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Re: [Koha-devel] coding practices

From: Chris Cormack
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] coding practices
Date: Thu May 16 03:03:05 2002

On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 19:50, paul POULAIN wrote:
> I will try to build a page with "coding practices" for koha on the wiki.
> It will contain Alan proposal about perl/mysql proposals (use of ? where 
> it causes no read-havoc. For example, in a prepare("select x,y,z from 
> table where param=?"). In this case, it's undoubtfully more readable.
This sounds like a great idea Paul.

And I agree with your response to Alan, his post was well thought out
and well written and in no way inflammatory.
Its always good to hear how others would do things. Thats how we learn.

> I also want to ask about an eternal question :
> Do we use tab or space for indenting our programs ?
> I prefer tabs. For instance, soft is indented sometimes with spaces, 
> sometimes with tabs, which makes them not easily readables.
> what's your opinion ?

Hmm I use whatever emacs indents them as :)
Im of no fixed opinion either way, but if people can put forward a case
for a standard, ill stick to it :)


Chris Cormack                                      address@hidden
Programmer                                                025 500 579
Katipo Communications                                www.katipo.co.nz

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