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Re: [Koha-devel] Installing comments

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Installing comments
Date: Tue Mar 19 09:25:03 2002
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Nicholas Rosasco wrote:

In the ongoing quest to help out by tracking things gripes & feature
I see:
tables and table installation, population questions/gripes
virtualhost &/or no-root-access adjustments
perl module installation
automate control (.htaccess) of intranet access?

MARC21, still a big "wanna have"

YYYEEESSS (note it's MARC access, not just MARC21 For me, in France, it's UNIMARC ! )

I have one to automate setting up DB for people who use separate DB servers.  
(I know it
is just switching the line in the DBI call, but it wouldn't hurt to add

and on an unrelated item...
NT installing (Andrew Hooper).  I'll add him to the FAQ.
A lot of this could be handled by a Q&A install script, I'd think.

The 'manual populated' tables -- could we add a geek (ok, sysadmin/tech
admin) section to the intranet area, to create some ease of use here or
something?  This seems to be a discontent issue

The scripts are in CVS area (/admin/ directories) (note they work fine only if you launch updatedatabase2.pl which I've just commited today). When ppl here will have validated them, I just will have to add a link to the bottom line of the intranet.

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