- print "\n";
- print qq|
- Please provide the name of the mysql database for koha.
- This is normally "Koha".
- |;
#Get the database name
! do {
! print "Enter database name:";
! chomp($dbname = <STDIN>);
! };
- print "\n";
- print "\n";
- print qq|
- Please provide the hostname for mysql. Unless the database is located
- on another machine this is likely to be "localhost".
! #Get the hostname for the database
! do {
! print "Enter hostname:";
! chomp($hostname = <STDIN>);
! };
! print "\n";
! print "\n";
print qq|
! Please provide the name of the user, who has full administrative
! rights to the $dbname database, when authenicating from $hostname.
! #Get the username for the database
! do {
! print "Enter username:";
! chomp($user = <STDIN>);
! };
! print "\n";
! print "\n";
print qq|
! Please provide the password for the user $user.
! #Get the password for the database user
! do {
! print "Enter password:";
! chomp($pass = <STDIN>);
! };
! print "\n";
! print "\n";
print qq|
! Please provide the full path to your Koha OPAC installation.
! Usually /usr/local/www/koha/htdocs
! #Get the installation path for OPAC
! do {
! print "Enter installation path:";
! chomp($inc_path = <STDIN>);
! };
#Create the configuration file
! # maybe this should warn instead of dieing, and write to stdout if
! # the config file can't be opened for writing
! #
! open(SITES,">$conf_path/koha.conf") or die "Couldn't create file
! at $conf_path. Must have write capability.\n";
print SITES <<EOP
--- 81,217 ----
print "\n";
! my $input;
! my $domainname = 'hostname -d';
! my $opacdir = '/usr/local/www/opac';
! my $kohadir = '/usr/local/www/koha';
! print qq|
! ==============
! Please supply the directory you want Koha to store its OPAC files in. Leave
! the trailing slash. This directory will be auto-created for you if it doesn't
! exist.
! Usually $opacdir
! |;
! print "Enter directory: ";
! chomp($input = <STDIN>);
! if ($input) {
! $opacdir = $input;
! }
! print qq|
! =============================
! Please supply the directory you want Koha to store its Intranet/Librarians
! in. Leave off the trailing slash. This directory will be auto-created for
you if
! it doesn't exist.
! Usually $kohadir
! |;
! print "Enter directory: ";
! chomp($input = <STDIN>);
! if ($input) {
! $kohadir = $input;
! }
#KOHA conf
+ my $etcdir = '/etc';
+ my $dbname = 'koha';
+ my $hostname = 'localhost';
+ my $user = 'kohaadmin';
+ my $pass = '';
print qq|
! =========
! Koha uses a small configuration file that is usually placed in your /etc/
! directory. The configuration file, will be created in this directory
#Get the path to the koha.conf directory
! print "Enter the path to your [$etcdir]: ";
! chomp($input = <STDIN>);
+ if ($input) {
+ $etcdir = $input;
+ }
#Get the database name
! print qq|
+ Please provide the name of the mysql database for your koha installation.
+ This is normally "$dbname".
! print "Enter database name:";
! chomp($input = <STDIN>);
+ if ($input) {
+ $dbname = $input;
+ }
! #Get the hostname for the database
print qq|
! Please provide the hostname for mysql. Unless the database is located on
! machine this will be "localhost".
! print "Enter hostname:";
! chomp($input = <STDIN>);
+ if ($input) {
+ $hostname = $input;
+ }
! #Get the username for the database
print qq|
! Please provide the name of the user, who will full administrative rights to
! $dbname database, when authenticating from $hostname.
! If no user is entered it will default to $user.
! print "Enter username:";
! chomp($input = <STDIN>);
+ if ($input) {
+ $user = $input;
+ }
! #Get the password for the database user
print qq|
! Please provide a good password for the user $user.
! print "Enter password:";
! chomp($input = <STDIN>);
! if ($input) {
! $pass = $input;
! }
! print "\n";
#Create the configuration file
! open(SITES,">$etcdir/koha.conf") or warn "Couldn't create file
! at $etcdir. Must have write capability.\n";
print SITES <<EOP
*** 217,221 ****
! includes=$inc_path/includes
--- 219,223 ----
! includes=$kohadir/htdocs/includes
*** 224,301 ****
print "Successfully created the Koha configuration file.\n";
! print "\n";
! print "\n";
! my $apache_owner;
! print qq|
! The permissions on the koha.conf file should also be strict,
! since they contain the database password.
! Please supply the username that your apache webserver runs under.
! |;
! do {
! print "Enter apache user:";
! chomp($apache_owner = <STDIN>);
! };
# Set ownership of the koha.conf file for security
- # FIXME - this will only work if run as root.
! chown((getpwnam($apache_owner)) [2,3], "$conf_path/koha.conf") or die "can't
chown koha.conf: $!";
! print "\n";
! print "\n";
#SETUP opac
! my $apache_conf_path;
! my $svr_admin;
! my $docu_root;
! my $svr_name;
print qq|
Koha needs to setup your Apache configuration file for the
OPAC virtual host.
! Please enter the filename and path to your Apache Configuration file
! usually located in \"/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf\".
- do {
- print "Enter path:";
- chomp($apache_conf_path = <STDIN>);
- print "$conf_path is not a valid file.\n" if !-f $apache_conf_path;
- } until -f $apache_conf_path;
! print qq|
! Please enter the servername for your OPAC.
! Usually opac.your.domain
! |;
! do {
! print "Enter servername address:";
! chomp($svr_name = <STDIN>);
! };
print qq|
! Please enter the e-mail address for your webserver admin.
! Usually address@hidden
! do {
! print "Enter e-mail address:";
! chomp($svr_admin = <STDIN>);
! };
print qq|
! Please enter the full path to your OPAC\'s document root.
! usually something like \"/usr/local/www/opac/htdocs\".
! do {
! print "Enter Document Roots Path:";
! chomp($docu_root = <STDIN>);
! };
--- 226,307 ----
print "Successfully created the Koha configuration file.\n";
! my $httpduser;
! my $realhttpdconf;
+ foreach my $httpdconf (qw(/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
+ /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf
+ /usr/local/etc/apache/apache.conf
+ /var/www/conf/httpd.conf
+ /etc/apache/conf/httpd.conf
+ /etc/apache/conf/apache.conf
+ /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
+ /etc/httpd/httpd.conf)) {
+ if ( -f $httpdconf ) {
+ $realhttpdconf=$httpdconf;
+ open (HTTPDCONF, $httpdconf) or warn "Insufficient privileges to
open $httpdconf for reading.\n";
+ while (<HTTPDCONF>) {
+ if (/^\s*User\s+"?([-\w]+)"?\s*$/) {
+ $httpduser = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(HTTPDCONF);
+ }
+ }
+ $httpduser ||= 'Undetermined';
# Set ownership of the koha.conf file for security
! chown((getpwnam($httpduser)) [2,3], "$etcdir/koha.conf") or warn "can't chown
koha.conf: $!";
#SETUP opac
! my $svr_admin = 'address@hidden';
! my $opac_svr_name = 'opac.$domainname';
! my $koha_svr_name = 'koha.$domainname';
print qq|
+ =====================================
Koha needs to setup your Apache configuration file for the
OPAC virtual host.
! Please enter the e-mail address for your webserver admin.
! Usually $svr_admin
+ print "Enter e-mail address:";
+ chomp($input = <STDIN>);
! if ($input) {
! $svr_admin = $input;
! }
print qq|
! Please enter the servername for your OPAC interface.
! Usually $opac_svr_name
! print "Enter servername address:";
! chomp($input = <STDIN>);
+ if ($input) {
+ $opac_svr_name = $input;
+ }
print qq|
! Please enter the servername for your Intranet/Librarian interface.
! Usually $koha_svr_name
! print "Enter servername address:";
! chomp($input = <STDIN>);
! if ($input) {
! $koha_svr_name = $input;
! }
*** 303,344 ****
# Update Apache Conf File.
! # maybe this should warn instead of dieing, and write to stdout if
! # the config file can't be opened for writing
! #
! open(SITES,">>$apache_conf_path") or die "Couldn't write to file
! $conf_path. Must have write capability.\n";
! print SITES <<EOP
! <VirtualHost $svr_name>
! ServerAdmin $svr_admin
! DocumentRoot $docu_root
! ServerName $svr_name
! ErrorLog logs/opac-error_log
! TransferLog logs/opac-access_log common
! close(SITES);
print "Successfully updated Apache Configuration file.\n";
- # this is a pretty rude thing to do on a system ...
- # perhaps asking the user first would be better.
- #
- #system('/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart');
! # It is completed
! print "\nCongratulations ... your Koha installation is complete!\n";
! print "\nYou will need to restart your webserver before using Koha!\n";
--- 309,475 ----
# Update Apache Conf File.
! print qq|
! ====================
! |;
! open(SITE,">>$realhttpdconf") or warn "Insufficient priveleges to open
$realhttpdconf for writing.\n";
! print SITE <<EOP
! <VirtualHost $opac_svr_name>
! ServerAdmin $svr_admin
! DocumentRoot $opacdir/htdocs
! ServerName $opac_svr_name
! ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ $opacdir/cgi-bin
! ErrorLog logs/opac-error_log
! TransferLog logs/opac-access_log common
! SetEnv PERL5LIB "$kohadir/modules"
! </VirtualHost>
! <VirtualHost $koha_svr_name>
! ServerAdmin $svr_admin
! DocumentRoot $kohadir/htdocs
! ServerName $koha_svr_name
! ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "$kohadir/cgi-bin"
! ErrorLog logs/koha-error_log
! TransferLog logs/koha-access_log common
! SetEnv PERL5LIB "$kohadir/modules"
! close(SITE);
print "Successfully updated Apache Configuration file.\n";
! # Setup the modules directory
! print qq|
+ =============================
+ |;
+ unless ( -d $kohadir ) {
+ print "Creating $kohadir...\n";
+ mkdir ($kohadir, oct(770));
+ chown (oct(0), (getgrnam($httpduser))[2], "$kohadir");
+ chmod (oct(770), "$kohadir");
+ }
+ unless ( -d "$kohadir/htdocs" ) {
+ print "Creating $kohadir/htdocs...\n";
+ mkdir ("$kohadir/htdocs", oct(750));
+ }
+ unless ( -d "$kohadir/cgi-bin" ) {
+ print "Creating $kohadir/cgi-bin...\n";
+ mkdir ("$kohadir/cgi-bin", oct(750));
+ }
+ unless ( -d "$kohadir/modules" ) {
+ print "Creating $kohadir/modules...\n";
+ mkdir ("$kohadir/modules", oct(750));
+ }
+ unless ( -d $opacdir ) {
+ print "Creating $opacdir...\n";
+ mkdir ($opacdir, oct(770));
+ chown (oct(0), (getgrnam($httpduser))[2], "$opacdir");
+ chmod (oct(770), "$opacdir");
+ }
+ unless ( -d "$opacdir/htdocs" ) {
+ print "Creating $opacdir/htdocs...\n";
+ mkdir ("$opacdir/htdocs", oct(750));
+ }
+ unless ( -d "$opacdir/cgi-bin" ) {
+ print "Creating $opacdir/cgi-bin...\n";
+ mkdir ("$opacdir/cgi-bin", oct(750));
+ }
+ print "\n\nINSTALLING KOHA...\n";
+ print "\n\n==================\n";
+ print "Copying internet-html files to $kohadir/htdocs...\n";
+ system("cp -R intranet-html/* $kohadir/htdocs/");
+ print "Copying intranet-cgi files to $kohadir/cgi-bin...\n";
+ system("cp -R intranet-cgi/* $kohadir/cgi-bin/");
+ print "Copying script files to $kohadir/modules...\n";
+ system("cp -R modules/* $kohadir/modules/");
+ print "Copying opac-html files to $opacdir/htdocs...\n";
+ system("cp -R opac-html/* $opacdir/htdocs/");
+ print "Copying opac-cgi files to $opacdir/cgi-bin...\n";
+ system("cp -R opac-cgi/* $opacdir/cgi-bin/");
+ print qq|
+ ===================
+ |;
+ my $mysql;
+ my $mysqldir;
+ my $mysqluser = 'root';
+ my $mysqlpass = '';
+ foreach my $mysql (qw(/usr/local/mysql
+ /opt/mysql)) {
+ if ( -d $mysql ) {
+ $mysql=$mysqldir;
+ }
+ }
+ print qq|
+ To allow us to create the koha database please supply the
+ mysql\'s root users password
+ |;
+ print "Enter mysql\'s root users password: ";
+ chomp($input = <STDIN>);
+ if ($input) {
+ $mysqlpass = $input;
+ }
+ print qq|
+ =================
+ |;
+ system("$mysqldir/bin/mysqladmin -u$mysqluser -p$mysqlpass create $dbname");
+ system("$mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$mysqluser -p$mysqlpass $dbname < koha.mysql");
+ system("$mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$mysqluser -p$mysqlpass $dbname < koha.mysql");
+ system("$mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$mysqluser -p$mysqlpass mysql -e \"insert into
user (Host,User,Password) values ('$hostname','$user',password('$pass'))\"\;");
+ system("$mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$mysqluser -p$mysqlpass mysql -e \"insert into
db (Host,Db,User,Select_priv,Insert_priv,Update_priv,Delete_priv) values
+ system("$mysqldir/bin/mysqladmin -u$mysqluser -p$mysqlpass reload");
+ system ("perl scripts/updater/updatedatabase -I $kohadir/modules");
+ system('clear');
+ print qq|
+ =========
+ Congratulations ... your Koha installation is almost complete!
+ The final step is to restart your webserver.
+ Be sure to read the INSTALL, and Hints files.
+ For more information visit http://www.koha.org
+ Would you like to restart your webserver now? (Y/[N]):
+ |;
+ my $restart = <STDIN>;
+ chomp $restart;
+ if ($answer eq "Y" || $answer eq "y") {
+ system('/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart');
+ } else {
+ print qq|
+ print "\nCongratulations ... your Koha installation is complete!\n";
+ print "\nYou will need to restart your webserver before using Koha!\n";
+ |;
+ exit;
+ };
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- [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha installer.pl,,,
Chris Cormack <=