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Re: [Koha-devel] about C4Connect

From: Pat Eyler
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] about C4Connect
Date: Tue Jun 11 13:34:03 2002

On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, Alan Millar wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 11, 2002 at 09:16:53AM -0400, Nicholas Rosasco wrote:
> > > One solution (at least on the high end) is to use mod_perl and Apache::DBI
> > > to intercept the connect and disconnect calls and use an existing pool of
> > > connections instead.
> >
> > Careful:  mod_perl+apache leads to two things needing to be done....
> > (a) we sacrifice the (at least theoretical) ability to be truly
> > webserver-app-choice independent (Bigger question:  How important is that
> > independence)
> In my opinion, fairly important.  Even someone who commits to working with 
> only
> one method of a solution, and "doesn't care" about being portable, eventually
> will find out that they've worked themselves into a corner when an upgraded
> and/or altered version of their one solution comes out and they have to 
> retrofit.
> Abstraction is a Good Thing.
> I've never used mod_perl.  Is there a way we can be "mod_perl friendly"
> and still work just fine with the current CGI methods?

Yes, there is ...  it's using Apache::Registry to run the scripts (which
makes them rather like a plain CGI only faster.  It does however preload
the scripts into the Apache server -- so that we have to be more careful
when writing code (silly things like not closing filehandles or
having global variables all over the place) which a straight CGI script
won't flinch at will cause problems when run in the stricter environment
of Apache::Registry (using diagnostics and strict pragmas will get you 99%
of the way to mod_perl safety).

Using Apache::DBI is something that we can do without changing the
scripts (accept as noted above).  It will intercept the DBI connect and
disonnects and replace them with connections to a pool of existing

> Perhaps the abstraction can take place within C4Connect, which could
> accomodate for the type of environment present.  I still think the handle
> should be passed to individual subroutines, though.

Even if we do decide to let bigger users go the Apache::DBI route
minimizing the number of connect/disconnect calls we use would be a good
thing.   I think passing a handle within a module makes a lot of sense.


> - Alan
> ----
> Alan Millar     --==> address@hidden <==--
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