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[Koha-devel] CVS: koha/C4 Search.pm,1.15,1.16

From: Chris Cormack
Subject: [Koha-devel] CVS: koha/C4 Search.pm,1.15,1.16
Date: Tue Mar 12 23:37:06 2002

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/C4
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv30271/C4

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Tidy up, removing deprecated routines

Index: Search.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/C4/Search.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -C2 -r1.15 -r1.16
*** Search.pm   13 Mar 2002 03:26:43 -0000      1.15
--- Search.pm   13 Mar 2002 07:36:49 -0000      1.16
*** 18,24 ****
  @ISA = qw(Exporter);
  @EXPORT = qw(&CatSearch &BornameSearch &ItemInfo &KeywordSearch &subsearch
! &itemdata &bibdata &GetItems &borrdata &getacctlist &itemnodata &itemcount
! &OpacSearch &borrdata2 &NewBorrowerNumber &bibitemdata &borrissues
! &getboracctrecord &ItemType &itemissues &FrontSearch &subject &subtitle
  &addauthor &bibitems &barcodes &findguarantees &allissues &systemprefs
--- 18,24 ----
  @ISA = qw(Exporter);
  @EXPORT = qw(&CatSearch &BornameSearch &ItemInfo &KeywordSearch &subsearch
! &itemdata &bibdata &GetItems &borrdata &itemnodata &itemcount
! &borrdata2 &NewBorrowerNumber &bibitemdata &borrissues
! &getboracctrecord &ItemType &itemissues &subject &subtitle
  &addauthor &bibitems &barcodes &findguarantees &allissues &systemprefs
*** 117,255 ****
- sub OpacSearch {
-   my ($env,$type,$search,$num,$offset)address@hidden;
-   my $dbh = &C4Connect;
-   $search->{'keyword'}=~ s/'/\\'/g;
-   my @key=split(' ',$search->{'keyword'});
-   my address@hidden;
-   my $i=1;
-   my @results;
-   my $query ="Select count(*) from biblio where 
-   ((title like '$key[0]%' or title like '% $key[0]%')";
-   while ($i < $count){
-     $query=$query." and (title like '$key[$i]%' or title like '% $key[$i]%')";
-     $i++;
-   }
-   $query=$query.") or ((author like '$key[0]%' or author like '% $key[0]%')";
-   $i=1;
-   while ($i < $count){
-     $query=$query." and (author like '$key[$i]%' or author like '% 
-     $i++;
-   }
-   $query.=") or ((seriestitle like '$key[0]%' or seriestitle like '% 
-   for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-     $query.=" and (seriestitle like '$key[$i]%' or seriestitle like '% 
-   }
-   $query.= ") or ((notes like '$key[0]%' or notes like '% $key[0]%')";
-   for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
-     $query.=" and (notes like '$key[$i]%' or notes like '% $key[$i]%')";
-   }
-   $query=$query.") order by title";
-   my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-   $sth->execute;
-   my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-   my $count=$data->{'count(*)'};
-   $sth->finish;
-   $query=~ s/count\(\*\)/\*/;
-   $query= $query." limit $offset,$num";
-   $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
- #  print $query;
-   $sth->execute;
-   $i=0;
-   while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-       my $sti=$dbh->prepare("select dewey,subclass from biblioitems where 
-       $sti->execute;
-       my ($dewey, $subclass) = $sti->fetchrow;
-       $dewey=~s/0*$//;
-       ($dewey == 0) && ($dewey='');
-       ($dewey) && ($dewey.=" $subclass");
-       $sti->finish;
-     $i++;
-   }
-   $sth->finish;
-   $dbh->disconnect;
-   return($count,@results);
- }
- sub FrontSearch {
-   my ($env,$type,$search,$num,$offset)address@hidden;
-   my $dbh = &C4Connect;
-   $search->{'front'}=~ s/ +$//;
-   $search->{'front'}=~ s/'/\\'/;
-   my @key=split(' ',$search->{'front'});
-   my address@hidden;
-   my $i=1;
-   my @results;
-   my $query ="Select * from biblio,bibliosubtitle where
-   biblio.biblionumber=bibliosubtitle.biblionumber and
-   ((title like '$key[0]%' or title like '% $key[0]%'
-   or subtitle like '$key[0]%' or subtitle like '% $key[0]%'
-   or author like '$key[0]%' or author like '% $key[0]%')";
-   while ($i < $count){
-     $query=$query." and (title like '%$key[$i]%' or subtitle like 
-     $i++;
-   }
-   $query=$query.") group by biblio.biblionumber order by author,title";
-   print $query;
-   my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
-   $sth->execute;
-   $i=0;
-   while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-     my $sti=$dbh->prepare("select dewey,subclass from biblioitems where 
-     $sti->execute;
-     my ($dewey, $subclass) = $sti->fetchrow;
-     $dewey=~s/\.*0*$//;
-     ($dewey == 0) && ($dewey='');
-     ($dewey) && ($dewey.=" $subclass");
-     $sti->finish;
- #      print $results[$i];
-     $i++;
-   }
-   $sth->finish;
-   $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select biblionumber from bibliosubject where subject
-   like '%$search->{'keyword'}%'");
-   $sth->execute;
-   while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-     my $sth2=$dbh->prepare("Select * from biblio where
-     biblionumber=$data->{'biblionumber'}");
-     $sth2->execute;
-     while (my $data2=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref){
- #      print $results[$i];
-       $i++;   
-     }
-     $sth2->finish;
-   }    
-   my $i2=1;
-   @results=sort @results;
-   my @res;
-   my address@hidden;
-   $i=1;
-   $res[0]=$results[0];
-   while ($i2 < $count){
-     if ($results[$i2] ne $res[$i-1]){
-       $res[$i]=$results[$i2];
-       $i++;
-     }
-     $i2++;
-   }
-   $i2=0;
-   my @res2;
-   address@hidden;
-   while ($i2 < $num && $i2 < $count){
-     $res2[$i2]=$res[$i2+$offset];
- #    print $res2[$i2];
-     $i2++;
-   }
-   $sth->finish;
-   $dbh->disconnect;
-   return($i,@res2);
- }
  sub KeywordSearch {
--- 117,120 ----
*** 797,801 ****
! print $query;
  if ($type ne 'precise' && $type ne 'subject'){
    if ($search->{'author'} ne ''){   
--- 662,666 ----
! #print $query;
  if ($type ne 'precise' && $type ne 'subject'){
    if ($search->{'author'} ne ''){   
*** 1276,1308 ****
! sub getacctlist {
!    my ($env,$params) = @_;
!    my $dbh=C4Connect;
!    my @acctlines;
!    my $numlines;
!    my $query = "Select borrowernumber, accountno, date, amount, description,
!       dispute, accounttype, amountoutstanding, barcode, title
!       from accountlines,items,biblio   
!       where borrowernumber = $params->{'borrowernumber'} ";
!    if ($params->{'acctno'} ne "") {
!       my $query = $query." and accountlines.accountno = $params->{'acctno'} ";
!       }
!    my $query = $query." and accountlines.itemnumber = items.itemnumber
!       and items.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber
!       and accountlines.amountoutstanding<>0 order by date";
!    my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
! #   print $query;
!    $sth->execute;
!    my $total=0;
!    while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
!       $acctlines[$numlines] = $data;
!       $numlines++;
!       $total = $total+ $data->{'amountoutstanding'};
!    }
!    return ($numlines,address@hidden,$total);
!    $sth->finish;
!    $dbh->disconnect;
! }
  sub getboracctrecord {
--- 1141,1145 ----
  sub getboracctrecord {

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