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Re: Re[2]: [Koha-devel] IRC meet, anyone?

From: Pat Eyler
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [Koha-devel] IRC meet, anyone?
Date: Wed May 8 06:10:02 2002

On Wed, 8 May 2002, Sergey A Yanovitsky wrote:

> Hello Pat,
Hi Sergey,

> Tuesday, May 07, 2002, 11:30:22 PM, you wrote:
> PE> On Tue, 7 May 2002, Nicholas Rosasco wrote:
> PE> I'm up for it. Thursday evening works for me, though it might not work for
> PE> everyone.  I'm not sure where everyone is timezone wise, but here's a
> PE> quick table (I hope I have everyone right):
> PE> Me:      0100  1100  1400  1600  1800  2100
> PE> Mike:    0400  1400  1700  1900  2100  0000
> PE>  GMT     0900  1900  2200  0000  0200  0500
> PE> Paul:    1100  2100  0000  0200  0400  0700
> PE> Sergey:  1200  2200  0100  0300  0500  0800
> PE> Katipo:  2100  0700  1000  1200  1400  1700
> PE> All AM times (except for the first column and the 1100 for me) would be
> PE> Friday.  It looks like someone will have to cope with ugly hours.  I'm
> PE> willing to make any of these, shall we vote?  (Do we need to make any
> PE> corrections before we do?)
> Actually I'm on +2, not +3 :) So right times for me are:
>  GMT     0900  1900  2200  0000  0200  0500
> Sergey:  1100  2100  0000  0200  0400  0700

Chalk up another goof for me.  Sorry.

> PE> Are there any non-developers that should be invited?  At some point, I'd
> PE> like to hear what librarians (US, NZ, and Euro) have to say about what
> PE> they'd like to see Koha do.
> Dunno..   There are not much unixoids here :( Especially the ones that
> do something to libraries. :(

too bad.  maybe we can set up a windows irc client and help them through
something once they're ready to contribute to discussions like this.  ;)


> [skip]

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