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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/acqui.simple marcimport.pl,,
From: |
Alan Millar |
Subject: |
[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/acqui.simple marcimport.pl,, |
Date: |
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 07:28:38 -0700 |
Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/acqui.simple
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv23937
Modified Files:
Tag: rel-1-2
Log Message:
Removed subroutines now existing in modules: extractmarcfields,
parsemarcfileformat, addz3950queue, getkeytableselectoptions
Index: marcimport.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/acqui.simple/marcimport.pl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.6.2.25 -r1.6.2.26
*** marcimport.pl 25 Jun 2002 17:16:10 -0000
--- marcimport.pl 26 Jun 2002 14:28:35 -0000
*** 1,4 ****
--- 1,6 ----
+ # $Id$
# Script for handling import of MARC data into Koha db
# and Z39.50 lookups
*** 20,23 ****
--- 22,27 ----
use C4::Input;
use C4::Biblio;
+ use C4::SimpleMarc;
+ use C4::Z3950;
*** 28,114 ****
my $lc2='#ddaaaa';
- my %tagtext = (
- '001' => 'Control number',
- '003' => 'Control number identifier',
- '005' => 'Date and time of latest transaction',
- '006' => 'Fixed-length data elements -- additional material
- '007' => 'Physical description fixed field',
- '008' => 'Fixed length data elements',
- '010' => 'LCCN',
- '015' => 'LCCN Cdn',
- '020' => 'ISBN',
- '022' => 'ISSN',
- '037' => 'Source of acquisition',
- '040' => 'Cataloging source',
- '041' => 'Language code',
- '043' => 'Geographic area code',
- '050' => 'Library of Congress call number',
- '060' => 'National Library of Medicine call number',
- '082' => 'Dewey decimal call number',
- '100' => 'Main entry -- Personal name',
- '110' => 'Main entry -- Corporate name',
- '130' => 'Main entry -- Uniform title',
- '240' => 'Uniform title',
- '245' => 'Title statement',
- '246' => 'Varying form of title',
- '250' => 'Edition statement',
- '256' => 'Computer file characteristics',
- '260' => 'Publication, distribution, etc.',
- '263' => 'Projected publication date',
- '300' => 'Physical description',
- '306' => 'Playing time',
- '440' => 'Series statement / Added entry -- Title',
- '490' => 'Series statement',
- '500' => 'General note',
- '504' => 'Bibliography, etc. note',
- '505' => 'Formatted contents note',
- '508' => 'Creation/production credits note',
- '510' => 'Citation/references note',
- '511' => 'Participant or performer note',
- '520' => 'Summary, etc. note',
- '521' => 'Target audience note (ie age)',
- '530' => 'Additional physical form available note',
- '538' => 'System details note',
- '586' => 'Awards note',
- '600' => 'Subject added entry -- Personal name',
- '610' => 'Subject added entry -- Corporate name',
- '650' => 'Subject added entry -- Topical term',
- '651' => 'Subject added entry -- Geographic name',
- '656' => 'Index term -- Occupation',
- '700' => 'Added entry -- Personal name',
- '710' => 'Added entry -- Corporate name',
- '730' => 'Added entry -- Uniform title',
- '740' => 'Added entry -- Uncontrolled related/analytical title',
- '800' => 'Series added entry -- Personal name',
- '830' => 'Series added entry -- Uniform title',
- '852' => 'Location',
- '856' => 'Electronic location and access',
- );
- # tag, subfield, field name, repeats, striptrailingchars
- my %tagmap=(
- '010'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'lccn', rpt=>0 }},
- '015'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'lccn', rpt=>0 }},
- '020'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'isbn', rpt=>0 }},
- '022'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'issn', rpt=>0 }},
- '082'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'dewey', rpt=>0 }},
- '100'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'author', rpt=>0, striptrail=>',:;/-' }},
- '245'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'title', rpt=>0, striptrail=>',:;/' },
- 'b'=>{name=> 'subtitle', rpt=>0, striptrail=>',:;/' }},
- '260'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'place', rpt=>0, striptrail=>',:;/-' },
- 'b'=>{name=> 'publisher', rpt=>0, striptrail=>',:;/-' },
- 'c'=>{name=> 'year' , rpt=>0, striptrail=>'.,:;/-' }},
- '300'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'pages', rpt=>0, striptrail=>',:;/-' },
- 'c'=>{name=> 'size', rpt=>0, striptrail=>',:;/-' }},
- '362'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'volume-number', rpt=>0 }},
- '440'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'seriestitle', rpt=>0, striptrail=>',:;/'
- 'v'=>{name=> 'volume-number',rpt=>0 }},
- '490'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'seriestitle', rpt=>0, striptrail=>',:;/'
- 'v'=>{name=> 'volume-number',rpt=>0 }},
- '700'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'addtional-author-illus',rpt=>1, striptrail=>',:;/'
- '5xx'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'notes', rpt=>1 }},
- '65x'=>{'a'=>{name=> 'subject', rpt=>1, striptrail=>'.,:;/-' }},
- );
--- 32,35 ----
*** 293,296 ****
--- 214,219 ----
-default=>$additionalauthors, -rows=>4, -cols=>20);
+ print "<PRE>lccn=$lccn</PRE>\n" if $debug;
my $subject='';
foreach ( @{$bib->{subject} } ) {
*** 547,575 ****
- sub z3950servername {
- # inputs
- my (
- $dbh,
- $srvid, # server id number
- $default,
- )address@hidden;
- # return
- my $longname;
- #----
- requireDBI($dbh,"z3950servername");
- my $sti=$dbh->prepare("select name
- from z3950servers
- where id=?");
- $sti->execute($srvid);
- if ( ! $sti->err ) {
- ($longname)=$sti->fetchrow;
- }
- if (! $longname) {
- $longname="$default";
- }
- return $longname;
- } # sub z3950servername
sub PrintResultRecordLink {
--- 470,473 ----
*** 621,782 ****
} # sub PrintResultRecordLink
- #------------------
- sub extractmarcfields {
- use strict;
- # input
- my (
- $record, # pointer to list of MARC field hashes.
- # Example: $record->[0]->{'tag'} = '100' # Author
- # $record->[0]->{'subfields'}->{'a'} =
- )address@hidden;
- # return
- my $bib; # pointer to hash of named output fields
- # Example: $bib->{'author'} = "Twain, Mark";
- my $debug=0;
- my (
- $field, # hash ref
- $value,
- $subfield, # Marc subfield [a-z]
- $fieldname, # name of field "author", "title", etc.
- $strip, # chars to remove from end of field
- $stripregex, # reg exp pattern
- );
- my ($lccn, $isbn, $issn,
- $publicationyear, @subjects, $subject,
- $controlnumber,
- $notes, $additionalauthors, $illustrator, $copyrightdate,
- $s, $subdivision, $subjectsubfield,
- );
- print "<PRE>\n" if $debug;
- if ( ref($record) eq "ARRAY" ) {
- foreach $field (@$record) {
- # Check each subfield in field
- foreach $subfield ( keys %{$field->{subfields}} ) {
- # see if it is defined in our Marc to koha mapping table
- if ( $fieldname=$tagmap{ $field->{'tag'} }->{$subfield}->{name}
) {
- # Yes, so keep the value
- if ( ref($field->{'subfields'}->{$subfield} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- # if it was an array, just keep first element.
- } else {
- $bib->{$fieldname}=$field->{'subfields'}->{$subfield};
- } # if array
- print "$field->{'tag'} $subfield
$fieldname=$bib->{$fieldname}\n" if $debug;
- # see if this field should have trailing chars dropped
- if ($strip=$tagmap{ $field->{'tag'}
}->{$subfield}->{striptrail} ) {
- $strip=~s//\\/; # backquote each char
- $stripregex='[ ' . $strip . ']+$'; # remove trailing
spaces also
- $bib->{$fieldname}=~s/$stripregex//;
- } # if strip
- print "Found subfield $field->{'tag'} $subfield " .
- "$fieldname = $bib->{$fieldname}\n" if $debug;
- } # if tagmap exists
- } # foreach subfield
- if ($field->{'tag'} eq '001') {
- $bib->{controlnumber}=$field->{'indicator'};
- }
- if ($field->{'tag'} eq '015') {
- $bib->{lccn}=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
- $bib->{lccn}=~s/^\s*//;
- $bib->{lccn}=~s/^C//;
- ($bib->{lccn}) = (split(/\s+/, $bib->{lccn}))[0];
- }
- if ($field->{'tag'} eq '260') {
- $publicationyear=$field->{'subfields'}->{'c'};
- if ($publicationyear=~/c(\d\d\d\d)/) {
- $copyrightdate=$1;
- }
- if ($publicationyear=~/[^c](\d\d\d\d)/) {
- $publicationyear=$1;
- } elsif ($copyrightdate) {
- $publicationyear=$copyrightdate;
- } else {
- $publicationyear=~/(\d\d\d\d)/;
- $publicationyear=$1;
- }
- }
- if ($field->{'tag'} eq '700') {
- my $name=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
- if ($field->{'subfields'}->{'e'}!~/ill/) {
- $additionalauthors.="$name\n";
- } else {
- $illustrator=$name;
- }
- }
- if ($field->{'tag'} =~/^5/) {
- $notes.="$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'}\n";
- }
- if ($field->{'tag'} =~/65\d/) {
- my $sub;
- my $subject=$field->{'subfields'}->{'a'};
- $subject=~s/\.$//;
- print "Subject=$subject\n" if $debug;
- foreach $subjectsubfield ( 'x','y','z' ) {
- if
($subdivision=$field->{'subfields'}->{$subjectsubfield}) {
- if ( ref($subdivision) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- foreach $s (@$subdivision) {
- $s=~s/\.$//;
- $subject.=" -- $s";
- } # foreach subdivision
- } else {
- $subdivision=~s/\.$//;
- $subject.=" -- $subdivision";
- } # if array
- } # if subfield exists
- } # foreach subfield
- print "Subject=$subject\n" if $debug;
- push @subjects, $subject;
- } # if tag 65x
- } # foreach field
- ($publicationyear ) && ($bib->{publicationyear}=$publicationyear
- ($copyrightdate ) && ($bib->{copyrightdate}=$copyrightdate );
- ($additionalauthors ) &&
($bib->{additionalauthors}=$additionalauthors );
- ($illustrator ) && ($bib->{illustrator}=$illustrator );
- ($notes ) && ($bib->{notes}=$notes );
- ($#subjects ) && ($bib->address@hidden );
- # Misc cleanup
- $bib->{dewey}=~s/\///g; # drop any slashes
- ($bib->{lccn}) = (split(/\s+/, $bib->{lccn}))[0]; # only keep first word
- $bib->{isbn}=~s/[^\d]*//g; # drop non-digits
- $bib->{issn}=~s/^\s*//;
- ($bib->{issn}) = (split(/\s+/, $bib->{issn}))[0];
- if ( $bib->{'volume-number'} ) {
- if ($bib->{'volume-number'}=~/(\d+).*(\d+)/ ) {
- $bib->{'volume'}=$1;
- $bib->{'number'}=$2;
- } else {
- $bib->{volume}=$bib->{'volume-number'};
- }
- delete $bib->{'volume-number'};
- } # if volume-number
- } else {
- print "Error: extractmarcfields: input ref $record is " .
- ref($record) . " not ARRAY. Contact sysadmin.\n";
- }
- print "</PRE>\n" if $debug;
- return $bib;
- } # sub extractmarcfields
--- 519,522 ----
*** 975,1077 ****
} # sub mainmenu
- #--------------------------
- # Parse MARC data in file format with control-character separators
- # May be multiple records.
- sub parsemarcfileformat {
- use strict;
- # Input is one big text string
- my $data=shift;
- # Output is list of records. Each record is list of field hashes
- my @records;
- my $splitchar=chr(29);
- my $splitchar2=chr(30);
- my $splitchar3=chr(31);
- my $debug=0;
- my $record;
- foreach $record (split(/$splitchar/, $data)) {
- my @record;
- my $directory=0;
- my $tagcounter=0;
- my %tag;
- my $field;
- my $leader=substr($record,0,24);
- print "<tr><td>Leader:</td><td>$leader</td></tr>\n" if $debug;
- push (@record, {
- 'tag' => 'Leader',
- 'indicator' => $leader ,
- } );
- $record=substr($record,24);
- foreach $field (split(/$splitchar2/, $record)) {
- my %field;
- my $tag;
- my $indicator;
- unless ($directory) {
- $directory=$field;
- my $itemcounter=1;
- my $counter2=0;
- my $item;
- my $length;
- my $start;
- while ($item=substr($directory,0,12)) {
- $tag=substr($directory,0,3);
- $length=substr($directory,3,4);
- $start=substr($directory,7,6);
- $directory=substr($directory,12);
- $tag{$counter2}=$tag;
- $counter2++;
- }
- $directory=1;
- next;
- }
- $tag=$tag{$tagcounter};
- $tagcounter++;
- $field{'tag'}=$tag;
- my @subfields=split(/$splitchar3/, $field);
- $indicator=$subfields[0];
- $field{'indicator'}=$indicator;
- my $firstline=1;
- unless ($#subfields==0) {
- my %subfields;
- my @subfieldlist;
- my $i;
- for ($i=1; $i<=$#subfields; $i++) {
- my $text=$subfields[$i];
- my $subfieldcode=substr($text,0,1);
- my $subfield=substr($text,1);
- # if this subfield already exists, do array
- if ($subfields{$subfieldcode}) {
- my $subfieldlist=$subfields{$subfieldcode};
- if ( ref($subfieldlist) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- # Already an array, add on to it
- print "$tag Adding to array $subfieldcode --
$subfield<br>\n" if $debug;
- @address@hidden;
- push (@subfieldlist, $subfield);
- } else {
- # Change simple value to array
- print "$tag Arraying $subfieldcode --
$subfield<br>\n" if $debug;
- @subfieldlist=($subfields{$subfieldcode},
- }
- # keep new array
- address@hidden;
- } else {
- # subfield doesn't exist yet, keep simple value
- $subfields{$subfieldcode}=$subfield;
- }
- }
- $field{'subfields'}=\%subfields;
- }
- push (@record, \%field);
- } # foreach field in record
- push (@records, address@hidden);
- # $counter++;
- }
- print "</pre>" if $debug;
- return @records;
- } # sub parsemarcfileformat
# Accept form results to add query to z3950 queue
--- 715,718 ----
*** 1368,1576 ****
} # sub AcceptItemCopy
- #---------------
- # Create an HTML option list for a <SELECT> form tag by using
- # values from a DB file
- sub getkeytableselectoptions {
- use strict;
- # inputs
- my (
- $dbh, # DBI handle
- $tablename, # name of table containing list of choices
- $keyfieldname, # column name of code to use in option list
- $descfieldname, # column name of descriptive field
- $showkey, # flag to show key in description
- )address@hidden;
- my $selectclause; # return value
- my (
- $sth, $query,
- $key, $desc, $orderfieldname,
- );
- my $debug=0;
- requireDBI($dbh,"getkeytableselectoptions");
- if ( $showkey ) {
- $orderfieldname=$keyfieldname;
- } else {
- $orderfieldname=$descfieldname;
- }
- $query= "select $keyfieldname,$descfieldname
- from $tablename
- order by $orderfieldname ";
- print "<PRE>Query=$query </PRE>\n" if $debug;
- $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute;
- while ( ($key, $desc) = $sth->fetchrow) {
- if ($showkey) { $desc="$key - $desc"; }
- $selectclause.="<option value='$key'>$desc\n";
- print "<PRE>Sel=$selectclause </PRE>\n" if $debug;
- }
- return $selectclause;
- } # sub getkeytableselectoptions
- #---------------------------------
- # Add a biblioitem and related data
- sub newcompletebiblioitem {
- use strict;
- my ( $dbh, # DBI handle
- $biblio, # hash ref to biblio record
- $biblioitem, # hash ref to biblioitem record
- $subjects, # list ref of subjects
- $addlauthors, # list ref of additional authors
- )address@hidden ;
- my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $error); # return values
- my $debug=0;
- my $sth;
- my $subjectheading;
- my $additionalauthor;
- #--------
- requireDBI($dbh,"newcompletebiblioitem");
- print "<PRE>Trying to add biblio item Title=$biblio->{title} " .
- "ISBN=$biblioitem->{isbn} </PRE>\n" if $debug;
- # Make sure master biblio entry exists
- ($biblionumber,$error)=getoraddbiblio($dbh, $biblio);
- if ( ! $error ) {
- $biblioitem->{biblionumber}=$biblionumber;
- $biblioitemnumber=newbiblioitem($biblioitem);
- $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into bibliosubject
- (biblionumber,subject)
- values (?, ? )" );
- foreach $subjectheading (@{$subjects} ) {
- $sth->execute($biblionumber, $subjectheading)
- or $error.=$sth->errstr ;
- } # foreach subject
- $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into additionalauthors
- (biblionumber,author)
- values (?, ? )");
- foreach $additionalauthor (@{$addlauthors} ) {
- $sth->execute($biblionumber, $additionalauthor)
- or $error.=$sth->errstr ;
- } # foreach author
- } else {
- # couldn't get biblio
- $biblionumber='';
- $biblioitemnumber='';
- } # if no biblio error
- return ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $error);
- } # sub newcompletebiblioitem
- # Find a biblio entry, or create a new one if it doesn't exist.
- sub getoraddbiblio {
- use strict; # in here until rest cleaned up
- # input params
- my (
- $dbh, # db handle
- $biblio, # hash ref to fields
- )address@hidden;
- # return
- my $biblionumber;
- my $debug=0;
- my $sth;
- my $error;
- #-----
- requireDBI($dbh,"getoraddbiblio");
- print "<PRE>Looking for biblio </PRE>\n" if $debug;
- $sth=$dbh->prepare("select biblionumber
- from biblio
- where title=? and author=?
- and copyrightdate=? and seriestitle=?");
- $sth->execute(
- $biblio->{title}, $biblio->{author},
- $biblio->{copyright}, $biblio->{seriestitle} );
- if ($sth->rows) {
- ($biblionumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
- print "<PRE>Biblio exists with number $biblionumber</PRE>\n" if
- } else {
- # Doesn't exist. Add new one.
- print "<PRE>Adding biblio</PRE>\n" if $debug;
- ($biblionumber,$error)=&newbiblio($biblio);
- if ( $biblionumber ) {
- print "<PRE>Added with biblio number=$biblionumber</PRE>\n" if
- if ( $biblio->{subtitle} ) {
- &newsubtitle($biblionumber,$biblio->{subtitle} );
- } # if subtitle
- } else {
- print "<PRE>Couldn't add biblio: $error</PRE>\n" if $debug;
- } # if added
- }
- return $biblionumber,$error;
- } # sub getoraddbiblio
- #---------------------------------------
- sub addz3950queue {
- use strict;
- # input
- my (
- $dbh, # DBI handle
- $query, # value to look up
- $type, # type of value ("isbn", "lccn", etc).
- $requestid,
- @z3950list, # list of z3950 servers to query
- )address@hidden;
- my (
- @serverlist,
- $server,
- $failed,
- );
- requireDBI($dbh,"addz3950queue");
- # list of servers: entry can be a fully qualified URL-type entry
- # or simply just a server ID number.
- my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select host,port,db,userid,password
- from z3950servers
- where id=? ");
- foreach $server (@z3950list) {
- if ($server =~ /:/ ) {
- push @serverlist, $server;
- } else {
- $sth->execute($server);
- my ($host, $port, $db, $userid, $password) = $sth->fetchrow;
- push @serverlist, "$server/$host\:$port/$db/$userid/$password";
- }
- }
- my $serverlist='';
- foreach (@serverlist) {
- $serverlist.="$_ ";
- } # foreach
- chop $serverlist;
- # Don't allow reinsertion of the same request number.
- my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select identifier from z3950queue
- where identifier=?");
- $sth->execute($requestid);
- unless ($sth->rows) {
- $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into z3950queue
- (term,type,servers, identifier)
- values (?, ?, ?, ?)");
- $sth->execute($query, $type, $serverlist, $requestid);
- }
- } # sub addz3950queue
- #--------------------------------------
sub FormatMarcText {
use strict;
--- 1009,1013 ----
*** 1639,1640 ****
--- 1076,1085 ----
} # sub FormatMarcText
+ #---------------
+ # $Log$
+ # Revision 2002/06/26 14:28:35 amillar
+ # Removed subroutines now existing in modules: extractmarcfields,
+ # parsemarcfileformat, addz3950queue, getkeytableselectoptions
+ #
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- [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/acqui.simple marcimport.pl,,,
Alan Millar <=