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Re: [Koha-devel] 1.2 bugs

From: Alan Millar
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] 1.2 bugs
Date: Sun Jun 23 23:03:02 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 09:22:20AM +1200, Chris Cormack wrote:
> > marcimport.pl calls &newbiblio() which doesn't exist outside of Biblio.pm,
> > and Biblio.pm is not included in 1.2.1 or 'use'd in the script.

I don't know when the 1.2.1 snapshot was done, but marcimport.pl
definitely "use"s Biblio.pm as of:

   marcimport.pl        14 Jun 2002 21:20:27 -0000

> > updatebibitem.pl also calls newbiblioitem() which also doesn't appear to
> > exist outside of Biblio.pm.

Same thing there; updatebibitem.pl uses Biblio.pm as of 14 June 2002

> > Biblio.pm _is_ in the CVS rel-1-2 branch, so I'm not sure why it isn't in
> > the tarball.  It's almost like the C4 directory got updated (when
> > newbiblio and newbiblioitem got moved from Acquisitions.pm to Biblio.pm)
> > and the scripts didn't.  That doesn't sound right either, since Biblio.pm
> > is missing.  :)  The 1.2.0 tarball has newbiblio and newbiblioitem
> > routines in Acquisitions.pm.
> I think just a missing cp command. Biblio.pm kinda sneaked into 1.2. 

Yes, that's my fault.  I didn't realize that the tarball creation
is not tied to the branch.  I split out those subroutines, and fixed
the scripts that use them to call Biblio.pm, in prep for the 
synchronization with 1.4.  Paul told me that the logic in 1.4 will
separate the modules on book maintenance itself (newbiblioitem, etc) 
from the larger business process (orders, receiving, etc.)

Chris-  I want to add another module or two to generalize the
Z39.50 handling.  What's the appropriate thing to do besides just
getting it in the CVS branch?  Thanks.

Once again, sorry about the confusion on that one.

- Alan


Alan Millar     --==> address@hidden <==--

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