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[Koha-devel] CVS: koha detail.pl,1.3,1.4

From: Gynn Lomax
Subject: [Koha-devel] CVS: koha detail.pl,1.3,1.4
Date: Thu May 2 19:48:25 2002

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv25277

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Bug fixes to get the new acqui.simple system working.

Index: detail.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/detail.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -r1.3 -r1.4
*** detail.pl   15 Mar 2001 10:17:33 -0000      1.3
--- detail.pl   3 May 2002 02:47:33 -0000       1.4
*** 5,9 ****
  use strict;
- #use DBI;
  use C4::Search;
  use CGI;
--- 5,8 ----
*** 11,53 ****
  my $input = new CGI;
! print $input->header;
! #whether it is called from the opac of the intranet
! my $type=$input->param('type');
! if ($type eq ''){
!   $type='intra';
! }
! #setup colours
  my $main;
  my $secondary;
  if ($type eq 'opac'){
!   $main='#99cccc';
!   $secondary='#efe5ef';
  } else {
!   $main='#cccc99';
!   $secondary='#ffffcc';
! }
  print startpage();
  print startmenu($type);
- #print $type;
- my $blah;
- my $bib=$input->param('bib');
- my $title=$input->param('title');
- if ($type ne 'opac'){
-   print "<a href=request.pl?bib=$bib><img height=42  WIDTH=120 BORDER=0 
src=\"/images/requests.gif\" align=right border=0></a>";
- }
- my @items=ItemInfo(\$blah,$bib,$type);
- my $dat=bibdata($bib);
- my address@hidden;
- my ($count3,$addauthor)=addauthor($bib);
- my $additional=$addauthor->[0]->{'author'};                                   
- for (my $i=1;$i<$count3;$i++){                                                
-   $additional=$additional."|".$addauthor->[$i]->{'author'};                   
- }  
- my @temp=split('\t',$items[0]);
  if ($type eq 'catmain'){
    print mkheadr(3,"Catalogue Maintenance");
! }
  if ($dat->{'author'} ne ''){
    print mkheadr(3,"$dat->{'title'} ($dat->{'author'}) $temp[4]");
--- 10,56 ----
  my $input = new CGI;
! my $type  = $input->param('type');
! my $bib   = $input->param('bib');
! my $title = $input->param('title');
! my @items = &ItemInfo(undef, $bib, $type);
! my $dat   = &bibdata($bib);
! my $count = @items;
! my ($count3, $addauthor) = &addauthor($bib);
! my $additional = $addauthor->[0]->{'author'};
! my @temp       = split('\t', $items[0]);
  my $main;
  my $secondary;
+ if ($type eq ''){
+     $type = 'opac';
+ } # if
+ # setup colours
  if ($type eq 'opac'){
!     $main      = '#99cccc';
!     $secondary = '#efe5ef';
  } else {
!     $main      = '#cccc99';
!     $secondary = '#ffffcc';
! } # else
! print $input->header;
  print startpage();
  print startmenu($type);
+ if ($type ne 'opac'){
+     print << "EOF";
+ <a href=request.pl?bib=$bib><img height=42  WIDTH=120 BORDER=0 
src=\"/images/requests.gif\" align=right border=0></a>
+ } # if
+ for (my $i = 1; $i < $count3; $i++) {
+     $additional .= "|" . $addauthor->[$i]->{'author'};
+ } # for
  if ($type eq 'catmain'){
    print mkheadr(3,"Catalogue Maintenance");
! } # if
  if ($dat->{'author'} ne ''){
    print mkheadr(3,"$dat->{'title'} ($dat->{'author'}) $temp[4]");
*** 55,59 ****
    print mkheadr(3,"$dat->{'title'} $temp[4]");
! print <<printend
  <TABLE  CELLSPACING=0  CELLPADDING=5 border=1 align=left width="220">
--- 58,62 ----
    print mkheadr(3,"$dat->{'title'} $temp[4]");
! print << "EOF";
  <TABLE  CELLSPACING=0  CELLPADDING=5 border=1 align=left width="220">
*** 67,83 ****
  <td  bgcolor="$main" 
! printend
! ;
  if ($type ne 'opac'){
   print "background=\"/images/background-mem.gif\"";
! print <<printend
! printend
! ;
  if ($type ne 'opac'){
    print "$bib";
! print <<printend
--- 70,86 ----
  <td  bgcolor="$main" 
  if ($type ne 'opac'){
   print "background=\"/images/background-mem.gif\"";
! print << "EOF";
  if ($type ne 'opac'){
    print "$bib";
! print << "EOF";
*** 85,103 ****
  <tr VALIGN=TOP  >
! printend
! ;
  if ($type ne 'opac'){
    print "<INPUT TYPE=\"image\" name=\"submit\"  VALUE=\"modify\" height=42  
WIDTH=93 BORDER=0 src=\"/images/modify-mem.gif\"> 
    <INPUT TYPE=\"image\" name=\"delete\"  VALUE=\"delete\" height=42  WIDTH=93 
BORDER=0 src=\"/images/delete-mem.gif\">";
! print <<printend
  <FONT SIZE=2  face="arial, helvetica">
! printend
! ;
  if ($type ne 'opac'){
! print <<printend
  <b>Subtitle:</b> $dat->{'subtitle'}<br>
  <b>Author:</b> $dat->{'author'}<br>
--- 88,105 ----
  <tr VALIGN=TOP  >
  if ($type ne 'opac'){
    print "<INPUT TYPE=\"image\" name=\"submit\"  VALUE=\"modify\" height=42  
WIDTH=93 BORDER=0 src=\"/images/modify-mem.gif\"> 
    <INPUT TYPE=\"image\" name=\"delete\"  VALUE=\"delete\" height=42  WIDTH=93 
BORDER=0 src=\"/images/delete-mem.gif\">";
! print << "EOF";
  <FONT SIZE=2  face="arial, helvetica">
  if ($type ne 'opac'){
! print << "EOF";
  <b>Subtitle:</b> $dat->{'subtitle'}<br>
  <b>Author:</b> $dat->{'author'}<br>
*** 113,118 ****
  <b>Total Number of Items:</b> $count
! printend
! ;
  else {
--- 115,120 ----
  <b>Total Number of Items:</b> $count
  else {
*** 149,153 ****
! print <<printend
--- 151,155 ----
! print << "EOF";
*** 156,165 ****
  <img src="/images/holder.gif" width=16 height=300 align=left>
! printend
! ;
! #print @items;
  my $i=0;
--- 158,162 ----
  <img src="/images/holder.gif" width=16 height=300 align=left>
  my $i=0;
*** 174,179 ****
  my $colour=1;
  while ($i < $count){
! #  print $items[$i],"<br>";
!   my @results=split('\t',$items[$i]);
    if ($type ne 'opac'){
--- 171,176 ----
  my $colour=1;
  while ($i < $count){
!   my @results = split('\t', $items[$i]);
    if ($type ne 'opac'){
*** 217,229 ****
  print mktablehdr();
  if ($type ne 'opac'){
! print <<printend
  <TD  bgcolor="99cc33" background="/images/background-mem.gif" 
  <b>Update Biblio for all Items:</b> Click on the <b>Modify</b> button [left] 
to amend the biblio.  Any changes you make will update the record for 
<b>all</b> the items listed above. <p>
  <b>Updating the Biblio for only ONE or SOME Items:</b> 
! printend
! ;
  if ($type eq 'catmain'){
! print <<printend
  If some of the items listed above need a different biblio, 
  you need to click on the wrong item, then shift the group it belongs to, to 
the correct biblio.
--- 214,226 ----
  print mktablehdr();
  if ($type ne 'opac'){
! print << "EOF";
  <TD  bgcolor="99cc33" background="/images/background-mem.gif" 
  <b>Update Biblio for all Items:</b> Click on the <b>Modify</b> button [left] 
to amend the biblio.  Any changes you make will update the record for 
<b>all</b> the items listed above. <p>
  <b>Updating the Biblio for only ONE or SOME Items:</b> 
  if ($type eq 'catmain'){
! print << "EOF";
  If some of the items listed above need a different biblio, 
  you need to click on the wrong item, then shift the group it belongs to, to 
the correct biblio.
*** 232,245 ****
! printend
! ;
  } else {
! print <<printend
  If some of the items listed above need a different biblio, or are on the 
wrong biblio, you must use the <a href="acquisitions/">acquisitions</a> process 
to fix this. You will need to "re-order" the items, and delete them from this 
! printend
! ;
--- 229,242 ----
  } else {
! print << "EOF";
  If some of the items listed above need a different biblio, or are on the 
wrong biblio, you must use the <a href="acquisitions/">acquisitions</a> process 
to fix this. You will need to "re-order" the items, and delete them from this 

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