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[Koha-devel] CVS: koha koha.t,NONE,1.1 testKoha.pl,NONE,1.1 insertdata.p
From: |
Pat Eyler |
Subject: |
[Koha-devel] CVS: koha koha.t,NONE,1.1 testKoha.pl,NONE,1.1 insertdata.pl,1.5,1.6 loadmodules.pl,1.1,1.2 memberentry.pl,1.4,1.5 modbibitem.pl,1.3,1.4 moredetail.pl,1.3,1.4 moremember.pl,1.9,1.10 request.pl,,1.2 search.pl,1.5,1.6 |
Date: |
Mon Apr 8 16:45:04 2002 |
Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv12125
Modified Files:
insertdata.pl loadmodules.pl memberentry.pl modbibitem.pl
moredetail.pl moremember.pl request.pl search.pl
Added Files:
koha.t testKoha.pl
Log Message:
refactored slashifyDate function out of inline code, created C4/Koha.pm
to hold it and wrote tests for it, started marking other places for
potential refactoring.
--- NEW FILE ---
BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..2\n"; }
END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
use C4::Koha;
$loaded = 1;
print "ok 1\n";
$date = "01/01/2002";
$newdate = &slashifyDate("2002-01-01");
if ($date eq $newdate) {
print "ok 2\n";
} else {
print "not ok 2\n";
--- NEW FILE ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Test::Harness;
runtests 'koha.t';
Index: insertdata.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/insertdata.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -r1.5 -r1.6
*** insertdata.pl 8 Apr 2002 22:47:18 -0000 1.5
--- insertdata.pl 8 Apr 2002 23:44:43 -0000 1.6
*** 41,47 ****
! guarantor='$data{'guarantor'}'
where borrowernumber=$data{'borrowernumber'}";
# print $query;
--- 41,46 ----
where borrowernumber=$data{'borrowernumber'}";
# print $query;
*** 55,60 ****
! initials,ethnicity,textmessaging)
! values ('$data{'title'}','$data{'expiry'}','$data{'cardnumber'}',
--- 54,58 ----
! initials,ethnicity,borrowernumber) values
*** 62,66 ****
! '$data{'ethnicity'}','$data{'textmessaging'}')";
# ok if its an adult (type) it may have borrowers that depend on it as a
--- 60,64 ----
! '$data{'ethnicity'}','$data{'borrowernumber'}')";
# ok if its an adult (type) it may have borrowers that depend on it as a
*** 72,75 ****
--- 70,77 ----
my ($count,$guarantees)=findguarantees($data{'borrowernumber'});
for (my $i=0;$i<$count;$i++){
+ # It looks like the $i is only being returned to handle walking through
+ # the array, which is probably better done as a foreach loop.
+ #
my $guaquery="update borrowers set
Index: loadmodules.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/loadmodules.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1 -r1.2
*** loadmodules.pl 5 Feb 2001 18:48:15 -0000 1.1
--- loadmodules.pl 8 Apr 2002 23:44:43 -0000 1.2
*** 19,22 ****
--- 19,26 ----
sub acquisitions {
+ # instead of getting a hash, then reading/writing to it at least twice
+ # and up to four times, maybe this should be a different function -
+ # areAquisitionsSimple() which returns a boolean
my %systemprefs=systemprefs();
($systemprefs{'acquisitions'}) || ($systemprefs{'acquisitions'}='normal');
Index: memberentry.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/memberentry.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -r1.4 -r1.5
*** memberentry.pl 5 Jul 2001 21:37:15 -0000 1.4
--- memberentry.pl 8 Apr 2002 23:44:43 -0000 1.5
*** 46,50 ****
my $cardnumber=$data->{'cardnumber'};
! my %systemprefs=systemprefs();
if ($cardnumber eq '' && $systemprefs{'autoMemberNum'} eq '1') {
my $dbh=C4Connect;
--- 46,54 ----
my $cardnumber=$data->{'cardnumber'};
! my %sysemprefs=systemprefs();
! # This logic should probably be moved out of the presentation code.
! # Not tonight though.
! #
if ($cardnumber eq '' && $systemprefs{'autoMemberNum'} eq '1') {
my $dbh=C4Connect;
Index: modbibitem.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/modbibitem.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -r1.3 -r1.4
*** modbibitem.pl 10 Oct 2001 19:26:14 -0000 1.3
--- modbibitem.pl 8 Apr 2002 23:44:43 -0000 1.4
*** 9,14 ****
use C4::Search;
- use CGI;
use C4::Output;
my $input = new CGI;
--- 9,16 ----
use C4::Search;
use C4::Output;
+ use C4::Koha;
+ use CGI;
my $input = new CGI;
*** 153,158 ****
my address@hidden;
for (my $i=0;$i<$count;$i++){
! my @temp=split('-',$items[$i]->{'datelastseen'});
! $items[$i]->{'datelastseen'}="$temp[2]/$temp[1]/$temp[0]";
print <<printend
<tr valign=top gcolor=#ffffcc>
--- 155,159 ----
my address@hidden;
for (my $i=0;$i<$count;$i++){
! $items[$i]->{'datelastseen'} = slashifyDate($items[$i]->{'datelastseen'});
print <<printend
<tr valign=top gcolor=#ffffcc>
Index: moredetail.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/moredetail.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -r1.3 -r1.4
*** moredetail.pl 10 Sep 2001 23:37:09 -0000 1.3
--- moredetail.pl 8 Apr 2002 23:44:43 -0000 1.4
*** 7,14 ****
#use DBI;
use C4::Search;
! use CGI;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Acquisitions;
my $input = new CGI;
print $input->header;
--- 7,15 ----
#use DBI;
use C4::Search;
! use C4::Koha;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Acquisitions;
+ use CGI;
my $input = new CGI;
print $input->header;
*** 131,142 ****
$items[$i]->{'withdrawn'}=~ s/1/Yes/;
my $year=substr($items[$i]->{'timestamp0'},0,4);
my $mon=substr($items[$i]->{'timestamp0'},4,2);
my $day=substr($items[$i]->{'timestamp0'},6,2);
! my @temp=split('-',$items[$i]->{'dateaccessioned'});
! $items[$i]->{'dateaccessioned'}="$temp[2]/$temp[1]/$temp[0]";
! @temp=split('-',$items[$i]->{'datelastseen'});
! $items[$i]->{'datelastseen'}="$temp[2]/$temp[1]/$temp[0]";
print <<printend
<FONT SIZE=2 face="arial, helvetica">
--- 132,144 ----
$items[$i]->{'withdrawn'}=~ s/1/Yes/;
my $year=substr($items[$i]->{'timestamp0'},0,4);
my $mon=substr($items[$i]->{'timestamp0'},4,2);
my $day=substr($items[$i]->{'timestamp0'},6,2);
! $items[$i]->{'dateaccessioned'} =
! $items[$i]->{'datelastseen'} = slashifyDate($items[$i]->{'datelastseen'});
print <<printend
<FONT SIZE=2 face="arial, helvetica">
Index: moremember.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/moremember.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -r1.9 -r1.10
*** moremember.pl 13 Mar 2002 03:26:43 -0000 1.9
--- moremember.pl 8 Apr 2002 23:44:43 -0000 1.10
*** 16,23 ****
--- 16,30 ----
use C4::Circulation::Renewals2;
use C4::Circulation::Circ2;
+ use C4::Koha;
my $input = new CGI;
my $bornum=$input->param('bornum');
+ # this hash is never assigned, though it is used (as a placeholder?)
+ #
my %env;
print $input->header;
#start the page and read in includes
*** 25,34 ****
print startmenu('member');
my $data=borrdata('',$bornum);
! my @temp=split('-',$data->{'dateenrolled'});
! $data->{'dateenrolled'}="$temp[2]/$temp[1]/$temp[0]";
! @temp=split('-',$data->{'expiry'});
! $data->{'expiry'}="$temp[2]/$temp[1]/$temp[0]";
! @temp=split('-',$data->{'dateofbirth'});
! $data->{'dateofbirth'}="$temp[2]/$temp[1]/$temp[0]";
if ($data->{'ethnicity'} eq 'maori'){
$data->{'ethnicity'} = 'Maori';
--- 32,57 ----
print startmenu('member');
my $data=borrdata('',$bornum);
! $data->{'dateenrolled'} = slashifyDate($data->{'dateenrolled'});
! $data->{'expiry'} = slashifyDate($data->{'expiry'});
! $data->{'dateofbirth'} = slashifyDate($data->{'dateofbirth'});
! # turn the ethnicity into a function and make it generalizable
! # check these files to see if one convention or the other makes sense
! # boraccount.pl
! # imemberentry.pl
! # jmemberentry.pl
! # mancredit.pl
! # maninvoice.pl
! # member.pl
! # memberentry.pl
! # moremember.pl
! # moremember.pl
! # pay.pl
! # placerequest.pl
! # readingrec.pl
! #
if ($data->{'ethnicity'} eq 'maori'){
$data->{'ethnicity'} = 'Maori';
*** 43,46 ****
--- 66,70 ----
$data->{'ethnicity'} = 'Asian';
print <<printend
<FONT SIZE=6><em>$data->{'firstname'} $data->{'surname'}</em></FONT><P>
*** 98,101 ****
--- 122,129 ----
if ($data->{'categorycode'} ne 'C'){
print " Guarantees:";
+ # It looks like the $i is only being returned to handle walking through
+ # the array, which is probably better done as a foreach loop.
+ #
my ($count,$guarantees)=findguarantees($data->{'borrowernumber'});
for (my $i=0;$i<$count;$i++){
*** 138,141 ****
--- 166,175 ----
my %bor;
+ # it looks like $numaccts is a temp variable and that the
+ # for (my $i;$i<$numaccts;$i+++)
+ # can be turned into a foreach loop instead
+ #
my ($numaccts,$accts,$total)=getboracctrecord('',\%bor);
#if ($numaccts > 10){
*** 149,154 ****
print "<tr VALIGN=TOP >";
my $item=" ";
! @temp=split('-',$accts->[$i]{'date'});
! $accts->[$i]{'date'}="$temp[2]/$temp[1]/$temp[0]";
if ($accts->[$i]{'accounttype'} ne 'Res'){
#get item data
--- 183,189 ----
print "<tr VALIGN=TOP >";
my $item=" ";
! $accts->[$i]{'date'} = slashifyDate($accts->[$i]{'date'});
if ($accts->[$i]{'accounttype'} ne 'Res'){
#get item data
*** 158,161 ****
--- 193,200 ----
# print "<TD>$accts->[$i]{'accounttype'}</td>";
print "<TD>";
+ # why set this variable if it's not going to be used?
+ #
my $env;
if ($accts->[$i]{'accounttype'} ne 'Res'){
*** 207,212 ****
my $datedue=ParseDate($issue->[$i]{'date_due'});
! @temp=split('-',$issue->[$i]{'date_due'});
! $issue->[$i]{'date_due'}="$temp[2]/$temp[1]/$temp[0]";
if ($datedue < $today){
print "<font color=red>";
--- 246,252 ----
my $datedue=ParseDate($issue->[$i]{'date_due'});
! $issue->[$i]{'date_due'} = slashifyDate($issue->[$i]{'date_due'});
if ($datedue < $today){
print "<font color=red>";
*** 277,284 ****
my ($rescount,$reserves)=FindReserves('',$bornum); #From C4::Reserves2
for (my $i=0;$i<$rescount;$i++){
! @temp=split('-',$reserves->[$i]{'reservedate'});
! $reserves->[$i]{'reservedate'}="$temp[2]/$temp[1]/$temp[0]";
print "<tr VALIGN=TOP >
--- 317,330 ----
my ($rescount,$reserves)=FindReserves('',$bornum); #From C4::Reserves2
+ # does it make sense to turn this into a foreach my $i (0..$rescount)
+ # kind of loop?
+ #
for (my $i=0;$i<$rescount;$i++){
! $reserves->[$i]{'reservedate'} =
print "<tr VALIGN=TOP >
*** 311,312 ****
--- 357,360 ----
print endmenu('member');
print endpage();
Index: request.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/request.pl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
*** request.pl 19 Dec 2000 23:45:53 -0000
--- request.pl 8 Apr 2002 23:44:43 -0000 1.2
*** 7,14 ****
#use DBI;
use C4::Search;
- use CGI;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Reserves2;
use C4::Acquisitions;
my $input = new CGI;
print $input->header;
--- 7,16 ----
#use DBI;
use C4::Search;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Reserves2;
use C4::Acquisitions;
+ use C4::Koha;
+ use CGI;
my $input = new CGI;
print $input->header;
*** 160,165 ****
#$bor=~ s/ /%20/g;
my $bor=$reserves->[$i]{'borrowernumber'};
! my @temp=split('-',$reserves->[$i]{'reservedate'});
! $date="$temp[2]/$temp[1]/$temp[0]";
my $type=$reserves->[$i]{'constrainttype'};
#print "test";
--- 162,167 ----
#$bor=~ s/ /%20/g;
my $bor=$reserves->[$i]{'borrowernumber'};
! $date = slashifyDate($reserves->[$i]{'reservedate'});
my $type=$reserves->[$i]{'constrainttype'};
#print "test";
Index: search.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/search.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -r1.5 -r1.6
*** search.pl 13 Mar 2002 07:46:43 -0000 1.5
--- search.pl 8 Apr 2002 23:44:43 -0000 1.6
*** 11,29 ****
print $input->header;
#print $input->dump;
! #whether it is called from the opac of the intranet
! my $type=$input->param('type');
! if ($type eq ''){
$type = 'intra';
my $ttype=$input->param('ttype');
! #setup colours
! my $main;
! my $secondary;
! if ($type eq 'opac'){
! } else {
! $main='#cccc99';
! $secondary='#ffffcc';
--- 11,32 ----
print $input->header;
#print $input->dump;
! #whether it is called from the opac or the intranet
! my $type=$input->param('type');if ($type eq ''){
$type = 'intra';
my $ttype=$input->param('ttype');
! #setup colours
! my $main;
! my $secondary;
! if ($type eq 'opac'){
! } else {
! $main='#cccc99';
! $secondary='#ffffcc';
*** 31,59 ****
--- 34,76 ----
my $blah;
my %search;
#build hash of users input
my $title=validate($input->param('title'));
my $keyword=validate($input->param('keyword'));
my $author=validate($input->param('author'));
my $illustrator=validate($input->param('illustrator'));
my $subject=validate($input->param('subject'));
my $itemnumber=validate($input->param('item'));
my $isbn=validate($input->param('isbn'));
my $datebefore=validate($input->param('date-before'));
my $class=$input->param('class');
my $dewey=validate($input->param('dewey'));
my $branch=validate($input->param('branch'));
my @results;
my $offset=$input->param('offset');
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- [Koha-devel] CVS: koha koha.t,NONE,1.1 testKoha.pl,NONE,1.1 insertdata.pl,1.5,1.6 loadmodules.pl,1.1,1.2 memberentry.pl,1.4,1.5 modbibitem.pl,1.3,1.4 moredetail.pl,1.3,1.4 moremember.pl,1.9,1.10 request.pl,,1.2 search.pl,1.5,1.6,
Pat Eyler <=
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[Koha-devel] CVS: koha/C4 Koha.pm,NONE,1.1 Output.pm,1.4,1.5
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[Koha-devel] CVS: koha insertdata.pl,1.6,1.7
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[Koha-devel] CVS: koha/C4 Koha.pm,NONE,1.1 Output.pm,1.4,1.5
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[Koha-devel] CVS: koha insertdata.pl,1.6,1.7
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