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[Koha-devel] CVS: koha bookcount.pl,NONE,1.1 moredetail.pl,1.4,1.5

From: Finlay Thompson
Subject: [Koha-devel] CVS: koha bookcount.pl,NONE,1.1 moredetail.pl,1.4,1.5
Date: Wed May 1 17:09:16 2002

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv15441

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:

moredetail.pl presents circulation information taken from the
branchtransfers table

Circ2.pm has been changed a little

admin/branches.pl alows branches to be added, edited and deleted.

updatedatabase needs more fixing

--- NEW FILE ---

#written 7/3/2002 by Finlay
#script to display reports

use strict;
use CGI;
use C4::Search;
use C4::Circulation::Circ2;
use C4::Output;

# get all the data ....
my %env;
my $main='#cccc99';
my $secondary='#ffffcc';

my $input = new CGI;
my $itm = $input->param('itm');
my $bi = $input->param('bi');
my $bib = $input->param('bib');
my $branches = getbranches(\%env);

my $idata = itemdatanum($itm);
my $data = bibitemdata($bi);

my $homebranch = $branches->{$idata->{'homebranch'}}->{'branchname'};
my $holdingbranch = $branches->{$idata->{'holdingbranch'}}->{'branchname'};

my ($lastmove, $message) = lastmove($itm);

my $lastdate;
my $count;
if (not $lastmove) {
    $lastdate = $message;
    $count = issuessince($itm , 0);
} else {
    $lastdate = $lastmove->{'datearrived'};
    $count = issuessince($itm ,$lastdate);

# make the page ... 
print $input->header;

print startpage;
print startmenu('report');
print center;

print <<"EOF";
<FONT SIZE=6><em><a 
<img src="/images/holder.gif" width=16 height=200 align=left>
<TABLE  CELLSPACING=0  CELLPADDING=5 border=1 width=440 >
  <TR VALIGN=TOP><td  bgcolor="99cc33" background="/images/background-mem.gif">
  <B>BARCODE $idata->{'barcode'}</b></TD>
<TD width=440 >

<b>Home Branch: </b> $homebranch <br>
<b>Current Branch: </b> $holdingbranch<br>
<b>Date arrived at current branch: </b> $lastdate <br>
<b>Number of issues since since the above date :</b> $count <br>

<table cellspacing =0 cellpadding=5 border=1 width = 440>
<TR><TD > <b>Branch</b></td>  <TD >   <b>No. of Issues</b></td>   <td><b>Last 
seen at branch</b></td></TR>

foreach my $branchcode (keys %$branches) {
    my $issues = issuesat($itm, $branchcode);
    my $date = lastseenat($itm, $branchcode);
    my $seen = slashdate($date);
    print << "EOF";
<TR><TD > <b>$branches->{$branchcode}->{'branchname'}</b></td>
<TD >    <b> $issues </b></td>             <td><b> $seen</b></td></TR>
print <<"EOF";


print endmenu('report');
print endpage;

# This stuff should probably go into C4::Search
# database includes
use DBI;
use C4::Database;

sub itemdatanum {
    my ($itemnumber)address@hidden;
    my $dbh=C4Connect;
    my $itm = $dbh->quote("$itemnumber");
    my $query = "select * from items where itemnumber=$itm";
    my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
    my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;

sub lastmove {
      my ($itemnumber)address@hidden;
      my $dbh=C4Connect;
      my $var1 = $dbh->quote($itemnumber);
      my $sth =$dbh->prepare("select max(branchtransfers.datearrived) from 
branchtransfers where branchtransfers.itemnumber=$var1");
      my ($date) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
      return(0, "Item has no branch transfers record") if not $date;
      my $var2 = $dbh->quote($date);      
      $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from branchtransfers where 
branchtransfers.itemnumber=$var1 and branchtransfers.datearrived=$var2");
      my ($data) = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
      return(0, "Item has no branch transfers record") if not $data;

sub issuessince {
      my ($itemnumber, $date)address@hidden;
      my $dbh=C4Connect;
      my $itm = $dbh->quote($itemnumber);
      my $dat = $dbh->quote($date);
      my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select count(*) from issues where 
issues.itemnumber=$itm and issues.timestamp > $dat");
      my $count=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;

sub issuesat {
      my ($itemnumber, $brcd)address@hidden;
      my $dbh=C4Connect;
      my $itm = $dbh->quote($itemnumber);
      my $brc = $dbh->quote($brcd);
      my $query = "Select count(*) from issues where itemnumber=$itm and 
branchcode = $brc";
      my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
      my ($count)=$sth->fetchrow_array;

sub lastseenat {
      my ($itemnumber, $brcd)address@hidden;
      my $dbh=C4Connect;
      my $itm = $dbh->quote($itemnumber);
      my $brc = $dbh->quote($brcd);
      my $query = "Select max(timestamp) from issues where itemnumber=$itm and 
branchcode = $brc";
      my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
      my ($date1)=$sth->fetchrow_array;
      $query = "Select max(datearrived) from branchtransfers where 
itemnumber=$itm and tobranch = $brc";
      my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
      my ($date2)=$sth->fetchrow_array;
      $date2 =~ s/-//g;
      $date2 =~ s/://g;
      $date2 =~ s/ //g;
      my $date;
      if ($date1 < $date2) {
          $date = $date2;
      } else {
          $date = $date1;

# write date....
sub slashdate {
    my ($date) = @_;
    if (not $date) {
        return "never";
    my ($yr, $mo, $da, $hr, $mi) = (substr($date, 0, 4), substr($date, 4, 2), 
substr($date, 6, 2), substr($date, 8, 2), substr($date, 10, 2));
    return "$hr:$mi  $da/$mo/$yr";

Index: moredetail.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/moredetail.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -r1.4 -r1.5
*** moredetail.pl       8 Apr 2002 23:44:43 -0000       1.4
--- moredetail.pl       2 May 2002 00:08:53 -0000       1.5
*** 172,176 ****
  print <<printend
  <b>Cancelled: $items[$i]->{'wthdrawn'}<br>
! <b>Total Issues:</b> $items[$i]->{'issues'}<br>
  <b>Group Number:</b> $bi <br>
  <b>Biblio number:</b> $bib <br>
--- 172,176 ----
  print <<printend
  <b>Cancelled: $items[$i]->{'wthdrawn'}<br>
! <b><a 
 Issues:</a></b> $items[$i]->{'issues'}<br>
  <b>Group Number:</b> $bi <br>
  <b>Biblio number:</b> $bib <br>

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