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Re: [Koha-devel] what are biblio, biblioitems and items tables

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] what are biblio, biblioitems and items tables
Date: Fri Mar 1 09:19:06 2002
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Tonnesen Steve wrote:

As an example, consider a book called "Let It Snow" by Steve Tonnesen
The biblio table would hold copyright information like title, author,
copyright date, etc.
Now, it turns out that my Let It Snow book was published in three
different formats, hard cover, big book, and braille.
These three different publications would have separate biblioitems
The library has four copies of the hard cover books, six copies of the big
book and one copy of the braille book.  Each of these 11 items would have
a separate items entry.

Very clear, thanks a lot.

The MARC db scheme that I used, of course, is radically different from all
of this.  I'll try to document what I've done so far in another email a
little later.

I think this will be very usefull.
I you could spend a few minuts to explain how the marc system works, I would be very thankfull.

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