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Re: [Koha-devel] Nominations etc etc

From: Chris Cormack
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Nominations etc etc
Date: Sun May 19 23:03:02 2002

On Mon, 2002-05-20 at 17:56, Rachel Hamilton-Williams wrote:
> Howdy,
> so how are we getting on for nominations to the key post of Koha Dictator.
> Pat - Con's - probably busy, Pro's - not an active developer, seems fairly 
> organised (if you can judge these things off a few e-mails), not a Katipo 
> person, so better "neutrality" and sense of Koha moving beyond being a 
> Katipo project.

Hmm, Pat does do development work on koha, but i wouldnt count that as a
con, so perhaps Pro: Active developer. :)


> Roger - Con's, Probably busy (well who isn't :-); Pro's - documents stuff for 
> techys (install file etc), so knows Koha well but isn't actually a developer, 
> not 
> a Katipo person, so better "neutrality" and sense of Koha moving beyond 
> being a Katipo project, has been "point man" on the koha list helping people 
> with their install probs, in touch with novice uses.
Roger has done a bit of hacking on koha to get it working the way he
wants it to. Im not sure whether he wants to be counted an active
developer or not tho :)

> Roger again sorry - you do such a lot and I know so little but please 
> embelish.
> Anyone else - sorry I don't know everyone that well - so "proper" pro and con 
> statements would be a great addition, and anyone else keen to throw their 
> hat in would be welcome I'm sure.
> I haven't nominated anyone who's actually working on the code (I think). It 
> seems too much for someone to work on the code and be the dictator and 
> hold down a day job IMHO.  
Probably a fair call.


Chris Cormack                                      address@hidden
Programmer                                                025 500 579
Katipo Communications                                www.katipo.co.nz

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