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[Koha-devel] about cvs usage

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] about cvs usage
Date: Thu May 16 01:20:04 2002
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Chris Cormack wrote:
On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 03:27, paul POULAIN wrote:
Yesterday I asked for the structure of the websites table. I still have 
no answers.

The websites table is in the database.mysql file in cvs Paul.
Its in the main branch, not the rel-1-2 branch, since this new code gynn
has been working on is not destined for 1.2.

Revision 1.7 is where the update occured.
If you take a look at

You'll see it there. I think you have been looking at the rel-1-2 branch
database.mysql file ... Which in theory shouldnt have any of the new
stuff like marc, websites etc in it yet.

Today, I will ask for the  "uploadedmarc" table structure (in acqui.simple).

PLEASE, when you update you local mysql-DB, don't forget cvs ignore it,
so update database.mysql immediatly, so I will be able to do the changes
I've searched "uploadedmarc" table everywhere and could'nt find it ;-(((

Im not sure about these other tables, but we do need to make sure we are
working on the correct branch. So that we dont miss things. Or commit
changes to places we dont want them.

It seems i've problems with cvs...
so, what I do :
* if i want to work on rel_1_2 branch :
# cvs -z3 -b rel_1_2 -d:ext:address@hidden:/cvsroot/koha co koha
It update my local files to "rel_1_2" status.
Then I work.
Then I do
# cvs commit file_modified
It commits file_modified to the rel_1_2 branch.

* if i want to work on main branch (development one), i do :
# cvs -z3 -d:ext:address@hidden:/cvsroot/koha co koha
It updates my local files to main branch.
Then I work.
Then I do
# cvs commit file_modified
It commits file_modified to main branch.

I just tried to do it on main branch, and it does nothing... So I think i'm doing something wrong, but what ?

Question for bugfixes : if i du a small bugfix that affect 1_2 branch as well as main one, how do i commit the change in both ? or maybe i just have to correct in 1_2 branch and we have a method to copy it to the main one after.

Question 2 : how to avoid having to type my "# address@hidden's password:" 50 times a day ?

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