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[Koha-devel] RE: [Koha] Installation (fwd)

From: Pat Eyler
Subject: [Koha-devel] RE: [Koha] Installation (fwd)
Date: Fri Jul 12 17:41:16 2002

There are also some people (in .au?) that ware working on Koha on Win32.
If you guys would like to compare notes on the koha-devel list, we'd be
glad to have you.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 11:10:44 +1200
From: Andrew Hooper <address@hidden>
To: 'micheas' <address@hidden>, 'Martin Kinyua' <address@hidden>
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: RE: [Koha] Installation

Hi Micheas (and all)

I have been working on a port of Koha onto NT/200/XP for a while now

Progress was delayed while I waited for Koha 1.2 to be released and for
development to generally stabilize. I have been considering starting
work on the project again now and have even been able to allocate a
spare machine for the task.

I will send, as soon as I'm able,  an interim report on my experiences
to-date. I have made some quite good progress. With:

Perl on NT
IIS as the web-server
My-SQL as the database

I have also been tinkering with converting the entire Perl code-base
into ASP and converting the SQL-DDL etc over to SQL-Server - progress is
a little slower in this area. The versions of Perl and Mysql are so
good, that I've been less inclined to tackle this area right now.

(<Win/Advocacy>) I happen to work for Microsoft, but this is entirely a
private project connected with a 5k+ volume Theological Library with my
church. I'm just much more comfortable with the Win32 platform - I did
try on RedHat but found the whole platform (esp Apache etc) so different
that I was wasting a lot of Library/Koha time on purely platform

Please do write with any experience you've already had - I'd be been to
compare notes and start a thread on this topic.

All the best

Andrew Hooper

-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of micheas
Sent: Thursday, 11 July 2002 5:40 p.m.
To: Martin Kinyua
Cc: 'address@hidden'
Subject: Re: [Koha] Installation

On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 23:37, Martin Kinyua wrote:
> Has anyone out there installed KOHA onto windows 98/2000 etc ? Please
let me
> know.

Not that I've heard of.

> Where can I get the installation instructions

I would install:

    A web server. (http://www.apache.org is what I would go with.  You
    will find other users more able to help you.

    MySQL http://www.mysql.com

    CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) http://www.cpan.org )

    Perl http://www.perl.org

    A C compiler.  (Visual C++ is probably your best bet.  but you might
    be able to get gcc and cygwin to work.)

    YAZ http://www.indexdata.dk/yaz/ (This a library that you must
    compile yourself according to the website it has only been tested on
    windows with Visual C++ )

    From CPAN you will need to install:
        DBD::mysql      # or whatever database system you use
        CDK             # Optional
        AuthenDBI       # if you want to use Database based
                        # authentication

        Net::Z3950      # needed for remote MARC record lookup.

> Martin
> _______________________________________________
> Koha mailing list
> address@hidden
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If you don't have a compelling need to use Windows.  Setting up a Debian
or FreeBSD box would be _MUCH_ easier.

The best help you will get is probably from using Debian. (most of the
Developers use it and I use it on my workstation.  Once set up you can
administer the Debian box from any web browser if you install webmin.
If *NIX is uncomfortable to you you can probably find a local Linux
Users Group that would be very happy to help you.)

On the other hand FreeBSD i Known for it's Stability.  6 of the top ten
uptimes listed by netcraft
http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/today/top.avg.html are FreeBSD Servers (It
takes an uptime of almost three years to make the top ten.)


If you decide to try and get Koha running on a Win32 server please let
us know your experience.

Good Luck,


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