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[Koha-devel] about IRC meeting

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] about IRC meeting
Date: Thu Jul 11 11:42:02 2002
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr-FR; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020529

I won't be at IRC meeting tonight (4AM for me ;-) ), because i'm ill. I don't think it's important. Hope to be OK tomorrow morning.

I wanted to give some news about the MARC stuff :
* The biblio.pm API is almost done i hope. What's missing is a proper way to manage additionalauthors and additionaltitles. I haven't tested complex combinations of biblio/bibitems/items too. I've done some tests, it seems the "OLD" koha is working still good (tests done with normal and acqui.simple). If you take a look at biblio.pm, you'll see how i've divided the problem in 4 types : old-DB, marc-DB, old-API, marc-API. Note old-API in CVS is supposed to use hashs as parameters, and it's A LOT EASIER for me... * Adding a biblio with the normal acquisition works fine, even in MARC-DB : it adds all what it does (except for addauth and addtit, of course) in the MARC-DB. * In acqui.simple, i've begun to rewrite the marcimport.pl to be compatible with the MARC-DB (structure of marc : it imports MARC-21 as well as UNIMARC, as well as USMARC, you just have to define correctly the parameters tables, and full recording of all MARC datas in the MARC-DB). It seems to work not bad in the ProcessFile part (it shows the "old-DB" fields and the MARC fields almost exactly as the 1.2 version did). I haven't begun to work on DB-add. Note that as i was rewriting the script, i use HTML::Template for outputs i create.

Good meeting anyway for everybody.

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