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[Koha-devel] TODO marc compliance

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] TODO marc compliance
Date: Tue Mar 19 07:59:04 2002
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020313

I try to find what is done and what has to be done for marc compliance :
* marc DB schema is done.
* marcimport is done.
* the viewmarc script is for... marc-biblio adding ? anyway, I don't enjoy how this script works. I've something to propose for marc adding : we could create a table with all marcs codes, and a field which could say if the code is "mandatory", "possible" or "ignored" in the add process. Then we could have some pages presenting the "mandatory" fields first, then the "possible" fields. If there are too many fields (say, more than 30), we could split this page in MARC code : 1 for the 1xx, then 1 for the 2xx, then ... until every data is entered.
* marc-search has to be done (Z39.50 ? or something else ?)
* marc-export has to be done

Do you agree ?

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